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File 130299333794.jpg - (30.29KB , 200x280 , list-sekai-ichi.jpg )
3288 No. 3288 [Edit]
What do you guys think of yaoi and shounen-ai?
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>> No. 3289 [Edit]
I try not to.
>> No. 3290 [Edit]
File 130299545375.jpg - (225.50KB , 668x742 , hideyoshi torn.jpg )
Is it still yaoi if one of them is a cute crossdresser?
>> No. 3292 [Edit]
Yes, because under the clothes there's still a dick.
>> No. 3294 [Edit]
File 130299644366.jpg - (135.82KB , 855x900 , 1287123835912.jpg )
if that is the case, then i approve of yaoi
>> No. 3296 [Edit]
File 130299656844.jpg - (504.28KB , 1200x1782 , abgrund_eien_009.jpg )
>> No. 3298 [Edit]
I don't think it counts as yaoi if a girl is dressed like a boy, as in your pic.
>> No. 3300 [Edit]
They're fun shows to watch, usually. Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi had a pretty good first episode.
>> No. 3303 [Edit]
I don't mind them.
>> No. 3304 [Edit]
I've tried to watch a few (Junjou Romantica, Loveless, Gakuen Heaven), but I prefer yuri. There was too much of a focus on domination vs. submission for my taste.

Junjou Romantica was the most tolerable, it had some decent dramatic/emotional scenes, but also some annoying shitty attempts at comedy. The other two I couldn't stay interested beyond one or two episodes.
>> No. 3310 [Edit]
File 130300500897.jpg - (41.49KB , 388x410 , 1276681962644.jpg )
I think the OP is talking about the "genre" of shounen-ai, as in a love story about boys.

What you guys are talking about with "boys" who look like "girls" is completely unrelated. They're usually just a joke or published in a different type of manga than shounen-ai stuff is, as they're for guys.

pic related and unrelated at the same time.
>> No. 3311 [Edit]
I'm not a girl or gay, so naturally it's not my thing. I'm staying far, far away from Hatsukoi this season.
>> No. 3313 [Edit]
I've been interested in watching or reading some but I want something that isn't fujoshi pandering or deep-seated in the shitty semi/uke power dynamic. I admit that I don't even know how much of BL fits its negative stereotype, so I don't want to sound as ignorant as people who make assumptions about other niches, but at the same time I don't want to just pick up some random BL and hope that my fears won't come true.

What I'm trying to say is, is there anything you would recommend?
>> No. 3325 [Edit]
File 130306359142.jpg - (142.16KB , 800x600 , yaoiguysinkimonos.jpg )
>What do you guys think
I like it.
>> No. 3344 [Edit]
File 130310209535.jpg - (737.84KB , 568x4002 , loveless.jpg )
>I've tried... Loveless... but I prefer yuri.

Loveless was the only shounen-ai I've seen entirely, long ago, and I did like it. The art, the soundtrack, the general gloomy mood (the fact Ritsuka's mother was nuts and violent towards him... I knew about that) and even its symbolic use of nekomimi made it an interesting and soothing show to watch. After that I tried a few yaoi but, since I'm not gay/bi, the explicit scenes weren't appealing at all and the plot was shallow/idiotic, so I drop them (don't even remember their names; the art wasn't nearly as good, either).

Shoujo-ai and Yuri are fine, if they don't get too much affected and develop more like a pink getto / slice of life (Sasameki koto was ok; Aoi Hana was good)... althought Strawberry Panic had it's moments (never finished Maria-sama ga miteru; I probably should).
>> No. 3354 [Edit]
I am okay with it. As an example Ive seen all of Hetalia Axis Pwoers and plan on watchinh Hetalia World Series sometimes in the future
>> No. 3365 [Edit]
trip related

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