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File 130436300158.jpg - (448.08KB , 700x1500 , 1272156533942.jpg )
3687 No. 3687 [Edit]
What's T-chan's favorite animation studio?
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>> No. 3688 [Edit]
kyoto animation
>> No. 3689 [Edit]
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>> No. 3690 [Edit]
KyoAni for me.
>> No. 3691 [Edit]
Same. They animate my waifu, after all
>> No. 3693 [Edit]

Same here.
>> No. 3694 [Edit]
SHAFT shows are usually interesting, I like shinbo's style

KyoAni are the ones I would choose for sheer quality of shows.
>> No. 3695 [Edit]
Toei Animation
>> No. 3696 [Edit]
File 130436917390.jpg - (318.38KB , 591x1000 , SHAFT deadline reminder.jpg )
>> No. 3698 [Edit]
Gainax, and then madhouse. 3rd place is a tie between production ig and studio 4c (if only they made more stuff...)

Kyoani's a good animation studio but I could never really get into any of the shows they've done with the exception of Lucky Star (I'm still surprised at myself for liking this show).
>> No. 3699 [Edit]
Shinbo is mai husbando. I love KyoAni, Gainax, and BONES as well, but SHAFT is special to me.
>> No. 3700 [Edit]
Everyone always gives it shit, but I actually like DEEN. Though, I would not say it's my favorite.
>> No. 3702 [Edit]
I really like ufotable, but I don't have a single favorite.
>> No. 3703 [Edit]
Also getting into Shaft's stuff lately
>> No. 3705 [Edit]
I like DEEN too. Kenshin OVAs and Simoun are some of my favorites. Then there's things like Ikkoku and Seizon.

My favorite? I don't think I have one. Studios change staff and budget so often it's not worth it to have one. Well the bigger studios do that.
>> No. 3706 [Edit]
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In order of preference:

KyoAni, Gainax, Production I.G.
>> No. 3707 [Edit]
Sunrise and J.C Staff
Neither have mind blowing animation, but they're alright. At least they've proven they can be consistent unlike some. Fucking Gonzo
>> No. 3708 [Edit]
I never understood the amount of attention given to anime studios, do you people have favorite producers and companies for other media like movies and books too?
>> No. 3709 [Edit]
I don't know about anyone else, but as for me, the more anime I watch, the more pronounced the difference is in each studio. I'm pretty sure I could tell you which studio made something with only seeing one episode at this point, if it's an established studio.

Consequently this means I can pick out things I like and dislike about each studio. For example, I love Kyoani's animation. I think technically they're the single best mainstream animator, though sometimes they've got bland designs. SHAFT has great atmosphere and daring camera shots, but more often than not I think it bites them in the ass as they try to do what they want to do rather than what they can do. Stuff like that.
>> No. 3710 [Edit]
Has anyone else noticed that J.C. Staff has a distinct talent for comedy yet they rarely capitalize on it?
>> No. 3711 [Edit]

>Shinbou has (...) daring camera shots

Fixed. I don't remember tons of pointless fisheye lense uses, weird dutch angles and out-of-place pans in in ef.
inb4 the 'Shinbou hasn't directed anything in years' argument all over again. Yes, it's true. But Shinbou wasn't hired to be a director in the first place.
>> No. 3712 [Edit]
>inb4 the 'Shinbou hasn't directed anything in years' argument all over again. Yes, it's true. But Shinbou wasn't hired to be a director in the first place.

I don't understand your point. Pretty much every SHAFT show in the last 5 years has been Shinbo directing it except for Ef.
>> No. 3715 [Edit]
>> No. 3717 [Edit]
Probably because they don't realize/care that staff can vary a lot between different shows by the same studio, particularly important staff like director and scriptwriter, and that even if the "best" studio chose to adapt shitty source material the show would still be shit. I could never name a favorite studio because they all have good and bad shows.
>> No. 3720 [Edit]
4°C. They create an incredible atmosphere in their works.
>> No. 3721 [Edit]
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>> No. 3723 [Edit]
>bland designs
What are you talking about? The designs just come from the source. They barely touch them.

I don't know why certain things like that or the plot are attributed to the studio when they're just adapting something else. Half the work that goes into an anime is done by people that don't really work for the studio. It's just outsourced.
>> No. 3724 [Edit]
File 130455373494.jpg - (227.49KB , 400x548 , K-ON-manga.jpg )
Every studio changes the designs when they're animated. If you think for example the K-on designs look the same for manga and anime, well, then we obviously have a vastly different opinion.

I wasn't trying to say I don't like the designs. I personally prefer it if it means I get more fluid animation out of it, which is generally the trade-off kyoani goes for.
>> No. 3725 [Edit]
Brains Base
>> No. 3726 [Edit]

That's up to the mangaka, not the studio.
If he wants to make a different design for the anime is up to him, the studio will ask him anyway.
>> No. 3727 [Edit]
I'm really not sure where you're getting this idea. Yukiko Horiguchi, in this example, did the character designs for the K-on anime, not the original mangaka Kakifly.

I think you're misunderstanding character design with character creation.
>> No. 3728 [Edit]
Pretty much every anime adaptation has a character designer who is different from that of the source material, and it shows. For example Toradora, Highschool of the Dead, and Ano Hana all have the same anime character designer even though the original artists are different (well, Ano Hana doesn't have source material) and you can definitely tell. Also since we're talking KyoAni another good example would be how different the character designs in their Key adaptations are from Itaru's original art.

Although KyoAni has a number of different character designers so I wouldn't collectively refer to the studio's designs as bland.
>> No. 3747 [Edit]
I'd have to say Gainax. Seen most of their works and loved each one. SHAFT would be in 2nd place because of their style and because of SZS and Hidamari.
>> No. 3771 [Edit]
Gainax, I can't fault anything I've seen made by them.

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