You know that shot of the school building with cicadas chirping in the background that pans up to show towering cumulus in a bright blue sky? Its in about 50% of all animes, maybe more, and its always exactly the same. Why is that? Anyone know?
Japan's actual architectonic standard for public schools, maybe?Post edited on 1st Jun 2011, 4:11pm
my guess is that its homage to something i'm not familiar with &/or mono no aware. i'd love it if someone collected that clip from every anime its in and made it into a video.
That's just how summer is like in Japan. I sometimes feel nostalgic because my elementary school was like that and as kids we used to play for hours on the on the court when we had summer holidays. There weren't as many cicadas as in Japan though.
Because anime is filled to the brim with cliches.
It's because Japans economy is in the shitter. They can't afford to draw new scenes, so they recycle that exact scene from the first anime that it originally aired from. True fax guys, I heard it from Takeshi Kaga himself.
>>4153 Not exactly what you're looking for, but still relevant.