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File 129065798795.jpg - (183.91KB , 1280x1125 , a0b067ab6847db17ebe19b6b8e42ed3f.jpg )
343 No. 343
The most enjoyable series of 2010:

Shinryaku! Ika Musume
B Gata H Kei
Tatami Galaxy
House of Five Leaves
Omamori Himari
Legend of Legendary Heroes

Looks like a good year to me.
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>> No. 344
>The most enjoyable series for me in 2010
Fixed that for you, bro.

K-On!! ended up being leagues better than the first, though.
>> No. 345
File 129065972825.jpg - (12.01KB , 134x170 , Toovague.jpg )
>The most enjoyable series of 2010:
Under what metrics?

Is this some kind of a magazine poll?

You're being too vague!
>> No. 346
2010 has been my favorite year for anime in quite a while. And K-ON!! was excellent, I'm glad I picked it up despite the first season.
>> No. 347
It was a pretty good year, surprisingly. Summer was the only shitty season.
>> No. 469
The year isn't over yet.
I don't know which would be the series I enjoyed the most so far, there are too many to choose.
>> No. 492

>The year isn't over yet.

Actually yes, it sort of is. Fall is the last season and you should be able to decide which fall shows you like by now.
>> No. 493
There can always be surprises.
This season for example,I wasn't expecting to enjoy Milky Holmes so much.
>> No. 494
We're far enough into the season that I can't imagine there'd be any surprises. Unless you meant OVAs, which you clearly don't.

I mean, we're just a month away from the winter '11 season. Fall is on its last lap.
>> No. 495
Oh yeah I think you are right. There could still be a good surprise but it would have to come out of nowhere for the final parts of a show.
My optimism got the best of me.

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