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3958 No. 3958 [Edit]
I still like Dragon Ball Z. Is this wrong?
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>> No. 3960 [Edit]
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All shounen series suffer from popularity hate. Since shounen series are so popular, their main audience are people who don't seriously watch anime (in the current generation, they're called Narutards). Since these people tend to be annoying, shounen series and people watching them tend to be looked down upon.

So yes, seriously liking any shounen series, even a classic like Dragon Ball Z, is considered 'wrong'. You're not supposed to enjoy it or talk about it because it's a show for annoying newbies.

That said, I don't think there's any wrong with liking shounen despite what haters say. I read US Shonen Jump and I enjoy it, even if shounen series aren't exactly the most DEEP manga around. I think even many of the shounen haters like shounen deep down inside and are just hating on it to seem cool.

After all, even in a community like this, stuff like Fate/stay night is hugely popular. It's well-made and it's a VN so it isn't nearly as popular as shounen manga/anime, but you can hardly deny that a story with a school-going teenage protagonist who suddenly ends up in a magical battle and doesn't understand anything yet has limitless potential and will keep fighting his enemies for his ideals despite being completely defeated several times (he always manages to get up again through sheer willpower and win because he believes in his ideals) is a shounen story.

It's 'wrong' in that people will hate on it, but you're free to read or watch whatever you enjoy reading or watching. If you enjoy it, just don't listen to the haters.
>> No. 3961 [Edit]
I wouldn't say that all shounen series suffer from popularity hate, I have yet to meet anyone who hates Jojo.

And OP what exactly do you like it for? The show is notable for establishing many cliches for the shounen genre, and it also has a huge nostalgic value for most people. So liking it isn't an incredibly inconceivable idea.

So yeah, I don't see anything wrong with you liking it. If it was your favorite series of all time? Then I would tell you to get the fuck out.
>> No. 3962 [Edit]
You're free to like whatever you want to like.

I still watch Sailor Moon.
>> No. 3963 [Edit]
Shounen series tend to get hate in part because of cliches, as >>3961 mentioned, but the fact that something is cliche doesn't really have an impact on the viewer until the viewer has actually seen it repeated enough to become stale or boring.

So it makes sense that you would like a series like DBZ, especially if it was your first.
>> No. 3964 [Edit]
I don't see how it can be "wrong" to like something (unless that something is "killing people" for example, but you know what I mean). Personally I don't like battle shounen and never really have (Rurouni Kenshin is the only one I've ever liked) but I don't care if someone likes kids shows. I love mahou shoujo after all.

Watch what you like and don't give a fuck. That's how to enjoy anime.

Even if F/SN is based on battle shounen tropes, in execution (what really counts) it's very far removed from stories of that genre.
>> No. 3965 [Edit]
If you like action shounen, OP, you might like Toriko.
>> No. 3966 [Edit]
F/SN gets a lot of hate too, at least in some places. Though that might just be for Nasu's clunky writing.
>> No. 3967 [Edit]
No, not at all as you don't act like a massive faggot about it.

My favourite manga of all time is a very popular shonen series.
>> No. 3976 [Edit]
I like it probably mainly because of nostalgia value (even though I only watched tiny snips of it as a kid).

I throughly enjoy the Funimation dub music, it fits the tone of the show well. Some of the characters, such as Vegeta and Future Trunks have been created with a lot of depth thats rare in shounen. Sometimes I get very emotional when watching it, for example after Goku has just has the fight of his life with Frieza, and he stands watching the planet he's on crumble with no way to escape.
>> No. 3977 [Edit]
Clunky writing? I love seafood!
>> No. 3979 [Edit]
I really hate being that guy, but, can we please not call them "shounen"? They're battle manga, fighting manga, power level anime, action adventure, whatever.

90% of anime is marketed to "shounen", so it's really a broad term which isn't restricted to anime/manga which uses primarily fighting to progress the plot.
>> No. 3980 [Edit]
I enjoy Dragon Ball more for Toriyama's sense of comedy than the action.
>> No. 3988 [Edit]
It's never wrong to like Dragonball Z. This reminds me I need to buy season 6 when I get the chance.

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