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File 130638991553.jpg - (1.16MB , 1500x2250 , mv7.jpg )
4028 No. 4028 [Edit]
Mixed Vegetables is my choice
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>> No. 4030 [Edit]
File 130639174850.jpg - (84.48KB , 800x1157 , ichinensei-ni-nacchattara-747838.jpg )

Official manga of tohno-chan.
>> No. 4031 [Edit]
Mirai Nikki
20th Century Boys
>> No. 4032 [Edit]
File 130639277897.jpg - (584.22KB , 1996x1600 , seisou_001.jpg )
Sei Sou Tsui Dan Sha. Or a Yuasa-directed Takemitsu Zamurai.
>> No. 4033 [Edit]
This manga... it was made for me. Thank you for mentioning it.
>> No. 4034 [Edit]
Goodnight, Punpun.

Fuck, I know most of Inio's work wouldn't really translate well to anime, but I always thought that Punpun just belongs in the medium.
>> No. 4035 [Edit]
Am I the only one who didn't like this manga?
>> No. 4036 [Edit]

What am I missing here?

Also, this is definitely /ma/ related.
>> No. 4037 [Edit]
Add Pluto, Ikigami, Vinland Saga and MPD Psycho and you have a deal.
>> No. 4042 [Edit]
It's not /ma/ related because a lot of people who post there don't watch anime.
>> No. 4043 [Edit]

The ratio is still better than people who don't read manga and watch anime.

And the answer is clearly REAL. Possibly the best goddamn manga I ever read. Not sure if it would translate well but I can't see why not.
>> No. 4049 [Edit]
Can the "wrong board" dramatics please? This isn't 4chan where every other post is kids using sage and saying the thread is off topic.

Anyway, I'd love to see more of Tsutomu Nihei works adapted into animated stuff. BLAME! had a 6 episode OVA, but it was not so much a story but just an animated group of scenes to accompany the manga. He's done a lot of great stories that any good animator would love to use. I'd also like to see Eden, by Hiroki Endo.

Yeah, I like sci-fi~
>> No. 4077 [Edit]
File 130665020659.jpg - (194.03KB , 500x719 , lasommeliere-cover3-small.jpg )
Despera is the obvious answer. La Sommelière a close runner-up and Sonna Mirai wa Uso de Aru is probably worth throwing in even though I haven't read it yet cause the author is known to be very clever.

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