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File 130769431820.jpg - (179.49KB , 572x800 , 4c3b213bbd53db614f8c0878e5ef9313.jpg )
4315 No. 4315 [Edit]
What's your favorite lesbian filled anime?

Post edited on 10th Jun 2011, 1:26am
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>> No. 4316 [Edit]
File 130769682221.jpg - (109.49KB , 449x640 , Strawberry_Panic!_315540.jpg )
The end was a bit dissapointing but, otherwise, I remeber it very dearly (if only because it was one of the first anime series I ever enjoyed as a mature mothefucker craving for consolation through girly stuff shut-in otaku). Art was good, music was superb...

Another one not really filled with lesbians (as a pink ghetto) but also very enjoyable shoujo-ai, was Aoi Hana.
>> No. 4318 [Edit]
>lesbian filled anime

You mean you didn't know? All girls in anime are at least bi. Some are just in denial/secretive about it.

Hidamari and Simoun for me.
>> No. 4320 [Edit]
File 130772082770.jpg - (314.34KB , 500x500 , 1185493461364.jpg )
Lucky Star, easy.
>> No. 4321 [Edit]
Definitely this. I loved Strawberry Panic. Nagisa is still the most attractive main heroine in any anime, for me.
>> No. 4324 [Edit]
Sasameki Koto, in part because I strongly prefer that the love/romance aspect be explicit instead of just implied.
>> No. 4326 [Edit]
File 130774782432.png - (954.98KB , 1440x900 , Yoshika The three of us can definitely do it.png )

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