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File 130272456746.png - (1.31MB , 1280x780 , 9687ad3cb0330246f390aab5473842de5bdfa7b8.png )
3145 No. 3145 [Edit]
Because we needed a thread like that for quite some time and nobody wanted to create it.

Let's list some obvious ones first. Then you can add your own proposals and complain.

The first one is a no-brainer.
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>> No. 3146 [Edit]
File 130272465814.jpg - (1.15MB , 4000x2400 , 1291120997_mushishi_forest.jpg )

There are like 24 chapters which hasn't been adapted. Also, the live action movie has another story so with that we've got 25.
>> No. 3147 [Edit]
File 130272471776.jpg - (72.78KB , 600x687 , kino-no-tabi--img-mb0ac17b890dcd4be3361935cdd201e2.jpg )
Kino no Tabi
>> No. 3148 [Edit]
File 130272474021.jpg - (181.78KB , 700x500 , a11545d0b2291a005ad8b6b5742f19454babf45d.jpg )
>> No. 3149 [Edit]
File 130272477656.jpg - (51.90KB , 354x500 , cb13531f8239cf7281b4fd4127c04dcb4dde7158.jpg )
And Cromartie as it's one of the funniest comedy anime out there.

That's it from me (for now I guess).
>> No. 3150 [Edit]
File 130272703428.png - (422.46KB , 1200x768 , 16657663.png )
Milky Holmes.
>> No. 3151 [Edit]
>Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes. >Milky Holmes.
>> No. 3152 [Edit]
Milky Holmes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Milky Holmes > Milky Holmes
>> No. 3153 [Edit]
Rozen Maiden is at the top of my list of series I want to see continued, even though I know it's never going to happen.
>> No. 3156 [Edit]
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Darker than Black
Spice and Wolf

She looks better as that fig than she ever did in the anime
>> No. 3157 [Edit]
Milky Homes is getting a special apparently.

Considering how popular it was and how it ended, it is pretty much guaranteed to have a sequel at some point.
>> No. 3158 [Edit]
File 130274073763.jpg - (115.49KB , 1280x720 , [CrunchySubs] Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.jpg )
Kaij- Oh wait. I personally want another season of Ichigo Mashimaro and P&S.
>> No. 3159 [Edit]
Theres not going to be a second season? Is /a/ trolling me again?
>> No. 3160 [Edit]
Nothing that's been confirmed. The staff wants to continue it but it's really up to how well some of the merchandising sells.
>> No. 3162 [Edit]
Need I say it?

>> No. 3165 [Edit]
File 130277526327.jpg - (718.96KB , 2851x1810 , 1280438368011.jpg )
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

... is getting an OVA and SHAFT complains about the sales at the end of every season so I wouldn't be to worried. It might happen.

>Darker than Black

Pic related. Even though Bones stated they have no intention of doing S3 after S2 was over I won't believe it as noone kills golden egg producing chicken.

>Spice and Wolf

No idea here, really. I don't even know if the sales were any good and I'm too lazy to check it.

>Milky Holmes

Milky Holmes S2 will porbably happen sooner or later.

Sketchbook on the other hand...
>> No. 3166 [Edit]
how about shows that need to have season 2 redone?
code geass
gunslinger girl
rozen maiden
darker than black
>> No. 3168 [Edit]

Hayate no Gotoku!!
SZS as they abandoned quite a few nice ideas over time.
>> No. 3169 [Edit]
>Hayate no Gotoku!!

But it is getting a third season.
>> No. 3170 [Edit]
Uso da.
>> No. 3171 [Edit]

I was replying to hamish's post. I don't really care about S3 if it's gonna be as bad as S2. The fanwanked second half os season 2 was awesome. Manga material is mostly boring romcom harem with a funny scene every now and then.
>> No. 3172 [Edit]
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei's new OVA
Beside that, the discontinuation was explicitly implied through metaphor of the building with a corrupted foundation in the zombie episode. There's little to no point in continuing when the gimmick was getting old and busted.

>Darker than Black
The most unlikely of those four. I can't really see how they would further rehash this series, which Bones should have realized before the making season 2. Not to mention most loose ends were tied up, albeit there were a few minor questions left unanswered. That's just how Bones work. They make a good anime, then simply be done with it and move onto the next.
>> No. 3177 [Edit]


I'm too lazy to look for it. It will be bundled with the complete BD set.
>> No. 3348 [Edit]
One Outs
Ghost Hunt
DMC (didn't feel right as manga for me; also, the adaptation was worth it for music alone)
Bamboo Blade (I still hvae some hope for Saki but I think Bamboo Blade is a lost cause)

I feel that there are way more anime which got adaptations too early and we ended up with bullshit endings.
>> No. 3349 [Edit]
File 130315840514.jpg - (176.54KB , 704x400 , Katanagatari3.jpg )
I just hope this gets released sometime.

One hell of a bait and switched they pulled on us.
>> No. 3353 [Edit]
Canaan and Tytania

well I dont know they might get new seasons.
>> No. 5784 [Edit]

Oh hello
>> No. 5785 [Edit]
Maybe this time we'll get some decent figs out of it.
>> No. 5786 [Edit]
I loved it and at the same time I hated it.
The animation was just horrible, I don't get how Artland could have screwed this up so badly. They did LoTGH perfectly.
They should have made it a series of OVAs like LoTGH.
>> No. 5795 [Edit]
I would also like a third season of Spice and Wolf
>> No. 5807 [Edit]
File 131390134088.jpg - (105.61KB , 570x800 , guin-saga-1.jpg )
Guin Saga and The Twelve Kingdoms

I would really like to see these series continued... without reading them. I'm probably asking for too much, it's just that both of these series ended before they really started... just as everything was coming together (getting good).

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