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File 130761126959.jpg - (1.73MB , 2592x1944 , Haruhi damn I hate this bitch.jpg )
4288 No. 4288 [Edit]

What would your list look like?

This bitch right here would be at the top of my list.
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>> No. 4289 [Edit]
File 130761451420.jpg - (18.97KB , 400x280 , tumblr_ljkh30z0641qdjjgt.jpg )
The only character I've ever wanted to kill was Nina. There is not a single redeeming quality to her and I want to blow up Sunrise just for even conceiving of such a horrible creature.
>> No. 4290 [Edit]
Don't shoot your monitor, bro.
>> No. 4295 [Edit]
File 130762952756.png - (10.26KB , 160x192 , mayor.png )
Wow, that list is dominated by Sunrise characters. Some I can understand, others - not so much (Shirley, really? I mean I'd understand if someone would say he didn't like her but to hate her this much...).

Other than that no surprises. It's hilarious to see people get so angry at QB considering the fact that there wasn't a speck of ill intentions in him. That's what happens when you try to think and judge things objectively - people hate your guts.

I wouldn't be able to come up with 10 even if I tried. I can only recall three right now - all fairly recent ones - but it's probably due to my bad memory. I won't rank them as I'm too lazy.

- Emonzaemon - I was dying to see him bite the dust. Poor Pengin. ;_; I didn't hate Hitei, though. If you think about it it makes absolutely no sense as Emonzaemon was just carrying out her orders but that's how humans work I guess.
- Kirino - do I even need to say something? I'm thankful they decided to animate those novels as people can finally see what having a little sister really feels like. Most of the time they aren't exactly cute.
- Haruhi - not really recent but you see her mentioned all the time somewhere. Maybe I wouldn't have dropped the series after S1 if she wasn't such a bitch.

I could probably name some others (Shouji and Takumi from NANA for example) but that would be pushing it. I just don't watch series that would make me angry.

What's interesting it that I didn't list any villains. People who voted in that list didn't seem to care, either. Let me repost something:


>The 'villains' in all kinds of media (it's not only an anime/manga related problem) don't feel 'villainous' at all, at least not to me. In most cases it looks like the exact opposite once you consider the 'villain's' motives and background (they are usually turned into 'villains' by circumstances which were out of their control) - it looks like the 'hero of justice' is just some kind of asshole who tries to destroy the 'villain's' dreams and he uses his self righteous logic and moral judgment to justify it. I can't recall many cases in which I actually rooted for the 'good guy(s)' (...).

What's up with all the 'bad' (bas as in poorly written, in reality they aren't bad at all and that's exactly the problem) villains? It looks like I'm not the only one who can't bring himself to hate them. Not to mention some glorious examples (like Suigintou, although we could argue just how much of a villain was she) when ultimately the 'villain' turned out the be the most popular and most liked character from the whole show. Sure is poor writing around here.

Last but not least pic somewhat related. Not anime/manga character but he deserves a honorary mention. Take notes scriptwriters. This guy made me hate him so much that I would absolutely love to gut him.
>> No. 4296 [Edit]
File 130763194040.png - (104.74KB , 345x500 , 1760909.png )
I don't understand why people hated her so much, she was easily my favourite character on the show. It always made me sad to see people making so many negative comments about her.
>> No. 4297 [Edit]
>Top ten anime characters you want to kill

Cool sankaku browsing, bro.
>> No. 4298 [Edit]
How would you even know that that's from Sankaku without browsing it yourself? And can we please keep clear of this namecalling whether it's a normalfag, /a/-goer, /jp/sie, or whatever?
>> No. 4299 [Edit]
She offered no positives to the show, and a whole lot of negatives. I mean, she called a Japanese person an Eleven right to his face and almost got the whole room shot up, she spent the whole rest of the show as a creepy stalker, she tried to blow up Tokyo, she went insane for no reason, and that's only what I can remember without having to look her up.

Post edited on 9th Jun 2011, 3:04pm
>> No. 4300 [Edit]
I've seen enough links to Sankaku to recognize it based solely on the article headings. Pretty sad, I know.


>> No. 4304 [Edit]

Why does it actually matter, though? He didn't link to sankaku (if it really is a sankaku article in the first place) and it could potentially lead to some interesting discussion (or at least a nice thread). It's almost like you're trying to say 'we can't discuss it since someone on sankaku did an article about it'. That's even worse than the 'I hate this show because that fanbase is retarded' mentality.
>> No. 4305 [Edit]
My god, you're absolutely right. How could I ever have been such a fool? Thank you for enlightening this simple peasant to the truth. I cannot wait to see all the intelligent discussion that will be gleamed from a thread about anime characters you wish to kill.

I bow before your superior logic. Also, please see this link

>> No. 4307 [Edit]
What's stopping you from making a better thread?
>> No. 4308 [Edit]
Are you trying to say I should make a thread every time a terrible thread is made? Preposterous. I would need to flood every board.
>> No. 4309 [Edit]
Not really, was just sort of doing that "yeah well let's see you do better" thing.
but really, that's not such a bad idea, I don't see why anyone would mind you spamming all the boards if you did so with good content.
Why wouldn't you want the boards to look better, if you think you have the ability to make things better why not use that ability? why waste it and do nothing?
>> No. 4327 [Edit]
I didn't even know this was from sankaku until the above anon pointed it out. I don't go there either but the article is pretty interesting.

Kalen from geass s2 would be at the top of my list.
>> No. 4335 [Edit]

I welcome the idea of more posting and more threads. There is not enough activity here lately; most threads are things that have been running for weeks and months and the conversation is all but dead, and mostly just random blabbering.
>> No. 4336 [Edit]
Eh, I don't know. More posting and threads is all well and good, but we'll lose the relaxed air we usually have. People can't really take it easy when posts are flying by at (relative) light-speed.
>> No. 4381 [Edit]
File 130814980422.jpg - (132.27KB , 1280x720 , an excellent smart and cyber villain.jpg )
How can people dislike Accelerator? His coldness made Last Order's warmth all the more adorable, they were a great pair to watch.

Can't think of anyone I'd like to kill. Hmm. I found Irabu in Trapeze to be annoying to watch, and quite disliked Near and Mello in Death Note.

Oh, I know. Scythe Master in Phantom of Inferno. I hated that guy.

I'm like the other poster, I usually end up empathising and pitying the villains in shows, or wanting to see what would happen if the heroes were beaten out of simple curiosity. I can remember feeling that way as far back as Power Rangers as a kid, I really wanted to see them get their asses kicked for a change.

I wouldn't say that a lack of completely evil and unlikable villains is necessarily a bad thing though, one of the factors that drew me towards anime in the first place was all the grey shades of morals as opposed to the simple black and white of evil and good that's more common in western shows.
>> No. 4382 [Edit]
File 130815343656.png - (196.72KB , 587x529 , You know it's true.png )

>How can people dislike Accelerator?

He was depicted as a ruthless murderer in S1. I think people began to hate him then and even if the character itself changes most of the time audience tends to feel the same about him (well, that may be different if the character was initially good but even then they will try to justify his actions). Initial impression is important even in anime.

>quite disliked Near and Mello in Death Note

I think it would be easier and less time-consuming to count people who actually liked them.


>I can remember feeling that way as far back as Power Rangers as a kid

Yep, same here. I always sympathized with the villains. Maybe I felt bad for them as they got their ass kicked all the time, maybe it was just a need to go against the popular opinion, maybe I was a misogynist from the day I was born. I don't know. But I always liked them.

I still hate traitors, though (no matter which side they betray).

>I wouldn't say that a lack of completely evil and unlikable villains is necessarily a bad thing though, one of the factors that drew me towards anime in the first place was all the grey shades of morals as opposed to the simple black and white of evil and good that's more common in western shows.

I'll have to disagree here. True, there are some shows where it's hard to decide who's the 'bad guy' but that's just because in pretty much all of those the roles are reversed and you end up with a villainous protagonist who's getting bonus sympathy points since the story is told from his POV and audience tends to associate with him. Of course this isn't exactly new and there are countless examples of shows like this even in western TV (Dexter and stuff like that - I'm afraid I wouldn't really know as I don't watch TV). I remember watching a series of documentaries on... Discovery (or not?) about how prisoners escaped jail. Since the story it told from their POV I was very disappointed when they were caught. So much time spent planning and preparing and when they finally managed to taste freedom they were caught again.

But most of those were murderers on the death row. They tried to escape because they had absolutely nothing to lose. It's ridiculous to feel any sort of sympathy towards scum like that, right? The documentary itself didn't really try to justify their actions and there were bits of interviews with prosecutors and such who kept repeating why they were terrified to find they escaped as they were dangerous etc. etc. But in the end I felt that they sounded like assholes and almost wanted to shout 'leave those poor prisoners alone!'. Even in the episode about the famous Texas Seven who killed a policeman after escaping prison (the scene itself was reconstructed in the documentary) it felt bad when they were caught.

What I'm trying to say is you don't have to change the characters, the story, the facts, even the smallest of details. Just retell the story from a different POV and you're done - now the villain be liked and the hero will be a self-righteous asshole. You can't expect people to be objective after all.

I still feel this thread has potential to be interesting.
>> No. 4384 [Edit]
There's simply no forgiving Accelerator for what he did to the sisters.
That aside, Personally I find him extremely annoying with a shitty stupid brat/bully like attitude of a six year old.
He really comes off as the type of kid that uses a magnifying glass to kill ants or toy solders on the sidewalk and laughs about it, a laugh that makes me ears bleed.
Also, he was a real dick to last Order.
>> No. 4435 [Edit]
>There's simply no forgiving Accelerator for what he did to the sisters.
But they were clones, right? I dropped the show around half way thru S1, but he never felt like someone i would get all angry about even with his brat-ish attitude, index on the other hand...
>> No. 4436 [Edit]
what difference does it make if they were clones?
They still think, they still feel.
clones are not robots, they're people, why does not being born the same way we were make it okay to slaughter them?

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