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File 130249072364.jpg - (1.69MB , 2043x3000 , 080e47fe82e81053e8d9fbadef607db8.jpg )
3049 No. 3049 [Edit]
ITT: Your favorite side characters.
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>> No. 3050 [Edit]
File 130249699943.jpg - (107.44KB , 853x480 , 1263105787105.jpg )
Difficult question, I tend to enjoy the refreshing feel side-characters can give to certain shows, so a lot of my most liked characters are side-characters, but thinking of a certain character which I wanted to see the most, it has to be Ichijou.
>> No. 3051 [Edit]
File 130249813419.jpg - (10.00KB , 343x192 , minami-hosaka2[1].jpg )
i've never laughed to an anime more than at this scene. every scene with hosaka was just pure gold
>> No. 3054 [Edit]
  Takamatsu was pretty boss.
>> No. 3055 [Edit]

Are you a mahou shoujo? Because Hosaka was pretty much the first character I thought of.

'Did you sweat a lot today?'
'Yeah, at least three liters.'

Half of his lines are pure gold.

I tend to like side character more than protagonists, too. Here's a short list, I really tried to keep it to minimum:

- Animal Soldiers from Sunred, especially Usa (damn Usa you're so moe)
- Sanae from Ika Musume
- Natsume and Yoshinoya from Hidamari Sketch
- speaking of Matsuki Miyu Isumi from HnG is so cute she gave me diabetes (and Yoshinoya ruined my nutbladder); HnG has a great cast of supporting characters in general and I like lots of them (Sakuya, Izumi)
- Namie Yagiri from Durarara!! (possesive older sisters are my fetish)
- Kurumi from KnT (and I tend to have lots of sympathy for bitchy characters like her)
- Sachi from Maria†Holic (being this cute should be a capital offense; also, I have a thing for readheads)
- various girls from SZS, Ai in particular (Ai is love)
- quite a few characters from Shiki - Megumi, Masao, Tatsumi

... And countless others.
>> No. 3056 [Edit]
File 130253010536.jpg - (36.84KB , 417x337 , Mizore snowcone.jpg )
>> No. 3066 [Edit]
I'm the guy who posted hosaka, are we the same person or something? I can basically agree with everything you posted.
>> No. 3070 [Edit]
Lucky Star: Misao and Konata's dad.
Genshiken/2: Angela(?), the bibro American girl.
As mentioned, Hosaka.
>> No. 3072 [Edit]
File 130256060930.png - (460.40KB , 720x408 , mad.png )
along with hosaka, hoshi is also king side character
>> No. 3073 [Edit]

Might be DID. I bet the part where we can't agree is Kurumi. Possibly Namie, to, but since she had next to none screentime...

Let's try some more specific characters if that's the case.

- Nora from Spice and Wolf
- Nice Holystone from Baccano!; also, Chane to a lesser extent
- literally every single character in Seitokai Yakuindomo
- Kashiwa Hitomi from NHK (that conspiracy theories girl; just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't trying to get you)
- Tarou's older sister from MM! (again, possesive older sister; however, I tend to like the crazy/sadistic types much more, such as Ririko from Sharin no Kuni; by the way, Yuko Goto should really voice more characters like her - while I have nothing against her ara ara ojousama roles I loved her in SnK, perfect voiced for Ririko)
- some characters from Natsume Yuujinchou, but since I saw both seasons so long ago I have some problems recalling all of them; definitely Reiko (there's something about roguish 2D girls which makes them really cute), Natsume's stepmother and (we're getting really specific here) Tamiko. It's that little girl that ended up in a hole with Madara and shared some choclate (IIRC) with him. Considering my heart problems that scene could've been fatal for me.
- I'm inclined to say Yoshino from Marimite but she's not really a side character I guess (but it sure looks that way when you have so many main characters)


I was actually thinking about posting him. I liked Maria, too.
>> No. 3076 [Edit]
File 130256715511.jpg - (213.37KB , 757x1100 , Bunshichi_Tawara05.jpg )
He's the only reason I didn't drop Tenjou Tenge.
>> No. 3077 [Edit]
File 130256736868.jpg - (36.50KB , 392x392 , Excalibur.jpg )
My God how could I forget
>> No. 3080 [Edit]
File 130257249414.jpg - (181.15KB , 384x625 , Snufkin_by_meago_on_08-07-09-171620_jpeg.jpg )

Also Snufkin. They are voiced by the same guy.

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