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File 130697059131.jpg - (91.57KB , 499x375 , moetip.jpg )
4150 No. 4150 [Edit]
MOETIP: falling down makes people want to hug you
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>> No. 4152 [Edit]
File 130697067894.jpg - (553.17KB , 1200x1600 , book.jpg )
MOETIP: holding things over your mouth increases cuteness by up to 40%
>> No. 4155 [Edit]
File 130697601344.jpg - (295.59KB , 850x1200 , 1291159666747.jpg )
MOÉTIP: Don't have a nose
>> No. 4162 [Edit]
File 130697939142.png - (295.49KB , 973x700 , GSizeBra chibi reference.png )
MOETIP: make sure your head takes up about half your height
>> No. 4168 [Edit]
File 130699552122.jpg - (187.62KB , 730x1024 , 賢狼さん.jpg )
MOETIP: Having some kind of speech impediment makes everything you say sound more cute
>> No. 4169 [Edit]
File 130700066482.jpg - (76.10KB , 800x450 , Tooru sleeves.jpg )
MOETIP: Wear sleeves that are way too long for you.
>> No. 4170 [Edit]
Horo has a speech impediment? I never noticed, what is it?
>> No. 4171 [Edit]

somewhat slurred speech, "muddy" pronunciation, consistently peculiar choice of words. At times she almost speaks like a Yukkuri.
>> No. 4174 [Edit]
File 130703527883.jpg - (170.01KB , 850x1200 , sample-71139633dcd3cba5b8e0ca22999f0d33.jpg )
MOÉTIP: Hug a pillow whenever possible. You might want to look sad for bonus points.
>> No. 4176 [Edit]
File 130703541649.png - (1.46MB , 1016x969 , c6241dad7cdee07063007e3a6d536088.png )
MOÉTIP: If there are no pillows lying around hugging your legs works fine, too.
>> No. 4182 [Edit]
Really? I had no idea, I always thought she was supposed to have "archaic" speech befitting her being an ancient wolf goddess.
>> No. 4185 [Edit]
She does. It's a mixture of archaic and extremely easy-going.
>> No. 4199 [Edit]
File 13072303142.png - (1.28MB , 1280x960 , 258e370855493fc709681c923a5f1f7a.png )
MOÉTIP: Whenever you're thinking about something, put your index finger to your mouth. Cast your glance upwards (diagonally) for better effect.
>> No. 4200 [Edit]
File 130723062982.jpg - (126.10KB , 500x600 , c9d19e0115927adfb28f4a20bc48c24e.jpg )
Side note: I looked through all images containing 'finger to mouth' tag on danbooru (62 pages meaning all of it) and didn't find anything satisfying since they're looking forwards in both images (the previous one and this one). What the heck Japan, what the heck. Such a cute pose, it's almost a crime not to use it.

I am 300% positive I still have a screenshot with Kurumi doing it on my hard drive. Damn, I wish I could access it. ;;
>> No. 4204 [Edit]
File 13072578007.jpg - (228.62KB , 1280x1440 , DokiAChannel-081280x720h264AACDB8545B0mkv_snapshot.jpg )
MOETIP: Act derpy and always have them derp eyes on all times.
>> No. 4239 [Edit]
File 130750889313.jpg - (109.01KB , 1280x720 , sparkles and bubbles.jpg )
MOETIP: Always be accompanied by sparkles and bubbles.
>> No. 4406 [Edit]
File 130825483459.jpg - (807.89KB , 1117x1600 , 0001.jpg )
MOÉTIP: Wear glasses and casual wear for a 200% cuteness increase.
>> No. 4407 [Edit]

That's not really moe, just... stylish.
>> No. 4409 [Edit]
...on the other hand, sometimes power level up to 400% when you actually take them off (>>3205).
>> No. 4410 [Edit]
File 130825669159.jpg - (137.92KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20110206174000.jpg )

Oh, I just remembered I can finally access the data on my old hard drive. Here you go.
>> No. 4411 [Edit]
Why does she have two headphones and music players?
>> No. 4412 [Edit]
There's also earbuds to the lower right and right below her scarf. Still trying to figure out why though...
>> No. 4413 [Edit]
She has 4 sets of headphones and 3 visible music players.
>> No. 4416 [Edit]
>Headphon and eyewere
>> No. 4422 [Edit]
Guys... if you don't like that picture I can remove it.
>> No. 4424 [Edit]
No one ever said they don't like it.

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