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File 130284442898.jpg - (46.73KB , 487x343 , anohi.jpg )
3188 No. 3188 [Edit]
I am anticipating this show, and I hope it does not disappoint. Is anyone else going to follow this?
Expand all images
>> No. 3190 [Edit]
It already aired didn't it?
I think it seems interesting and I'll give it a chance.
>> No. 3192 [Edit]
Yes, it already aired. I'm watching it now, I will post my thoughts when I'm done.
>> No. 3193 [Edit]
I've watched it, the first episode was really good.
>> No. 3194 [Edit]
That's some serious multitasking there.
>> No. 3195 [Edit]
I should have said 'I'm starting it now'. I apologize.
>> No. 3196 [Edit]
Hahaha ok. For a moment there I really though you had it on a small window while you posted here and did other stuff at the same time.
>> No. 3198 [Edit]
I just finished the episode, and to those who are on the thinking of watching it: give it a try. I liked the first episode, and I'm afraid a lot of people will let this show just slip past them.
>> No. 3199 [Edit]
I got teary eyed in just the first episode. I have a feeling this shows is going to make me shed some tears.
>> No. 3200 [Edit]
Honestly I hadn't been prepared for such an emotional series, partly because of the rather plain description. Just one episode in and it already topped Hanasaku in my ranking.
>> No. 3201 [Edit]
It's that good then, ok. Gonna check it out tomorrow.
>> No. 3202 [Edit]
Me too. Definitely one to watch.
>> No. 3206 [Edit]
File 130285610066.jpg - (133.80KB , 579x318 , gggg.jpg )
This series is a good surprise; if it makes justice to its dramatic starting...
Well lets better be prudent; but I'm definatelly following this.

How many of you brohnos are still somehow anchored to shit that happened almoust a decade ago, and made of guilt a way of living?
I do.
>> No. 3214 [Edit]
I wasn't planning on watching this because I'm not a fan of A-1 Pictures or the director, and it seemed kind of pretentious, but based on this thread I'll give it a chance. Plus it at least has a competent scriptwriter.
>> No. 3215 [Edit]
Looks nice, I'm going to pick this up too.
>> No. 3221 [Edit]
Cried 3 times.

Fuck, it's one of those shows I don't want to watch but I just keep on keeping on.
>> No. 3223 [Edit]
Yep same here. It's worse because I moved from Europe to the States so the difference is much more drastic. Shit, two of my closest friends over there got married and already have a kid together. My neighbors, who along with me were friends since preschool got into a huge fight ~2 years since I left and they haven't spoken to each other since. I'm in college now, and I look back at them and I just cannot picture them apart. This is the kind of show that by the end I will probably feel bad about myself
>> No. 3226 [Edit]
Well that was depressing. This one sure hits close to home.
>> No. 3229 [Edit]
The scene where he had to prepare himself because he heard people outside really hit close to home. So did most of the scenes where he was around people and acting very awkward.

This one is going to be tough if I cried in the first episode.
>> No. 3254 [Edit]
Going to start this in a few minutes. I'm already watching 15 shows this season and that'll be bumped up again when Deadman Wonderland starts.

Spring sure is busy.
>> No. 3264 [Edit]
File 130294867892.jpg - (107.86KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_o_Bokutachi_wa_Mada.jpg )
Highly relatable MC, character designs are awesome, a good combination of actual plot + PLOT done rigth and Menma is a miracle of the universe. This might as well be my favorite show of the season.
>> No. 3268 [Edit]
Alright, first episode was really good. It might be hard taking the series seriously when one of the girls' nicknames is Anaru though.
>> No. 3272 [Edit]
File 13029613805.jpg - (117.60KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Ano_Hana_-_01_[h264-720p][58F95653]_mkv_snap.jpg )
>> No. 3277 [Edit]
I watched the first episode but like I said on IRC, I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. It's too depressing.

So far it's reminding me of a NHK type series, but without the drug use and complete psychosis Sato went though, but he was in his 20s anyway.
>> No. 3281 [Edit]
It's pretty obvious it's going to be an uplifting series so I don't think you should worry about that. In fact, I personally don't think I even want to watch the rest of the series because I feel like I've watched it before.
>> No. 3282 [Edit]
>It's pretty obvious it's going to be an uplifting series
>> No. 3283 [Edit]
Are you seriously trying to tell me that the characters won't get past their problems and become friends again by the end of the show? Seriously?
>> No. 3305 [Edit]

Remember when people said Madoka was going to be cute girls doing cute things?
>> No. 3309 [Edit]
>> No. 3312 [Edit]
This took me by surprise. I really wasn't expecting much, but it hit me hard. I got tear eyed more than once just in this episode.
>> No. 3350 [Edit]
there is a cable-stayed bridge in the background. I will watch this
>> No. 3363 [Edit]
I happen to live next to the 126th biggest cable-stayed bridge in the world. That's right, the 126th biggest.

The MC acting really weird and unfamiliar with conversation when around his previous classmates totally reminded me of a situation last year when I left my house for the first time in a year and ran into 6 or so people I used to know from school. That scene was hard to watch.
>> No. 3367 [Edit]
you live in Scotland I take it? cool
>> No. 3398 [Edit]
After episode 1's strong start I was worried whether it could keep it up, but episode 2 lived up to it and more. I actually teared up more times during 2 than 1 but it might be because I've forgotten to take my pills for a few days now.

Him hearing about all the places his friend has visited and watching Anaru's friends talk about how disgusting he is had the episode off to a depressing start but then POKÉMON.

It's a bit sad to realise that the people you were friends with when you were 10 and the people you played the original Pokemon games together with won't be watching this.
>> No. 3407 [Edit]
File 130346194862.jpg - (140.66KB , 1280x720 , 1303457120517.jpg )
Episode 2 is excellent, no less than episode 1. This is one of the few shows this season that I don't find myself fastforwarding because of boredom. Although I'm not sure I like how they spilled the beans about Menma's ghost this early on, was hoping for it to be slowly revealed.
Also the ED had a heavy emotional impact on me.
>> No. 3412 [Edit]
This might be my favorite show this season.
>> No. 3418 [Edit]
This show is gonna kill me
>> No. 3422 [Edit]
Menma reminds me of a younger kud without her dogs.
>> No. 3451 [Edit]
File 130370438348.jpg - (121.71KB , 1280x720 , HGGGNNNN.jpg )
Same character designer as HSOTD and Toradora. I knew I recognized those faces.

This show could be one the best of the season, and so far it is. Really high quality too.
>> No. 3463 [Edit]
It's my favourite this season.
>> No. 3637 [Edit]
File 130406046630.png - (1.21MB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2011-04-29-18h56m00s63.png )
>> No. 3639 [Edit]
Expected sad depressing and nhk like, got the same shit as always.
>> No. 3640 [Edit]
File 130406493984.png - (628.53KB , 1000x1000 , some faggot kid.png )
>> No. 3643 [Edit]
I don't think everyone dresses as the person they're obsessed with.
>> No. 3644 [Edit]
Spoilers please.
>> No. 3645 [Edit]
File 130406957014.jpg - (71.00KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_o_Bokutachi_wa_Mada.jpg )
So this episode brings us signs hinting at a big twist that snob boy was crossdressing as Menma and wanders around
certainly that's not a normal behaviour, but we're talking about someone who sniffs a dead person's clothes.

didn't think it was necessary since this is just speculation, but duly noted.
>> No. 3646 [Edit]
Sniffing a girls cloths and wearing them are completely different things.

Just in the practical sence alone, you have to understand that
A. the dress belonged to a littl girl, and he is a grown man, if he tried to wear that dress he'd rip through that thing faster then the Bruce banner.
And B. He's sniffing the thing, this is becuase he wants to smell her sent, how much of her sent do you think would be left on it after 10 whole years of him wearing it around?
and C. he's clearly trying to keep a respectable images about him and he certainly doesn't seem stupid, He knows it would be far to hard to wander around in a dress way to small for him without someone noticing, japan is crammed full of people and privacy is is a foreign word, just takes one person seeing him like that, then bam, there goes his life as he knows it.

At best, he might have used it to jerk off with.
>> No. 3647 [Edit]
File 130409399296.jpg - (57.82KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_o_Bokutachi_wa_Mada.jpg )
>B.10 whole years of him wearing it around?
The idea of dressing up had only occurred to him recently. Upon hearing from Poppo how Jinta could see Menma's ghost, he was infuriated, thus falsely claiming that he could also see her just to compete.
He might have asked a tailor to make a bigger one for him.

They couldn't have just included the watch in there for arbitrary reasons.
>> No. 3649 [Edit]
Awww yeah, picked the fuck back up.
>> No. 3658 [Edit]
File 130419616623.jpg - (81.64KB , 582x947 , anaru-HNNNG.jpg )
this girl's really giving a hard time
and her nick-name doesn't help at all.
>> No. 3660 [Edit]
File 130419630860.jpg - (50.45KB , 597x320 , crabs.jpg )
gotta try this soon on a few little smokies...
>> No. 3670 [Edit]
File 130428032588.jpg - (43.45KB , 419x436 , 1302323214623.jpg )
>> No. 3718 [Edit]
After having watched the third ep, it would seem you're probably right, after seeing him shopping for women's accessories.
>> No. 3757 [Edit]
File 130472642378.png - (129.94KB , 590x324 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Nice shot. Anyway, that's what Japan teaches us: crossdressing as an infant is a valid way of mourning.

Also Anaru's vocation for fanservice keeps on being validated.

Post edited on 6th May 2011, 5:05pm
>> No. 3758 [Edit]
That sounds like my kind of country.
>> No. 3801 [Edit]
File 130495749426.jpg - (119.19KB , 639x714 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
No wonder her nickname is 'Anal'
>> No. 3805 [Edit]
So the title in english:

>We still don't know the name of the flower we saw that day.

....I translated it myself,yay or nay?
>> No. 3811 [Edit]
yep, your translation is correct
>> No. 3847 [Edit]
I really can't take it anymore. After this episode ending with Menma crying, I just feel empty. It's just way too sad.
>> No. 3888 [Edit]
>It's just way too sad.

You aren't familiar wit Key studio, are you?
>> No. 3894 [Edit]
I don't know about the anon you're asking but, I've seen all of key's anime adaptions and read a VN or two and I still find Ano Hi(bla bla bla) incredibly touching and sad.

Probably because I relate more to the protag here than I do to the protag in any key-stuff.
>> No. 3928 [Edit]
I don't think you need to relate to someone to still find the story sad.
Key stuff I have found sad, this not so much.
I can kind of relate to the main character, although not really all that much because because he actually has friends, and I don't have a ghost loli living with me.. okay so maybe I don't relate that much... but I digress.

Relatable or not, I don't really see what's sad or depressing about this show, so Mema crys a lot, la de da, that seems to be the bulk of what she can do.
If all it took to make a sad drama was having girls crying, then why not edit together a 2 hour movie showing nothing but crying girls and win every award a movie can win?

Just looking at the cast here, we've got a dumb slut, retarded man child, shut in neet, cross dressing nut job and a cold heated bitch.
It's sad alright, but in a pathetic kind of way if you ask me, they're people that had a problem, and were to stupid to figure out how to properly move on with their lives. (what I think they all needed was someone to smack them around and tell them to just get over it)
It's by no means a bad story to tell as they try to fix their lifes and go back to the way things were before, but hardly the type of story I'd shed a single tear for.
>> No. 3929 [Edit]

I agree. I was expecting it to me more NEET-struggling-to-overcome-adversities but it's turned out to be about some guy who for some reason - it's not yet really elaborated - is unable to cope with society. Whether it is merely the lost of Menma remains to be seen, but they all seem to have some buried memories of her they want to relive.

Considering the show is only running 12 episodes or so, I don't yet see where they're going with the show.

Does he stop being a NEET, return to school, all the friends casually reunite yet move on, approaching adulthood?
>> No. 3930 [Edit]
As much as I want to believe that, something deep down inside me tells me that won't be the case. I can't really explain it well, but I think that what will happen is they they all reunite as friends for a short while, then slowly drift apart again as the mystery of Menma gets solved.
>> No. 3934 [Edit]
I'd say you definitely need to be able to sympathize with the characters to some extent to find something sad. But not to the extent that you'd have to be a NEET to find this show sad, for example. We're all humans so we all have some common ground. I don't find Ano Hana very sad either, though it's still touching in a different way.

>It's sad alright, but in a pathetic kind of way if you ask me, they're people that had a problem, and were to stupid to figure out how to properly move on with their lives. (what I think they all needed was someone to smack them around and tell them to just get over it)
The thing is real life is pathetic, and people do make stupid mistakes. That should make Ano Hana strike more of a chord not less of one. As long as you have some empathy that is.

You don't have to be a NEET to like Ano Hana, you just need to be able to recognize and sympathize with the flawed and tragic reality of the human condition. No, I can't explain it in a less pretentious-sounding way.

Post edited on 18th May 2011, 9:43pm
>> No. 3940 [Edit]
I'm >>3847 and I found that scene sad because as an anime character, Menma has a special spot in my heart. So it was like seeing my loved ones suffer for me, actually, it wasn't just similar, it exactly was seeing my loved one suffer.
>> No. 3941 [Edit]
>that scene
You're gonna have to be a bit more specific, Mema crys a river at least twice an ep.
>> No. 3942 [Edit]
File 130579921713.jpg - (120.54KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Ano_Hana_-_05v2_[h264-720p][CBD9AC61]_mkv_sn.jpg )
I was talking about the last scene of episode 5.
>> No. 3944 [Edit]
Anyone annoyed by the ammount of tears Menma drops every episode?
>> No. 3946 [Edit]
Yeah I can really imagine how much it must suck when the only person in the world you can talk or interact with, is a pathetic failure NEET.
>> No. 3949 [Edit]
A little, but then I remember that just about anyone in her situation would cry a lot.
>> No. 3953 [Edit]
File 130591643352.jpg - (80.65KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_o_Bokutachi_wa_Mada.jpg )
i had another one of those times where i needed to pause and go do something else when i was trying to watch this scene.
>> No. 3956 [Edit]
I find myself skipping past scenes like this a lot.
>> No. 3957 [Edit]
I couldnt watch this either
i have nightmares that one day i wake up and go back to high school like nothing ever happened
>> No. 3978 [Edit]
Same here.
>> No. 3992 [Edit]
>>3953 (and following)
If it's not too impolite, care to elaborate?
If it wasn't for your messages I wouldn't have noticed this scene at all, as I don't really relate with the MC on that part. Now seeing that the scene was apparently well done gets interesting.
>> No. 3994 [Edit]
it was just one of those times where i felt too embarrassed for the character, that i couldnt watch. it sometimes in anime

whenever i had to speak in front of the class in school, i hated the stares and all the attention being focused on me. i could never do what jinta done, especially combined with saying such embarrassing things
>> No. 4040 [Edit]
anybody else just finish watching the livestream?
>> No. 4041 [Edit]

Social phobia basically. It's the fear of being ridiculed in front of everyone he once knew.
>> No. 4045 [Edit]
File 130646199357.jpg - (98.75KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Ma.jpg )
It seems she's maturing bit by bit and crying less each episode.
>> No. 4046 [Edit]
this is quickly becoming one of my favorite anime of the year. even if the story isn't the most imaginative ever, i'm loving the characters and the execution of the whole package is just brilliant.
>> No. 4051 [Edit]
I usually smoke weed when I watch anime because it makes it a much "better" experience, in my subjective opinion anyway. Any time I watch this show, by the time I'm done I've become so depressed and introspective and feel terrible. Maybe it's just cause I'm high and I'm thinking "deeper" but nothing has made me feel so bad about myself until this show. Welcome to the NHK - a similar show in ways - wasn't this bad.

I can't wait to see how this ends anyway. Not many episodes left either.
>> No. 4057 [Edit]
File 130655365932.jpg - (843.45KB , 1000x750 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
This is how I'd love to see this show end.
>> No. 4066 [Edit]
This show gets me every time I watch it. Buckets of tears. I just caught up, and that scene with popo trying to talk to menma... oh dear.

I never considered what menma was going through before that episode. It was always her cheering up jintan, but now it's obvious it's a two way street.

I have no idea how this won't end bittersweet, or just plain terribly.
>> No. 4096 [Edit]
I just finished episode 7, and god damn this show is sad.

Menma is basically a personification of Jintan, which is us (that is, those who can identify with him in certain regards). I really liked how he got a job this episode.
>> No. 4103 [Edit]
File 130676836948.png - (584.57KB , 1049x593 , f714503200e805fc15ecbba8149d96b4.png )
It's like they're honestly trying to make us hate Anaru
>> No. 4104 [Edit]
She has weirder t-shirts than even Fuuka.
>> No. 4107 [Edit]
theyve succeeded since episode one for me
>> No. 4148 [Edit]
File 13069692211.png - (1.00MB , 1072x601 , anaru.png )
All the contrary, here: she just keeps scalating, each and every episode, on giving me some of the strongrest hots of the season and presenting us such a troubled mind that makes me really like her (seriously). She just needs to get a grip... and maybe stop faking her gingerness.

Post edited on 1st Jun 2011, 4:03pm
>> No. 4151 [Edit]
I'm not watching this show or know much about it, but I really like the H pics of Anaru being made.
>> No. 4178 [Edit]
And there are a lot of them.
>> No. 4198 [Edit]
Yeah Anaru just keeps getting better.

The end of the latest episode was the most emotional part of the show so far for me. Still not enough to make me cry though.
>> No. 4215 [Edit]
Anal holds absolutely no appeal for me.
>> No. 4216 [Edit]

Same here. The amount of Anaru (I didn't even know that's her name) H content is quite astonishing. Actually, now that I know her name (well, now that I check it it's her nickname but whatever) I don't even need to ask what's the story behind it.
>> No. 4217 [Edit]
Same here. She's just been an annoying bitch to me since the beginning, and not attractive at all.
>> No. 4218 [Edit]
I liked her up until this last episode. I'm sure it was just her not understanding how to support her friend and crush but her action and attitude were too much for me. She got jealous and mad and let her emotions get the best of her. You are supposed to support your friends, not push them down. I just realized how insanely optimistic that was. That's a first.

I edit the post and my spoiler went away and I didn't delete it.

Post edited on 5th Jun 2011, 8:42am
>> No. 4222 [Edit]
last episode had be bawlin' yo
>> No. 4328 [Edit]
File 130776881734.png - (124.99KB , 1200x1200 , Spoiler Picture.png )
You know what? I really like Naruko (yup: even might stop calling her Anaru). What can I say? the girl's smoking hot (wich actually serves her a poor help), adorably clueless at handling love feelings and unrequited love is one of my fetishes. So, as I respect your opinion, I might beg you to respect her as well... no, not really; take this pic related you know what to do with)

Anyway: 8th episode was good: the acceptance of Menma's existence is re-awakening specific old group dynamics, with its frustrations and grudges intensified with age; at the same time, Jintan is already going like WTF am I doing, not knowing how to go on as he panics about losing Menma once again. So maybe this series still have a fair chance to satisfy our first dramatic expectations about it.

Post edited on 10th Jun 2011, 10:11pm
>> No. 4343 [Edit]
Pin the tail on the pig?
>> No. 4414 [Edit]
This show makes me so god damn depressed. I feel hopeless when I watch it.
>> No. 4418 [Edit]
File 130826754853.jpg - (84.40KB , 757x626 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Wow, they upgraded my Tsuruko.
>> No. 4419 [Edit]
I think you mean downgraded
>> No. 4420 [Edit]

I concur.
>> No. 4425 [Edit]
She looks manlier with her that cut. Not that that is a bad thing or anything.
>> No. 4428 [Edit]

She looks like Yukiatsu with dark hair...
>> No. 4498 [Edit]
I swear, if they cut to Jinta calling menma ugly one.. more.. freaking.. time....
>> No. 4540 [Edit]
File 130889216465.png - (287.23KB , 600x334 , all of 'em.png )
I did wanted drama, but oh well: this went from pathetic to just lame...
guess it's over, anyway... oh well.
>> No. 4541 [Edit]
Looks like a fan made template for super deep throat. Haven't checked, though.
>> No. 4551 [Edit]
File 130898113964.jpg - (537.64KB , 707x1234 , 1307772991979.jpg )
I cried like a bitch.
>> No. 4552 [Edit]
File 130898891665.jpg - (13.58KB , 241x158 , 1307589249189.jpg )

As did I. Especially at the letters.
>> No. 4554 [Edit]
I thought this was OK at most. The last episode seemed a bit dragged out to me.
>> No. 4555 [Edit]
It was pretty good.
It's just... the ending felt SO dramatic, in an over the top way.

I almost felt like I was watching CLANNAD.
>> No. 4575 [Edit]
>almost felt like I was watching CLANNAD

Not nearly, here, no...
>> No. 4591 [Edit]
File 130917482154.jpg - (109.58KB , 1281x718 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I never cried or was too sad throughout the entire series until the letters.
>> No. 4614 [Edit]
Was expecting ghost fuck, received derp.
>> No. 4623 [Edit]
To much over the top drama for something that had no real goal from the get go. Menma was annoying honestly.

I liked the Anaru, Yukiatsu, Tsurumi triangle though. They should have worked more on that instead of giving me this mushy drama trying extra hard to evoke emotions in the viewer.
>> No. 4624 [Edit]
The letters got me to tear up slightly, but other then then that, I was as dry as a Arizona lake bed.

Menma's constant crying was as >>4623 said, a bit annoying.

I couldn't really bring myself to care that much about the drama, some of it was a bit depressing at first with what happened to menma, but I couldn't give two turds about their love triangle, boo freaking who, all the popular kids don't get to bang the person they like, how sad it is that they have to settle for a replacement, cry me a freaking river man.

Popo was the only one I felt sorry for, he's destined to be forever alone, and you'll never see any of the girls fighting over guys like him.
He's stuck being the big funny guy no one really gives that much of a crap about, and would probably stay that way for ever.
Even after traveling the world the guy couldn't find a place to belong, and ended up living in the old kid's clubhouse, his is the only truly sad story of the bunch I think, not to mention he seems to have been somewhat traumatized during childhood from seeing his friend die.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2011, 12:26am
>> No. 4634 [Edit]
I cried in the beginning of the series but the end left me dry. It was bland and pretentious. The screaming at the end left me cringing.
>> No. 4796 [Edit]
I enjoyed the show thoroughly.

I think those with complaints were expecting too much for 12 episodes, or were just expecting the show to play out much different. I mean, you coulda guessed it ended this way half way through the show, with the whole gotta free Menma to heaven thing. Eventually they were going to do it and triumph over their own issues as well.
>> No. 7358 [Edit]
I definitely thought it would be sadder. I just dislike the direction the show went in with all the love triangles and unnecessary drama. It could have been better.
>> No. 7393 [Edit]
Complaning that a drama show has too much drama?
>> No. 7395 [Edit]
more like, complaining about the type of drama it turned into.
>> No. 7462 [Edit]
I expected more ghost fuck and less random shit.
And the drama was stupid.
Aside from that it was pretty nice.

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