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File 130493118778.jpg - (166.81KB , 500x732 , lasommeliere-cover2-small.jpg )
3788 No. 3788 [Edit]
I only watch seinen
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>> No. 3789 [Edit]
When it comes to anime, isn't pretty much all late-night anime "seinen?"
>> No. 3790 [Edit]
File 130493328642.jpg - (138.34KB , 600x700 , Ashita no Nadja X max heart.jpg )
I like shoujo anime...
>> No. 3793 [Edit]
File 130493548351.jpg - (191.47KB , 800x600 , naruto_19_800[1].jpg )
I only watch shounen
>> No. 3795 [Edit]
File 130493635054.jpg - (73.95KB , 1280x720 , iup2082.jpg )
I only watch good anime.
>> No. 3796 [Edit]
File 130493673335.jpg - (61.82KB , 320x208 , My-Little-Pony-Friendship-Is-Magic-Episode-25.jpg )
I only watch seinen as well.
>> No. 3797 [Edit]
Is that the manga the "DECANTERING FROM SUCH A HEIGHT" meme comes from?
>> No. 3798 [Edit]
No, that's teardrops of god (Kami no something.
>> No. 3803 [Edit]
Les Gouttes de Dieu/Kami no Shizuku
there is a 3d series based on it (which i dropped after ep02)
>> No. 3804 [Edit]
Effectively, yeah. Manga demographics don't really carry over to anime so OP's statement doesn't make much sense. Does he watch anime like The World God Only Knows, which was adapted from a shounen manga but airs during a late night time slot with an adult demographic? Does he watch original anime like Eden of the East, which isn't based on manga and thus is even less appropriate to refer to with manga demographic terms?

Well, I think he was just trolling anyways.
>> No. 3812 [Edit]
>was adapted from a shounen manga but airs during a late night time slot
plenty of immature people are up at otaku oclock

>Eden of the East, which isn't based on manga and thus is even less appropriate to refer to with manga demographic terms
It is easy to apply demographic terms to eden of the east, it was part of noitamina so its seinen or josei.

la sommeliere is the next series by the guy who made bartender and so is likely to be unreasonably good.
>> No. 3815 [Edit]
So I was right, you're just trolling.
>> No. 3819 [Edit]
troll or not, I somewhat agree with what I think OP is trying to say.

I wouldnt watch western entertainment aimed at kids either, I dont watch those Pixar movies for example.
>> No. 3820 [Edit]
Pixar movies are really good though, and this is coming from someone who usually hates western stuff
>> No. 3821 [Edit]
...Pixar movies are aimed at everyone.
>> No. 3823 [Edit]
File 130510063372.gif - (24.03KB , 400x300 , timmy_w7cjzf.gif )
thats one of the main problems with american media.
everything is aimed at everyone, they don't make any sophisticated media at all.
>> No. 3824 [Edit]
I wish this was a troll.
>> No. 3825 [Edit]
American mindset: Everything animated is for kids, no exception.
>> No. 3826 [Edit]
That's actually the world's mindset.

Post edited on 11th May 2011, 1:44am
>> No. 3827 [Edit]
So you never watched Eva?
>> No. 3828 [Edit]
I watched it in the late 90s when I was 14 or 15
>> No. 3829 [Edit]
Pixar movies are made for kids, but they also have a bunch of jokes and references that only their parents will understand. They get both demographics that way, it's really smart.
>> No. 3830 [Edit]
File 130512326670.png - (588.61KB , 733x733 , grin魔理沙.png )
I only watch anime I like.
>> No. 3831 [Edit]
Master race
>> No. 3832 [Edit]
>no exception
Don't matter none if it got adult jokes, or if it's nothing but adult jokes, it might even be animated porn, people will still think it's for kids.
Why do you think they're so completely mortified by hentai? even if they know it's for adults, the fact it's animated still screams at them in the back of their head that it's for kids, and so they think anyone that supports it is a sick freak, even if they wont always say it.

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