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3730 No. 3730 [Edit]
Essentially these are both the same show. They're both very good, however one has to be the better of the two. For the sake of those whom have not yet viewed them, we should decide which is superior. The main differences between the two shows are that
yakuindomo[aa] has a really cool ending theme while [aa]no ichizon
stars Akira Kogami. So as you can see, there are pros on both sides. I can't decide which to vote for so I'll leave it up to the rest of the experts here.
>> No. 3731 [Edit]
Yakuindomo was terrible. The sex jokes honestly sound like they're for 14 year olds.

Ichizon was pretty good though.
>> No. 3732 [Edit]
>> No. 3733 [Edit]
This is completely a matter of opinion. This thread is utterly pointless.
>> No. 3734 [Edit]
Hey.. Opinions are important y'know!
>> No. 3735 [Edit]
I don't see how they're anything alike, other than a shared setting.
>> No. 3736 [Edit]
  I found Yakuindomo's humor terrible and couldn't even finish the show. I'm not even totally against sex jokes (I loved B Gata H Kei) but they just weren't done well at all in that show. Or in the mangaka's other manga about the perverted imouto. The guy just has shitty humor.

I really liked Ichizon though. It has a very different style of comedy from Yakuindomo so I definitely wouldn't say they are the same show. I actually didn't care for most of Ichizon's references but found the more general humor in it very good. Also at the risk of sounding like a faggot I liked the non-comedy parts as well and found them pretty touching. Plus a great OP. Basically one of my favorite comedies in recent years.
>> No. 3737 [Edit]
I guess I'm the only other person who liked SYD.
>> No. 3738 [Edit]
Nah, I liked it a lot.

Not a show I'd marathon though, since I'd probably get tired of the humor.
>> No. 3739 [Edit]
Ichizon had Ki-kun, so it is automatically superior. Remember, my opinion > your opinion.

I haven't even watched Yakuindomo.
>> No. 3744 [Edit]
S.Y.D.   Number One!

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