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File 13034572606.jpg - (59.72KB , 704x396 , magz1nq.jpg )
3404 No. 3404 [Edit]
Does anyone recognize these publications that Haruhi displays in ep 2 of melancholy? Are they magazines or tankobon? I think she must have picked them as examples of good stories because they're awesome, so I want them.
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>> No. 3405 [Edit]
File 130345777592.jpg - (53.75KB , 293x364 , 2005111xi.jpg )
nevermind, i found them.
i should have looked harder before asking here
>> No. 3406 [Edit]
File 130345780728.jpg - (52.33KB , 256x370 , 2005040ov.jpg )
>> No. 3408 [Edit]
Aren't these just magazines?
>> No. 3417 [Edit]
File 130352040336.png - (677.49KB , 640x360 , gtfo.png )
JUST a magazine? hell ho, look at the cover.

M O T H E R F U C K I N G      S H U F F L E ! !
>> No. 4060 [Edit]
As much as the MC filled me with undying rage that makes me want to do things to him even jason voorhees would think are sick and disgusting..
Shuffle was pretty awesome...

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