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File 129038017432.jpg - (71.76KB , 338x480 , HimeChenOtogiChikkuIdolLilpri.jpg )
300 No. 300
Be honest now, who else is watching this show?
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>> No. 312
File 129044496746.jpg - (85.88KB , 361x475 , Yumeiro-Patissiere-1.jpg )
Better question - how many of you have seen Yumeiro Pâtissière?

I hope you don't mind this slight hijack, Tohno - I just don't think every single series... 'of this sort' warrants a new thread. We can discuss all 'shoujo shoujo' (as opposed to shoujo aimed at a slighlty older audience; I hate how yousei is basically limited to smut stories for office ladies) in one thread to keep things in order.

So my proposal - discuss all Shugo Charas (well, maybe not ALL of them, Party! was pretty awful) and Heartcatch Precures here.
>> No. 318
Do you mean Josei, or are you Spanish?
>> No. 328

Yeah, I meant josei; brainfart, my bad.

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