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File 128909034454.jpg - (95.81KB , 1280x720 , herpherp.jpg )
3 No. 3 [Edit]
Squid girl thread.
Expand all images
>> No. 13 [Edit]
File 128912716228.jpg - (64.85KB , 422x720 , 1287993352085.jpg )
Hard to believe I'm enjoying Ikamusume this much (I've watched every episode twice, what the hell) even though I casually dismissed it before. The show is just plain cute and surprisingly funny at times.
>> No. 14 [Edit]
Loved Ika, hated the rest of the cast outside of the otouto and the lifeguard. Eiko and Chizuru really ruined it for me. Eiko's the bitchy, talks-like-a-guy, always right type, and Chizuru is the "look, I'm seemingly so feminine, gentle and kind, but I have a really cruel, sadistic side" garbage.

It's similar to Yotsuba, but Ika can't get away with anything due to not being a child, and wanting to conquer the planet, obviously.
>> No. 15 [Edit]
Ika seems like a child to me. Though I share your opinions on Eiko and Shizuru, especially at the end of episode 3.
>> No. 16 [Edit]
Maybe it's time I start watching this show.
>> No. 17 [Edit]
File 128912781560.gif - (2.90MB , 300x169 , 1288688081364.gif )
Yes you should.
>> No. 18 [Edit]
This gif alone has made me want to watch this series.
>> No. 107 [Edit]
File 128927905992.gif - (689.15KB , 640x480 , 1288753074504.gif )
>> No. 108 [Edit]
I need to get back to watching this.
>> No. 109 [Edit]
File 128928145392.gif - (498.83KB , 336x225 , bottled grab.gif )
>> No. 110 [Edit]
How the hell did you stop?
>> No. 114 [Edit]
File 128928242537.jpg - (706.25KB , 1600x1200 , IKA WHAT DID YOU DO.jpg )
>> No. 117 [Edit]
I only downloaded the first episode and I haven't gotten around to downloading the rest. Rectifying that as we speak.
>> No. 133 [Edit]
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>> No. 134 [Edit]
File 128942320869.jpg - (34.46KB , 499x390 , mini relax.jpg )
Taking it easy
>> No. 161 [Edit]
File 128963340050.jpg - (187.46KB , 446x609 , 1289547214772.jpg )
>> No. 180 [Edit]
So which release do you guys usually grab, FFFpeeps or Underwater? I'm watching FFFpeeps but their subs are subpar (translating Ika-chan as 'little Ika', what the heck man). Are Underwater's releases any better?
>> No. 181 [Edit]

I have no complaints with underwater myself. Seems better then peeps just from what you say
>> No. 182 [Edit]
I go with peeps
>> No. 183 [Edit]
File 128977791968.jpg - (29.50KB , 490x292 , obama.jpg )
>> No. 240 [Edit]
File 129004989970.gif - (547.00KB , 230x173 , drums.gif )
Rock out ~de geso!
>> No. 319 [Edit]
File 129047411343.jpg - (95.39KB , 1280x720 , umbrellachan.jpg )
Umbrella-chan ;_;
>> No. 337 [Edit]
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>> No. 351 [Edit]
File 129079188020.jpg - (176.37KB , 600x793 , ika.jpg )
>> No. 515 [Edit]
File 129124818119.jpg - (27.87KB , 394x441 , friends.jpg )
>> No. 543 [Edit]
underwater gives you all the squid jokes.
"You gotta be squiddin me"
stuff like that
>> No. 550 [Edit]
I don't know why, but I love the squid puns in underwater's subs. They always make me laugh.
>> No. 616 [Edit]
File 129174662281.jpg - (77.53KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Shinryaku! Ika Musume - 10 RAW (TX .jpg )
Jesus, this episode was...
>> No. 638 [Edit]
File 12918402636.gif - (429.56KB , 756x432 , circling.gif )
I'm going to miss this show so much ;_;
>> No. 660 [Edit]
That whole bit was surprisingly sad..
It made me feel really sorry for her.
>> No. 662 [Edit]
Myself as well. I felt horrible the whole episode.
>> No. 663 [Edit]
This was probably the first baseball episode I enjoyed since Samurai Champloo.
>> No. 681 [Edit]
Can someone explain this? I haven't watched Ika Musume since the first few episodes, and I liked the girl that was obsessed with Ika.
>> No. 682 [Edit]
She was told to stop trying to smother Ika so Ika would start liking her and she ended up snapping.
>> No. 836 [Edit]
File 129244493878.jpg - (205.51KB , 1398x782 , OH MY GOD.jpg )
>> No. 837 [Edit]
File 12924466901.gif - (476.55KB , 256x144 , doll.gif )
>> No. 1003 [Edit]
File 129305062790.jpg - (24.79KB , 333x468 , the end.jpg )
It's over ;_;
>> No. 1004 [Edit]
File 129305525615.jpg - (137.08KB , 1280x720 , [FFFpeeps] Shinryaku! Ika Musume 12 [720p][89ACA7b.jpg )
What was up with this scene?

In any case, that was a really good episode to end the series off by. Almost makes me not want a season 2 because of how nicely it ended. Glad to see the staff put some good effort and budget into this conclusion.
>> No. 1005 [Edit]
They were so bummed out about Ika leaving that they started to overeat. Except the fat guy, who is now thin as a rail
>> No. 1006 [Edit]
Ohhhhhhh. Great, now I feel stupid for not getting that.
>> No. 1008 [Edit]
haha didn't realize the fat guy becoming thin until now.
also, at least they didn't portray the black guy with the fried chicken..
>> No. 1010 [Edit]
Does Japan even know about that stereotype?
>> No. 1011 [Edit]
I guess they probably wouldn't.. I bet there'd been a big commotion online about it if they did give it to him though
>> No. 1017 [Edit]
2 short eps will be bundled with DVD vol 5 and 6 so it's not over yet.
>> No. 2184 [Edit]
File 129826355238.jpg - (63.74KB , 733x644 , happy.jpg )
>> No. 2186 [Edit]
Thank god. Reading the de gesos in manga just isn't the same...
>> No. 2189 [Edit]
How were the DVD/BR sales for Ika Musume? In fact, how were the DVD/BR sales for all of the fall shows?

I used to see sales numbers for each season sporadically posted on /a/, but I never go there anymore. ANN never seems to have any actual numbers, either. Is there a site that keeps up with this sort of stuff?
>> No. 2190 [Edit]
I don't know about sales numbers, but if the merchandise so far is any indication, I'd say it did well
>> No. 2191 [Edit]
File 129828672393.png - (8.00KB , 191x234 , 1266379059832.png )
>> No. 2196 [Edit]
I recall a chart that said Ika was 2nd place in pre-orders behind Oreimo
>> No. 2246 [Edit]

There's a guy on animesuki who posts DVD and Blu-ray sales ranking for anime in Japan:

According to this the squid sold 6,181 BDs in its first week. Not a particularly mind-boggling success in terms of discs sold but still enough to be profitable.

I still think it's weird given the Ika Musume manga's retarded memetic popularity in Japan that they would still air the anime in a post-midnight slot like they did. I do wonder how it would have fared in ratings had it been given an afternoon or prime time slot.
>> No. 2247 [Edit]
So bookmarked. Thanks.

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