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File 130479584243.jpg - (78.27KB , 848x480 , NEET.jpg )
3776 No. 3776 [Edit]
So any of my Tohnobros watching Azazel? Pretty funny, I think. You guys should give it a try if you haven't yet.
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>> No. 3780 [Edit]
I just watched the first four episodes. I wish I started watching it sooner, it was pretty good so far. And somehow, it reminds me of Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro. Let's hope manga will get translated after this.
>> No. 3802 [Edit]
Love the crude humor. Too bad it's only 13 episodes.
>> No. 4187 [Edit]
File 130707638339.jpg - (87.93KB , 848x480 , japanese highschool girls.jpg )
Finally, an anime with a realistic depiction of what Japanese high school girls look like.
>> No. 4189 [Edit]
Teeth are too straight
>> No. 4205 [Edit]
needs more crooked teeth.

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