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File 130557125564.jpg - (22.69KB , 480x270 , %5BSnowrin%2526liuyun%2526Convulsion%5D%5BKoe-De-O.jpg )
3891 No. 3891 [Edit]
New ep of the Koe de Oshigoto! OVA is out, you filthy little boy.
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>> No. 3892 [Edit]
I think it crossed the line from fanservice heavy ecchi anime to just plain ero-anime this time around.

It was cute though.
>> No. 3897 [Edit]
i watched it, my penis was pleased.

it was far more ero than anything else this time round
>> No. 3904 [Edit]
Honestly, I read a bit of the manga, but I was more interested in the eroge production process and the voice recording than anything else. It's a shame the anime is focusing entirely on the ecchi.
>> No. 3914 [Edit]
I follow the manga and I don't think the anime has added any ecchi. Maybe emphasized it a bit, but I think most of that is just the natural difference between something with motion and sound versus a static image.
>> No. 4124 [Edit]
Finally watched it, and I was pleased. She is just so adorable, not even knowing about blowjobs.

Yeah, I read the manga after watching this and it didn't seem to add anything, but definitely emphasized it.
>> No. 4145 [Edit]
I watched this on a whim just now and enjoyed it. And like most 2D eroge, it appealed to my coming inside and female orgasm fetishes in a way that only half left it to my imagination.
>> No. 4186 [Edit]
File 130707597268.jpg - (2.68MB , 1503x2505 , Zemi_figure_Metropolitan.jpg )
those aren't fetishes, they're just the most bland vanilla sexual desires on the planet. fetishes are like the stuff in "Sweet Movie" or "Tampopo". all you crave is having sex with a woman that wants to get pregnant. evolutionary biology is not an odd fixation.
>> No. 4223 [Edit]
This is a great show.
>> No. 4294 [Edit]
Finally watched it. Can't believe I managed to endure three weeks without anime.

Judging by this thread I was expecting it would really turn to cleverly disguised hentai but you lied to me guys. Honestly, the difference between eps 1 and 2 in amount of what could be labeled as H-scenes was relatively small (and I don't think it's just my memory playing tricks on me). She voiced one in this ep, one in ep 1; practiced a little in both. Actually, I had a feeling that there has been less H-content compared to ep 1 but that's just because I expected that there will be a ton of it this time.

But damn, every time I look at her I think of Ayumu from HnG. The resemblance is huge (although it might be just me) and I think they're quite similar personal-wise, too.

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