No. 9004
Jeuss Christ, this series.
First, let me star with what was good (because that's gonna be short as fuck). The character designs are really cool, the cotsumes for the heroes are great, too, and it's nice to see something done in a unique art style (as opposed to generic anime #921892). The voice actors did a great job - I was actually kinda worried since they didn't hire any blockbuster seiyuu but really, there was not a single voice actor who disappointed me. That's fucking it.
‣ The director should commit sudoku. I haven't seen scene transitions this horrid since Eva 2.22 and a) Eva actually had an excuse b) this was actually even worse than Eva.
‣ The music composer should either commit sudoku or blame whoever picked the tracks for the anime. They used the same track for at least 10 minutes every single episode. On top of that it sounded like generic superhero song #1291291. How many tracks were there altogether? 4?
‣ Maverick being the mastermind was so fucking obvious I felt insulted. It was just awful. The worst plot development in recent memory.
‣ Rock Bison and Fire Emblem never got their episodes.
‣ What the fuck happened to Lunatic? Did everybody forget he ever existed? I know this will be most likely resolved in the movies but the way the show handled it was retarded. On top of that, someone with his powers would easily kill the criminals and yet even after the one year time skip at the end I bet he never killed more than ~5. Him working as a prosecutor (that's his job, right?) doesn't make much sence, either, but that's a different matter altogether. On top of that, they never really got into the whole relationship between him, Legend and Tiger. I understand they might do it in the movies but that's just poor planning, sorry.
‣ On top of that what makes superhero comics/cartoons cool are supervillains. Lunatic was pretty good, Jake was okay but that's it. Where were my cheesy supervillains?
‣ What the hell happened to Samantha? It never got resolved properly. Was she really killed by Maverick?
‣ PLOTHOLES, SO MANY PLOTHOLES. It's fucking amazing how many they managed to squeeze in such a simple series. Maverick must've suffer from Down's syndrome because not a single thing he did throughout the whole series made any sense.
‣ Barnaby was definitely not a Batman knock off (with him decided to become hero because he saw his justice loving parents get murdered when he was a little boy).
‣ Tiger using those wires of his to move throughtout the city was definitely not a Spiderman knock off.
‣ Blue Rose's powers and the way she used them to move was definitely not an Iceman knock off.
‣ The whole idea about Next and how they are treated like shit by the society was definitely not an X-men knock off. The relationship between Jake and Kriem was definitely not a knock off of what Magneto's relationship with his followers looked like. Jake's ideals were definitely not a knock off of Magento's.
‣ Okay, let me get this straight. You make a series about superheroes. This is pretty exciting because you can use whatever power you could imagine. And then you proceed to give your heroes the following powers: superpower, superpower, superpower, control over fire, control over ice, control over electricity, control over air, morphing ability. What the hell?
This was basically Angel Beats 2.0. So much potential, all down the drain.