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File 130349288852.jpg - (128.69KB , 1280x720 , dororon.jpg )
3411 No. 3411 [Edit]
What do you guys think of Dororon?

Peronsally, the music is by far my favorite of the season so far. It's got so many insert songs it's crazy. The fanservice isn't bad either
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>> No. 3414 [Edit]
File 130350735461.jpg - (748.92KB , 2558x722 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Pretty good. It's Brains Base, so of course it looks good, but the humor's there, too. And yeah, the fanservice has been delicious, too.
>> No. 3415 [Edit]
It's alright, but it's still too early for me to judge since I disliked ep2 but liked ep1. The OP is indeed awesome though.
>> No. 3467 [Edit]
File 130376815239.jpg - (93.90KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Dororon_Enma-kun_Meramera_-_03_[241FD9AB]_mkv.jpg )
So...much...fanservice. I haven't seen this much fanservice since I last watched Queen's Blade. Fun episode overall, much better than last week's.
>> No. 3674 [Edit]
File 130429387591.jpg - (153.68KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Dororon_Enma-kun_Meramera_-_04_[E4EEC9B7]_mkv.jpg )
Everybody dance!

My favorite part so far.

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