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3119 No. 3119 [Edit]
Does anime set in no organized fashion bother anyone else? Haruhi and Kara no Kyoukai are the first things that come to mind. What order am I supposed to watch them in? It feels like you really miss out if you watch them in the order they were released, but if I watch them in the correct chronological order, it's like cheating.
>> No. 3120 [Edit]
you're supposed to watch them in release order obviously
>> No. 3121 [Edit]
Haruhi's release order is terrible. They even re-aired it without the trolling for season two, right before they trolled even harder. Also the DVDs are in linear order as well.

It was just some half-brained idea to get a reaction out of everyone and to get people to buy the DVDs so they could see it in order.

Kara no Kyoukai on the other hand is released in non-linear order, but it's logical and written to be that way.

Basically OP, you've let Haruhi troll the shit out of you. It's the only anime this question is even valid for. The answer is to just not watching something like that.
>> No. 3122 [Edit]
it's why i haven't watched haruhi or sketchbook yet.
>> No. 3123 [Edit]
I don't see the big deal.

Watch in broadcast order and piece it together, it's not like it's so deep you wouldn't be able to figure anything out. Or watch them later in the chronological order for continuity.
>> No. 3125 [Edit]
Watch Haruhi in chronological order if you want to actually enjoy it.
>> No. 3126 [Edit]

Hahahaha what? The series was made for the broadcast order (you know, since the climax is like the 5th chronological episode and the "real" finale episode has nothing going on).

They re-aired it in order so they could put the season 2 episodes in where they fit in the timeline.

>It was just some half-brained idea to get a reaction out of everyone and to get people to buy the DVDs so they could see it in order.

I'm sorry but this is the dumbest thing I have ever read on tohno chan
>> No. 3128 [Edit]
Yeah, man, and remember to watch all of endless 8 too! It was the way it was meant to be enjoyed!

When you're done drinking the haruhi cool-aid how about you explain the DVD and BD order too then?
>> No. 3130 [Edit]
>When you're done drinking the haruhi cool-aid

time to ignore the thread. If I wanted to watch people argue with trolls I could go to /a/
>> No. 3131 [Edit]
So in other words, you can't explain why the DVDs where released in chronological order? You'd rather just come into a thread, "laugh" at someone, call their post stupid, and then call them a troll without defending anything you say?

Yeah, you just go right on "ignoring" this thread. It will be a grave loss to us all.
>> No. 3132 [Edit]
Watching Haruhi in anything but chronological order is a terrible idea. Trust me, I would know as I watched it in the order it aired and it sucked so bad I never even tried to re-watch in chronological order. I basically lost the interest in the whole franchise and I most likely won't watch anything Haruhi-related ever again.

Then again, maybe KyoAni just rubs me the wrong way as I disliked everything they made (sans Lucky Star).

Also, first season of Hidamari Sketch confused the shit out of me as I didn't pay attention to the dates at first. It was enjoyable nonetheless as the order isn't that important in this case but I think I enjoyed it more when I rewatched it a year or so ago.
>> No. 3133 [Edit]
Oh no you're totally right the broadcast order was just a conspiracy to get people to buy the DVDs. How could we be so blind!?
>> No. 3134 [Edit]
It was an attempt to get people to talk about the series because it was doing something weird. It's not the first time people on planet earth have pulled a publicity stunt to generate conversation about their product.

You really think that's implausible considering they pulled ANOTHER publicity stunt in the very next season?

It's obvious you're a fan of the show, but you're just going completely ape-shit here. You need to calm down about the fact someone doesn't like something you do.
>> No. 3135 [Edit]
Come on guys, take it easy.
You could say that they were aired in that order to sell DVD's, but the fans would have bought them anyways. I'm assuming it was more of them trying to add a "cool" twist to the show, but did not end up doing so well,so they just scrapped it for the dvd release. It also made something to talk about right? Normally we only talk about little things in the episodes (Lets be honest, not much to talk about in SoL shows other than the cute things you saw). I remember there was a lot of talk going on about the correct order of the episodes, the site disappearance, etc. while the show was still airing. It generated a lot of hype.
>> No. 3136 [Edit]
I still refuse to believe endless 8 was nothing but a joke, it was crap, and you'd be nuts to watch all the episodes, but it's not like they aired the exact same episode, each was slightly different, which meant the studio made each episode separately, as opposed to just making it once and re airing it, what I mean is, they put work into those episodes, there must have been a reason for it.. I'm just not sure what that reason is.. I like to think it was to really embedded into the audience the situation at hand, and make them better understand how much reliving the time period 500 times must suck, and how much hell yuki must have been enduring.
I like to think of it as more of a daring move, trying to do something big never done before.. instead of the obvious, retards with a very bad idea.
>> No. 3137 [Edit]
I think that comment is in regards to the abundance of Haruhi merchandise people shamelessly eat up.
>> No. 3138 [Edit]
Yeah, it was a publicity stunt to get people to talk about Haruhi, just like we're doing right now, seasons after it ended, just like with the weird airing order for Haruhi.

Obviously Kyonani knows what they're doing.
>> No. 3139 [Edit]
I think they really tried in endless 8. I still really hate how dumb the premise was, but you can tell they put a lot of effort into it. Umineko had a similar thing going on as well, but I've seen no backlash from that.
>> No. 3140 [Edit]
I didn't realise Hidamari was aired out of order until late into season 2 I think.
When a show is episodic like that, with little to no plot, it can be hard to notice.
>> No. 3141 [Edit]
I think they wanted to do something similar to the out-of-order episodes in season 1, something to mess with peoples expectations, so they pulled endless eight, but I dont think it had the intended effect.
I had no idea hidamari sketch was out of order, and it hardly matters at all
>> No. 3142 [Edit]

I noticed during season one due to the whole moth thing.

But most of the time lack of chronological order doesn't make much of a difference to me. I couldn't care less about the order when I watched Kino no Tabi or Mushishi.

There are some cases where lack of chronological order made the anime better (like Baccano!) but it completely ruined Haruhi in my opinion. Was it prestented like that in novels, too? Because it didn't seem to be the least bit natural.

What really bothers me are retardedly long flashbacks. 'Let me tell you my story' is not a bad thing but when it spans over 5956 chapters like it did in Berserk it's just retarded. Even though it pretends to be good storytelling method it's anything but that so they could just stop doing it.
>> No. 3143 [Edit]
I would think logically you would watch a show in order of episode number.
>> No. 3144 [Edit]
I like it when an anime does not start at the beginning (like Berserk), or if it has a skip of time and events that are later explained (like Darker than Black S1 to S2, then the OVAs to explain in between). I don't like Haruhi's order because it had a plot yet did not explain things at the end (unlike Baccano), which can make things confusing. For stuff like Hidamari Sketch though, I don't care, it doesn't have a plot.

Although if you aren't watching it when its airing, I think you should just watch it the way you like and move on, instead of arguing about it over the internet when its a pure matter of preference.
>> No. 3154 [Edit]
Because there was actually a reason for that.

Also because people are too busy complaining about everything that was wrong with it.
>> No. 3155 [Edit]
With Kara no Kyoukai the novels were written in non-chronological order to begin with so that's the way the story is meant to be. Wanting to watch it chronologically would be like wanting to watch Memento chronologically.

Haruhi is somewhat different. The full novels, the ones with actual plot, were published in chronological order but because the short stories, which rarely if ever had any bearing on the overarching plot, were serialized in a magazine they didn't always adhere to that order. So I think it's safe to say that any nonlinearity was because of publication differences rather than an intent by the author for the story to be read in non-chronological order. Either way the airing order of the first season of the anime doesn't parallel the release of the source material anyways and its only real merit is airing Episode 00 first to troll the viewer. I guess you could say that airing the episodes out of order is also trolling, but it's skilless, artless trolling.
>> No. 3189 [Edit]
I watch stuff the in the order it aired and the producers meant it to be seen, sometimes watching stuff in a different order can give a different experience and how to know which is the most optimal way? Because I can't know for sure in every different case I simply watch it in the original order by default.
>> No. 3203 [Edit]
I dislike anime that isn't in chronological order.

Hell, I dislike anything that isn't in chronological order.

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