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3449 No. 3449 [Edit]
Hello, /an/
Normally I wouldn't do this sort of annoying noobish crap, but I am hoping you might help me finding a watchable version of Pants Pankurou. All I can find is hardsubbed AVIs in 240p. Not only does 240p suck, but the font is plain while with no outline and a good fraction of the time they're unreadable against the background. I looked for decent torrents in all of the places one would normally hunt and I checked all the good DDL sites and I searched all over google & duckduckgo and even tried bing with no luck. Is there some sort of awesome resource that all the cool people use to find this kind of thing or should I just give up?
>> No. 3772 [Edit]
Tokyo Toshokan might help you out, but old torrents just don't seem to get seeded. Worth a try though.

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