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File 130292174252.png - (135.47KB , 421x392 , toucan-san.png )
3232 No. 3232 [Edit]
Hello tchan,
I've noticed, in my many lurks of this board that is seems like the majority of you are focused on watching currently airing anime and I'm wondering what exactly the attraction is to seeing stuff as it airs. My own habits are different from your own, I generally watch old shows (for example, this week I've watched Dokuro-chan Let's Nupu Nupu and the first half of Planetes). I guess maybe I don't have the patience to wait a week for the next episode, although I did watch Shiki last fall, but it seems like my habits are in the minority and I suspect that I might be missing out on something by not watching everything as it comes out as it seems like everyone else does. Am I?
Also I decided that t-chan's official mascot is this fella, Toucan-san
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>> No. 3233 [Edit]
Its a pure matter of preference, I tend to watch most shows when they air apart from ones that are colossal artwanks in which case I wait for blurays.

Also i'd think tohno-chan's mascot would probably be tohno minagi seeing as its her name and all.
>> No. 3234 [Edit]
>I'm wondering what exactly the attraction is to seeing stuff as it airs
>> No. 3235 [Edit]
File 130292255724.png - (261.87KB , 386x396 , what.png )
There are VERY few shows I watch as they air. The last one I remember being Milky Holmes. I like to watch show's at my own pace, most of the time as a marathon.
>> No. 3236 [Edit]
I like waiting between episodes because it gives me something to look forward to every week
>> No. 3237 [Edit]
I watched Let's Nupu-Nupu in 1988 on my old ass TV and watched nearly every anime as it aired since then, meaning I don't have anything left to watch other than what's airing now.

More seriously, if you did this for like 10 years, you must have watched at least a good 500 anime and I think that's what most of us did. We watched seasons as they aired, pick out the good shows and dropped the ones that weren't. At least, that's how would explain it. We still go back to watch the one or the other thing of course.
>> No. 3238 [Edit]
I only watch current anime because I'm too lazy to finish a series. When things are currently airing, even if I follow 15 shows a season, that's only 15 episodes I have to watch each week.

Plus I've pretty much ran out of older stuff to watch. There isn't anything else that interests me.
>> No. 3240 [Edit]
Its only a matter of f time until you switch to stuff which is currently airing. Once you exhaust everything you're interested in that's been made the only thing left really IS new stuff. After years of watching hours a day its very easy to get through most of the "good" older shows. I know when I first got into anime I mostly stuck to stuff I could marathon before I just simply ran out.
>> No. 3242 [Edit]
not OP, but I'm not watching anything this season for the same reason.
>> No. 3243 [Edit]
I still watch plenty of older shows, problem is, people don't much like to talk about older stuff, if I had to guess, I'd say its a memory problem, new shows are fresh in people's minds, old ones not so much, with new anime that people watch as it airs around the same time, but older anime, people watch at completely different times, if at all.
It can be very off putting having people exclusively talking about shows you haven't seen, so it's just natural to want to see them so you can join in with the talks.
Also, There's merchandise like figures, stuff, any stuff, from older shows can be hard to find, and the stuff usually goes up in price, so it can be costly to watch an old show and decide you like it enough to want to buy figures and stuff from it, literally, where as with currently airing shows figs and junk come out just around the time she show comes to an end.
Watching older stuff certainly has its benefits to, no waiting endlessly for subs, no having to download episodes individually, and you get to watch better quality dvd or blu-ray rips, were as everyone else gets QUALITY.

It's basically just about keeping up with the times, what's hot, what's fresh and being able to talk about it around the digital water cooler.
>> No. 3244 [Edit]
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>> No. 3245 [Edit]
This. Even though I'm watching a ton of shows this season, I can force myself to sit through one episode of each per week much more easily than going through an entire season at once, even if I don't find all of those shows very entertaining.
>> No. 3249 [Edit]
Part of the reason the discussions are more prominent is because, by getting the episodes one at a time, people have more of a reason to focus on each specific episode individually, meaning there's more to comment on and therefore more discussion.

Whereas when you're watching an older series, even you might not exhaust all the potential comments when posting, let alone people commenting from memory.

I always preferred watching stuff after a batch torrent is released but now that I see people repeatedly mentioning the new shows each time a new episode airs on tc and in the tc irc, it really piques my interest.
>> No. 3251 [Edit]
I find it hard to marathon shows that are mediocre at best. Unless it's godly I can't bring myself to watch more than 3 episodes a day of a show. Its much easier to watch mediocre shows over a long period of time.

Plus, I would have literally nothing to look forward to if it wasn't for currently airing anime.
>> No. 3252 [Edit]
Because I don't watch a whole lot of anime anymore. I only watch one or two episodes a day, and watching stuff as it airs gives me about the right amount of anime to watch. It also allows me to watch a greater variety of anime instead of focusing on one show until I finish it, which can take awhile since I don't marathon stuff anymore. Because I'm watching a variety of shows, and also because I only have to watch one episode of each show a week, it also makes it easier for me to finish shows without losing interest.

Being able to discuss what I'm watching is also a nice bonus.
>> No. 3255 [Edit]
..and becuase she's on the front page, is on the site spoiler image, has a ton of banners and has her own board.
>> No. 3261 [Edit]
I honestly hate watching stuff as it airs limited one episode per week. In the emission form instead of the Blu ray. Waiting for the subbers.
I hate it.
The only reason I sometimes do it is because I don't want to be fucked up by spoilers or I want to be part of the discussion and even that doesn't motivate me to watch stuff as it airs every time.

I rather watch the Blu rays once they've all been translated in my own pacing.
I might watch three episodes one day. I might not watch any more episodes for a month.
My pacing.
>> No. 3265 [Edit]
I'm sure I mentioned this topic quite a few times on /tc/ as it bothers me, too, but I can't seem to find all the posts. I only found this:

>For some reason it always feels awfully wrong to me when I see people who just kinda start watching new shows out of the blue without ever as much as thinking about the classics. It gets even worse when I see people who claim they've seen 200 shows (and I know for sure they're not lying) and yet look at me as if I were a retard whenever I try to mention something that aired before ~2004.

Also this whole thread: >>1019

I only watch episodic shows as they air (for example I'm watching A-Channel this season and I'm not sure whether I'll be watching anything else). I wait until the season is over to marathon everything else.
>> No. 3267 [Edit]
1) Alot of people have already seen all the old anime that interests them
2) Everyone can watch and discuss the same animes together

I actually find myself watching alot of anime a season or 2 after it airs
>> No. 3269 [Edit]
oh yeah, and most old shows have already been discussed to the death
>> No. 3276 [Edit]
We're NEET and hikis OP - at least most of us - so we've seen just about everything you can name more than once.

All that's left is current series. The waiting is kind of the fun part because it's a week between episodes...then months until you start getting other stuff like DVDs and figs.

That said I personally don't follow most things currently airing these days, but only because it's so rare a good show comes out. This season there are quite a few good titles out so that's why /an/ is so active now.
>> No. 3279 [Edit]
I didn't even know there was an anime for Let's Nupu Nupu. I read the manga years ago and liked it. Downloading now.
>> No. 3297 [Edit]
Do you know of any similar manga other than Short Cuts and Gyagu Manga Biyori?

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