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File 128918644088.jpg - (85.52KB , 640x480 , YosuganoSora.jpg )
30 No. 30
Oh Haruhi... just when I finally decided to download the game and thus look for it (even when I'm not sure the english patch is the full one), I came to discover the anime just started this week.

Already downloaded the first cap (still downloading the game). My first impression is like it's going to be amazing; the art, the tragic plot, the character development (even the main character, Haru, looks kind of worthy for the harem catfight he's about to start), the use of twincest (probably the most refined NSFW I've ever saw since Aki Sora)... everything looks really promising.
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>> No. 31
I really enjoyed the first two episodes. I haven't played the novel but I like where this is going.

Certainly benefits from the late-night ATX timeslot, at any rate.
>> No. 32
Probably nobody cares but I'm correcting myself now: this series might very well suck as, just like with Amagami, they're going trough an arc-based dinamic once again. I already had complains with Key's games adaptations, but this is getting pathetic: they're now just making the anime versions like some sort of lame speedrun pseudo-gameplay, skipping even the actual challenge of turning the VNs into linear coherent -and powerful- stories, capables of representing the full richness of the original games. Personally, I dislike this new going and hope isn't becoming a fashion.

They're including more explicit ero content now; but yet, it seems like it's being censored (with cropped angles, lensflare and stuff), so they could both make it into TV prime time (maybe) and sell DVD especial editions afterwards
>> No. 33
I agree, it seems lazy and to me and makes the series as a whole less interesting.
I don't think it'll catch on to well because many people might skip past arcs of characters they don't like, and in the end, just watch part if the series.
I wouldn't think animators would like making something knowing people would only watch half of it on average, even if it is easier to make.
>> No. 35
This is a series that caught my attention looking at the fall charts but never bothered picking up due to its content and I don't want to bother with it if it'll just be a watered down version.

VN or wait for the DVD/BD, /an/?
>> No. 66
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Well, personally, I couldn't wait to get my twincest so I started playing already.

Having finished Kazuha's route (the only one almost fully patched), I was able to unlock Sora's wich (apart from some /jp/anons who like Motoka) many people say it's the only valuable thing in the entire game. I'm like in the middle of it right now; it does get slow sometimes but, in general, not gonna lie to you: I'm enjoying it quite a lot (even if just for the loveliness of tsundere/pettan/poor healted(/ex-hiki)/imouto); tough, not knowing moon myself, it gets diffcult to grasp at times with just AGTH + Atlas(V13) as main backup; but that can't be helped (safe for by learning moon).
>> No. 503
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Sorry for bumping this; but just to inform/remind you that next monday Sora's arc is finally about to start: three oh-so-short but intense episodes will be devoted to her.

They made a beautiful intoduction to it; with Sora's monologuing about everything up to now being just a dream, necessary for Haru realizing his true feelings. I finished her route some time ago and, although I still prefer mai waifu, I haven't gotten so infatuated with a character... well, probably ever; so my opinion is highly biased, but given the (rushed but finally efficient) way the previous arcs were developed, this is so promising I can't help but recommend it. For me at least, this might even pay for most of the uncertainty and strange days experienced this almoust past year (overreacting as always, but meh)...

So: go Sora, go. As the lovers of complex/emotionally powerful VN lovers I know you are, you brohnos shouldn't miss on this (if you finally dislike it, you can always throw the shit on me).
>> No. 732
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I'm thinking about picking it up. Not so sure what exactly to expect.

Judging by my first impressions of this show, I enjoyed Sora's character design. And the only reason why I'm interested in this show is because of Sora. Though I must admit that it is shallow for me to do so.
>> No. 823
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anime version is fine, too altought so taken to the limit, that becomes comical
>> No. 970
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CONCLUSION. OK I'm gonna spoil big time now, so be advised:

It was a good adaptation... but not as fair as it could have been. For me, the definitory moment of the plot, when Haru finally realizes that he shall stay with Sora, isn't made explicit in here (but just o the VN): it was when, about to drown on the lake, trying to pull Sora out (who refused to do it, since they would be separated and/or live merely as siblings), Haru ASK FOR SORA'S HELP ("Tasukete..."); Sora is who saves him and, by doing so, save herself as well; i.e. Sora is finally truly NEEDED by Haru, in the same proportion that she always needed him. That finally convince them both that they can't be but together: that they belong to each other and couldn't possibly be with anyone else; that they are each other's (say) true love...

And yeah: the poor class rep suffers a great deal, since she had this tremendous crush on Haru. But what can I say? she's nice, but I couldn't possibly prefer her over Sora; anyway, she did got a route on Haruka no Sora.

That's it. Good series; it made my winter solstice. Cheers, brohs.
>> No. 972

Maybe he didn't say it, but it was implied.

That's enough to me.
>> No. 973
Sora >>>>>> Akira >= Kazuha (though I like her hime cut even if she's somewhat boring) >>>> *

I loved the ending. But I thought class rep went "THIS ISN'T CHRISTIAN, THEY SHOULDN'T BE TOGETHER! IT'S INCEST" even if Nao was willing to concede that both Haru and Sora needed each other. Perhaps it's her way of apologizing to the twins for raping Haru. And the class rep was mostly "Hello, I'm your class rep and blah blah blah" most of the entire series and then went "I LOVE YOU HARU even though we have not spoken to each other much during the series."

The VN is still at 20% translation. They're probably going to continue even if TLWiki got a C&D.

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