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File 130570040215.jpg - (113.60KB , 481x550 , 096a13d0d3e56abd059881ab7325227a.jpg )
3922 No. 3922 [Edit]
So yeah, everyone knows English dubs of anime always suck balls, but what about Japanese?

Have you ever heard Japanese voice acting you thought was poorly done in a anime?

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>> No. 3925 [Edit]
Did you not like Omigawa's voice acting? She has an out of the ordinary voice acting and I personally find it great ever since Maka Albarn from Soul Eater.

I dislike, though, voice actors that cannot give the character a personality through theyre voices. Also, I dislike Kuroko's voice acting from Index.
>> No. 3926 [Edit]
There are definitely occasionally certain roles in different anime where I think the voice acting is poor. One example that comes to mind is Itou Kanae when she was first getting started as Amu in Shugo Chara, though she got better as the series went on and I think she's a pretty good seiyuu now.
>> No. 3927 [Edit]
File 130574454625.jpg - (14.53KB , 576x432 , jumbo.jpg )
I watched the last two eps of Genshiken s2 last night and OMG Angela's VA sucked
>> No. 3935 [Edit]
For me, the plus about non-English dubs is that I can't tell if it's bad voice acting.
>> No. 3945 [Edit]
I used to consider a lot of Japanese voice-acting bad and over the top. One example is when Jun Fukuyama speaks with his "serious" voice (the one he used for Lelouche). But I've become completely desensitized to this.
>> No. 3947 [Edit]
I'll agree with this. Jun's "serious voice" sounds so strained and artificial.

This season's Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi's Hina, voiced by Mayumi Yoshida, is bad. She lacks emotion, and I realize that's part of the character she's playing, but she just really sounds awkward during the majority of her lines.
>> No. 3948 [Edit]
That's just the Japanese aesthetic. You either hate it or you ignore it, but I've never seen anyone who likes it. Actually, Roger Ebert said that he never minds over-the-top acting in Japanese films, but when he saw it right next to American acting in Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, he realized how awkward it is.
>> No. 3955 [Edit]
If the Japanese exaggerate their acting, than Americans plain suck at it.

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