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3427 No. 3427 [Edit]
post shows you've rewatched more than once.
Azumanga - I watch the entirety of it every August
Haruhi S.1 - Had to rewatch it before S.2 and again before the movie
Hellsing (original version)
Yakitate Japan Ep.27 - there is a recipe in it thats pretty good.
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>> No. 3428 [Edit]
haruhi season 1 - 20 times
>> No. 3429 [Edit]
Haruhi S1: 4 times
Cowboy Bebop: I've lost count
GitS: Ditto
FLCL: 3 times
EVA: Twice
>> No. 3430 [Edit]
Do you mean []iStand Alone Complex[/i] or the movies or both?

>EVA: Twice
Do you mean that you've watched it twice? If so that means that you've rewatched it only once. I wish for clarification because I'm not sure if I need to be directing mild insults at you or not.
>> No. 3431 [Edit]
The only anime I watched more than once was Puni Puni Poemy.
>> No. 3432 [Edit]
Akira - more than 4x I'm sure
GiTS/SAC1/SAC2/SSC - a good 10x already
Haruhi S1
Macross Zero
Macross Frontier - watched the season twice, then the movies, which are the same as the season only shorter
>> No. 3434 [Edit]
File 130360362923.jpg - (94.99KB , 480x489 , 9102334.jpg )
Mushishi: 4 times
Natsume Yuujinchou: 2 times
Diebuster: 5 times
Gunbuster: 2 times
TTGL: 2 times
FLCL: 4 times
Wolf's Rain: 2 times
Princess Tutu: 3 times
Ichigo Mashimaro: 2 times
Aria The Animation: 3 times
Aria The Natural: 2 times
Aria The Origination: 3 times
Serial Experiments Lain: 2 times
Haibane Renmei: 3 times
Claymore: 2 times
Last Exile: 1 1/2 times
Kare Kano: 2 times
Sketchbook: 3 times

I think that's it.
>> No. 3436 [Edit]
About the only thing i've 'rewatched' is Sailor moon because i put years between watching it so i rewatch to find where i was and have to rewatch again.
>> No. 3437 [Edit]
For how long I have been into anime, surprisingly few shows. I loved anime back in the Toonami/early Adult Swim days, fell into videogames then rediscovered anime.

Cowboy Bebop several times
Samurai Champloo a couple of times
Tenchi Muyo! a few times
Excel Saga a few times
The dub for Shin Chan countless times
Ghost Stories several times
Cromartie three times
Dragon Half many times
Mushishi twice now
Azumanga and Lucky Star only twice each because I discovered them not all that long ago.
Kanon will be a every winter thing and Air will be every summer.

I am so far behind most of the people here but it kind of feels good knowing I have so much stuff that will be new to me.

Comedies have by far the most rewatch potential.
>> No. 3438 [Edit]
Mononoke: 1
Denno:Coil: 1
Angel Beats!: 2
Lain: 2 (still don't understand it at all)
Evangelion: 3.9 (last time was 1-24 with EoE replacing the finale)
>> No. 3439 [Edit]
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>don't understand

I see what you didn't mean to do there.
>> No. 3440 [Edit]
air x2
eva x 4 (I think)
trigun x 3
gungrave x 3
haruhi x 2

I normally don't rewatch anime, mostly because there's just so much anime out there I've not yet seen, it feels almost like I'm wasting time by repeating something, it also seems kind of boring to me, knowing what happens, having heard all the jokes before and so on.

only watched trigun, eva and gungrave that many times becuase I had no internet or tv at the time, but have them on dvd, and I needed my anime fix.
re-watched Haruhi when season 2 came around and Air for obvious reasons.
>> No. 3441 [Edit]
TTGL: 5 but I've watched certain episodes way more than that
Digimon s1: 3(?)
NHK: 2
Planetes: 2
E7: 2
EVA: 2

Other than those, I've gone back and watched most anime I really liked once.
>> No. 3442 [Edit]
Azumanga x 3 or 4
Lucky Star x 2 or 3
Black Lagoon first season x 2
Rumbling Hearts/Kiminozo x 1
Elfen Lied x 1 or 2
Higurashi season 1 x 1
Sasameki Koto x 1
Street Fighter 2 anime movie x a lot
Welcome to the NHK x 1
>> No. 3444 [Edit]
Haruhi x 3
Code Geass x 3
Turn A Gundam x 2
KGNE x 2
Over Drive x 2

I do find myself rewatching a lot of shows, but not more than once.
>> No. 3448 [Edit]
Darker Than Black - After the last OVA was released
Hidamari Sketch - A zillion times because I love it
K-ON - Watched again before the second season aired

I tend to watch comedy again when I'm having a meal. Done this for Azumanga Daioh, SZS and Minami-ke lately.
>> No. 3460 [Edit]
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I tend to watch some random anime from my folder when cooking/eating. Usually something to rewatch since I can't have full attetion when cooking and I don't want to miss stuff or pause every 2 minutes.

Haruhi s1: 5 times
Deserves some rewatching, since it's actyally really entertaining.
Azumanga: 2 times
Gives still laughs.
Clannad s1: 2 times
Not really worth rewatching but s1 still had something else in addition to boring drama.
Fate/Stay Night: 4 times
This ain't either much of rewatch potential, guess just wanted to hear saber nagging while I was cooking.
Shana s1: 2 times
Boring to rewatch.
Zetsubou Sensei s1-2: 2-3 times
Good parts get me every time.
Hayate s1-2: 2 times
Lots of boring/bad episodes but still bearable.
>> No. 3461 [Edit]
Minami-ke x4(?)
S2 (1-2?)
S3 (1?)
Welcome to the NHK x3

Why I watched Minami-ke so many times was because I had no computer when I got booted outta the house. It is my favourite anime along with NHK, though.
>> No. 3562 [Edit]
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Since this thread dropped several places into that deep black pit of obscurity I decided it is time to publish the official tally


      The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya S.1

      Azumanga Daioh
      Neon Genesis Evangelion


      Welcome to the NHK

   Cromartie High School
   Cowboy Beebop
   Ghost in the Shell
   Rumbling Hearts
   Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei
   Serial Experiments Lain
   Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


>> No. 3621 [Edit]
File 130399283123.jpg - (78.54KB , 500x283 , sola06blz5.jpg )
In their entirety:

- NGE / EoE (ad nauseam)
- GITS-SAC1 / Innocence
- Sola
- Air
- Koi kaze
- Fruits basket

Partially but quite considerably:

- Clannad AS
- Lucky Star
- Lain >>3439 You simply had to do it, did you?
- Ef: a Tale of Melodies

I used to refrain from doing it, trying to preserve those beloved memories intact. Later, I became a strong suporter of revisiting things (books and movies as well), under the guise of attempting new interpretations of them; sad truth is I'm not finding anything new just as moving/exciting, hence keeping on regurgitating past... feelings, I guess.
>> No. 3650 [Edit]

It's not that haruhi is rewatchable, it's just that you need to watch it again to get it right since the order is too fucked up.
>> No. 3651 [Edit]
If you honestly couldn't understand haruhi in broadcast order then I don't know what to say. The main plot episodes weren't even out of order
>> No. 3654 [Edit]

I never understood that sentiment of Haruhi being too confusing either. The show was hardly LOL DEEP, and I had no problems following it.
>> No. 3673 [Edit]
while it is a shounen, it has a particularly intricate plot with all sorts of minutiae to keep track of. a lot of it you're bound to miss the first time around. this is probably part of what makes it so rewatchable. i know that i missed the brief appearance of haddo gei the first time i watched it. i guess you some of the visual appeal of any series when you watch it subbed.
>> No. 3704 [Edit]
Galaxy Angel: rewatched all 4 series once, still rewatch selected episodes every birthday
Excel Saga: rewatched twice
Simoun, RahXephon, Evangelion, Fafner, Escaflowne, Mai-Hime, Infinite Ryvius, FLCL, Code Geass season 1: rewatched once
Mobile Suit Gundam, Space Runaway Ideon: rewatched each episode 30 years to the day it first aired

Plan on rewatching:
Soaring Cake Girl
Lucky Star (5th anniversary rewatch)
Azumanga Daioh
Macross (30th anniversary rewatch)

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