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File 130257751872.jpg - (116.41KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] The World God Only Knows 2 - 01 [72.jpg )
3082 No. 3082 [Edit]
The new opening is AMAZING
The little recap bit in the beginning was great.
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>> No. 3083 [Edit]
I liked the last OP a lot more personally, but it was still decent.
>> No. 3084 [Edit]
I was going to use commie subs for this (and a few other shows) but since HS is so much faster I might just go with them. Commie never even got Zombie 12 out
>> No. 3085 [Edit]
I thought the new OP was okay. Hopefully it will be like the first season's, where the full version was way better than the TV size. It was really cool for a full size OP to be something more than just the TV version repeated twice with a bridge thrown in.

I accidentally downloaded Horrible Subs then remembered that Crunchyroll translates 攻略 as "conquer" and how much it annoys me. I think Commie uses Crunchyroll's subs so I'll just go with Chihiro again.
>> No. 3108 [Edit]
File 130267625068.gif - (354.18KB , 400x225 , 1302596547911.gif )
>> No. 3111 [Edit]
I liked the last OP better. Mostly because I usually whistle it whenever I think about the series.
>> No. 3161 [Edit]
Just watched it. Elsie is cute as always
>> No. 3729 [Edit]
File 130456911776.jpg - (101.08KB , 1280x720 , hair.jpg )
Elsie with her hair down might be cuter than normal Elsie
>> No. 4177 [Edit]
File 130703678289.jpg - (132.93KB , 1280x720 , raping.jpg )
>> No. 4179 [Edit]
I used to think the last OP was godawful, but this thread convinced me to give the full thing a try. Good god, I was so wrong. The new OP, on the other hand, is pretty lame in comparison.
>> No. 4356 [Edit]
First season was getting worse with each episode so I wasn't really excited about S2. But I'm glad I actually decided to give it a try, as it's (for now, I'm barely at ep 3) back to it's initial quality.


I really liked her. I can relate a lot, as cute things are my weakness, too. She resembled Sakaki, even look-wise (it's scary how much both of them fit the 'Tall Dark And Bishoujo' archetype).

>'It's n-not like I'm rotating for you, idiot!'


I didn't know Earth was this moe.

Can't wait for the teacher heroine, they are usually my favorites (I wish there were more teacher routes in galge...).

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