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3044 No. 3044 [Edit]
This thread is to bemoan the "what could have been" of Minami-ke.
Have you ever seen the show? The first season is amazingly fantastic, it has everything that makes a quality SOL show. Season two the quality of animation drops through the floor and the script writing changes character for the worse. Season three looks like it was the early efforts of a particularly untalented doujin artist, but the script writing does back to season one quality. If all three seasons were at the first season's level, Minami-ke would be a beloved, legendary anime, instead its just a show that most people don't even care that much about.
>> No. 3045 [Edit]
Wait, it got a second season?
>> No. 3047 [Edit]
I don't care that much about Minami-ke.
>> No. 3048 [Edit]
I felt the third season was even more of a decline than the second. The visual quality was horridly inconsistent.
>> No. 3060 [Edit]
The second season was so disappointing that the folks who were translating the manga quit doing so during the second season of the anime.
>> No. 3061 [Edit]
Yeah, to be honest, I couldn't understand the wild praise I've seen about Minami-ke. The only episodes I really liked were the ones with Hosaka.

Also, if you didn't like the anime, you can always take solace in the fact that you can read the original manga instead.
>> No. 3063 [Edit]
this clearly seems to be a case of having opened the thread before the last reply previous to yours was made
>> No. 3065 [Edit]
Actually, no.

Even though that one group stopped working on it, there is another group who's been scanlating up from v7.
>> No. 3069 [Edit]
Well, it's not hard to see why Okawari is part of what used to be called 'the holy trinity' (along with DtB S2 and Tsukihime). I agree that the first season was pretty much perfect in terms of SOL comedy show. It was enjoyable, sometimes funny and sometimes cute in it's own way without trying to rub the cuteness in your face. It's a shame, as shows like this are few and far between. Most SOL shows nowadays basically scream 'LOOK HOW CUTE THE GIRLS IN OUR SHOW ARE!' and it usually rubs me the wrong way. The only somewhat recent exception was Working! but it had it's 'moe moe kyun' moments, too.

Now that I think about, S1's animation must've been really impressive at the time it aired.
>> No. 3079 [Edit]
This was a great show because it didn't rely on anything overly cute or implied to be "moe". It had a story, characters had back stories, and it all worked.

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