No. 4294
Finally watched it. Can't believe I managed to endure three weeks without anime.
Judging by this thread I was expecting it would really turn to cleverly disguised hentai but you lied to me guys. Honestly, the difference between eps 1 and 2 in amount of what could be labeled as H-scenes was relatively small (and I don't think it's just my memory playing tricks on me). She voiced one in this ep, one in ep 1; practiced a little in both. Actually, I had a feeling that there has been less H-content compared to ep 1 but that's just because I expected that there will be a ton of it this time.
But damn, every time I look at her I think of Ayumu from HnG. The resemblance is huge (although it might be just me) and I think they're quite similar personal-wise, too.