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File 130387167284.jpg - (36.92KB , 225x350 , 114507.jpg )
3527 No. 3527 [Edit]
I am so sick of hearing Kana Hanazawa voice everything this season.

And Deadman Wonderland is pretty cool.
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>> No. 3528 [Edit]
I just checked her wiki page. This is the second year in a row where she voices freaking everything.
>> No. 3529 [Edit]
I love her voice, Rie Kugimiya is worse this season.
>> No. 3530 [Edit]
>I love her voice, Rie Kugimiya is worse this season.

I love Rie's voice.
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
File 130389456475.jpg - (335.42KB , 600x480 , 1250529245187.jpg )
I sympathise, OP. While I enjoy her voice and don't mind hearing her, I also really love Hiroshi Kamiya but got a bit sick of hearing him a few seasons ago when he was doing all the male roles. It can break the immersion sometimes when you're seeing one character speaking but your brain associated the voice with everyfuckingthing else airing this and last season instead.
>> No. 3541 [Edit]

>I also really love Hiroshi Kamiya but got a bit sick of hearing him a few seasons ago when he was doing all the male roles.

That's exactly what came to my mind when >>3528
noted that she voices 'everything'.

A year ago (i.e. during Spring 2010 season) he voiced Kou from Arakawa, Yuzuru from Angel Beats! and Souma from Working!. Three main roles, two leading protagonists. On top of that he voiced Izaya from Durarara!. 4 weekly doses of Kamiya was more than I could take.

I really like him, too; one of my favorite male seiyuu in general. He's got good vocal range and can voice various characters. But that was way too much and I simply got sick of him. Having too much of a good thing is not exactly good on it's own.

It might be the same with you and Kana, OP. I sort of like her, I think she's the go-to-seiyuu when it comes to voicing timid, shy girls. But I think no matter who it is if you hear her/his voice too much you're bound to get sick of it eventually (note: this doesn't include Omigawa Chiaki, she should voice at least two characters in every anime).

Since there isn't really much to discuss here (other than other people 2nding/disagreeing with your opinion) how about a thread about seiyuu we dislike?

I don't have many female ones but I tend to dislike Kuwashima Houko and Noto Mamiko. Same monotonic voices every time I hear them.
>> No. 3587 [Edit]
I love her voice, but they're exploiting her too much, at this rate she'll become boring in the media in just a few years.
>> No. 3612 [Edit]
File 130397192880.jpg - (225.88KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20110428022327.jpg )
Get it together, Crunchyroll. All she said was Shiro's going to eat them all.
>> No. 3613 [Edit]
Wow, I actually hadn't noticed that since I sometimes browse the internet as I watch anime.

Out of all the lines a translator could fail at, he fails at the easiest one?
>> No. 3615 [Edit]

It's amazing how CR even gets to securing legal distribution rights to subtitle and air this shit. If they can't even hire a translator that knows what they're doing, why bother? They have literally millions upon millions of dollars invested in them by a rather well known investment company, why the laziness?
>> No. 3617 [Edit]
>> No. 3896 [Edit]
File 130557220127.jpg - (60.64KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Deadman Wonderland - 05 [419A531A].jpg )
I completely forgot I was watching this and now I'm wondering whether I should drop it or not.

The animation quality and color palette puts me off, the story is not really interesting and Ganta just keeps on whining every episode, his voice is annoying too.
>> No. 3901 [Edit]
I was thinking about dropping it too but since I've watched almost half of it I'll see it through to the (non)end. It really is pretty bad though. Standard fighting shounen just with gore thrown in. Plus a terrible protagonist (I guess that's included under "standard fighting shounen").
>> No. 3902 [Edit]
I agree with this post.

It has decent animation but the story feels like it's only purpose is to shock the viewer, and I'm well past being shocked by anime.
>> No. 3906 [Edit]
I only watch Deadman Wonderland because Shiro is so attractive.
>> No. 3911 [Edit]
Kana Hanazawa and her tuturus have single-handedly made me pick up Steins Gate this season.

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