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File 130231907020.jpg - (109.25KB , 576x480 , Anime_Couple.jpg )
2978 No. 2978 [Edit]
What is your anime otp? Or if you even have one, what about your OT3?

OTP: Yoko and Kamina from Gurren Lagann
OT3: Keichii, Mion, abd Shion
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>> No. 2979 [Edit]
Sorry, I meant to say Keiichi, Mion and Shion from Higurashi.
>> No. 2995 [Edit]
File 130233953065.jpg - (26.17KB , 500x341 , 42c081d30f98e1e5a616f23fc6d511b4-500x341.jpg )
It's funny. When shows are airing I usually playfully ship characters but I do it just for fun and now I can't even recall the couples I rooted for. I'm not the obnoxious type to rage and talk shit about a show just because my pairings were ruined. Again, I do it just for fun, like I used to pick a team to root for when I watched sports with my dad, even though I didn't really care about either one.

... Actually, now that I think about it, rooting for canonical pairings kinda defeats the purpose of it all. The only (well, the only I can one I can recall) likely pairing I ever cared about is Sanya x Elia from Strike Witches.

Here are some I can recall for one reason or antother (note: some are outdated and obviously don't make much of a sense anymore):

Sanae x Ika (because that was just a season ago)
Kazehaya x Kurumi (again, finished airing just few weeks ago)
Hisa x Mihoko (looked through fanart on gelbooru recently)
Reira x Shin (NANA was mentioned on /tc/ just few days ago)
Clone-neesan x Nao (fresh one; again, I do it for laughs so silly I like silly couples like that)

As far as fanart goes I like the most unlikely (and sometimes downright retarded) couples. Works really well with all-female shows due to spitting distance rule. But I like some straight ones that don't make any sense, for example Asuka x Kaworu (I mean come on, they don't meet even once in anime and there's just a single short scene in manga).
>> No. 2999 [Edit]
I saw a doujin about that.
>> No. 3015 [Edit]
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They're fun to imagine together, and I think they did have some brief interraction in the "After the End" drama CD. Shinji and Asuka are still my OTP though, I can't help but root for her.

I also liked Kenji x Eri in School Rumble, and Natsume x Freed in Mainichi Tohnomonogatari.
>> No. 3019 [Edit]
You know I was never thought I was much of a shipper, up until I watched Zeta Gundam, and found out Fraw Bow ends up with Hayato. I raged so hard and I had no idea why. Then I realized I had a Amuro x Frau shipper all along. Bad times.
>> No. 3020 [Edit]
Char's Counterattack has a canon Amuro X Char ending. Their ashes will flow together through space for eternity.
>> No. 3022 [Edit]
File 130241732097.jpg - (223.85KB , 539x688 , de425c5b3257632e3776b016b54d89b1.jpg )
Saya and Fuminori.

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