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File 130376743847.jpg - (171.00KB , 411x691 , Haruhi%20Suzumiya.jpg )
3465 No. 3465 [Edit]
Is it true that most female characters are more annoying than the male ones?
>> No. 3466 [Edit] depends on the viewer?
I can't really see where you're going with this.
>> No. 3468 [Edit]
Its a matter of opinion, so this thread is pointless.
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
>> No. 3478 [Edit]
No,males are more annoying. Not cause they're annoying, but because they're male.
>> No. 3506 [Edit]
Because most anime is targeted towards males, I would say that males are more annoying because the main character is usually made to be easy to relate to, which means typical moralfag "I can't do this because it's not right".

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