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3769 No. 3769 [Edit]
is anyone watching [C] and if so, is it the kind of gripping mindfuck/thriller that the description suggests it might be?
feel free to just answer with Y/N
no spoilers plz.

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>> No. 3770 [Edit]
I haven't watched episode 4 yet but the first three were extremely disappointing. No, it's nothing like the description makes it sound like. It's Pokemon proxy battles between shallow characters strung together with a paper-thin plot. The animation is also god awful and uses way too much ugly CG. I literally cannot think of a single good thing to say about the show, and the only good thing I've heard others say is "it's by the Mononoke staff" but that doesn't make a shitty show any better.
>> No. 3775 [Edit]
>is it the kind of gripping mindfuck/thriller
No. Or at least, not yet. The plot is okay so far.

And as >>3770 says, there's quite a bit of ugly CG used, animation is sub-par, and the characters are all kind of uninteresting. That being said, episode 4 was a little more interesting than the first 2 episodes and makes me believe the show will stay entertaining enough to be watchable.

But really, just try an episode out and if you feel like it's a waste of time, drop it.
>> No. 3777 [Edit]
>the only good thing I've heard others say is "it's by the Mononoke staff" but that doesn't make a shitty show any better.

i found Mononoke to be visually stunning and otherwise utterly boring. I know that this puts me in the minority, but that show seemed to lack any element of suspense to take advantage of what I found to be a very fun-to-look-at, but boring to watch show which i (obviously) dropped.
>> No. 3781 [Edit]
Yeah 4 was better than earlier episodes but not enough to change my opinion of the show much.

Sadly C doesn't have a fraction of the visual artistry of Mononoke or even Trapeze.

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