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File 130373685735.jpg - (127.66KB , 1280x720 , Shinryaku Ika Musume - 01 - Large Snapshot 04.jpg )
3454 No. 3454 [Edit]
Watching Shinryaku! Ika Musume for the first time.

Cutest thing to ever try and conquer us.

I for one greet our new squid overlords.
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>> No. 3455 [Edit]
I watched it a few weeks ago as well, it's pretty great.
>> No. 3462 [Edit]
File 13037640933.jpg - (64.42KB , 400x400 , 9640160.jpg )
You could've just bumped the old thread (>>3) but eh, whatever. I'm just glad to hear you like the show.

I've personally held myself back from reading the manga for now so watching s2 will be more enjoyable for me.
>> No. 3510 [Edit]
I might read the manga eventually.

I don't know though ( ._.)
>> No. 3511 [Edit]
the anime is VERY faithful to the manga (with a few deviations, like the mini-ika episode), so if you want season 2 to be 100% fresh I wouldn't read it
>> No. 3681 [Edit]
I enjoyed it, I'm hoping for a 2nd season.
>> No. 3682 [Edit]

2nd season has been confirmed long ago.
>> No. 3697 [Edit]
Ika Musume extra: http://www.anidragon.net/node/1425

God, I wish they would just make a spinoff show about mini ika musume.
>> No. 3713 [Edit]
Same. We will probably see more of her in S2 though at least
>> No. 7181 [Edit]
File 132126488453.gif - (481.88KB , 420x236 , myzzzzzzzzzzzzz.gif )
>> No. 7211 [Edit]
Oh god, that's so amazingly adorable.

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