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No. 2970 [Edit]
  This show is a piece of art.
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>> No. 2971 [Edit]
Have the first season lying on my hard-drive waiting to be watched.

Maybe on day.
>> No. 2982 [Edit]
File 130232677268.jpg - (37.29KB , 768x432 , [Ayu]_Rec_-_07_5_Special_[6C8D4D6E]_avi_snapshot_0.jpg )
Just watched Commie's release of the second season's first episode

No surprises, just the same moderately funny stuff as the first season. No problems with that, though.
>> No. 2984 [Edit]
File 13023305454.jpg - (89.73KB , 1280x720 , zgnDe.jpg )
Screenshot from the first episode of the second season.
dat fang
>> No. 2985 [Edit]
File 130233177166.jpg - (414.53KB , 1024x640 , Maria+holic (cosplay angels).jpg )
The end of Maria+Holic was such a successful trolling that I never expected it to be a 2nd season...
But I' m positive about it: this used to be a great show, so I feel I can hope for the best.
>> No. 2990 [Edit]
How were their subs? I've avoided Commie for ages because they've had such crappy subs, but I watched their subs for Tiger & Bunny last week and was quite surprised that they were fine.
>> No. 2992 [Edit]

Commie is not a sub group so quality of translation doesn't really depend on them. Can;t tell you whether they're any good this time as I haven't seen it yet (although I'm downloading it right now).

And boy, am I glad Maria Holic got another season. It's my favorite Shaft show and I was starting to lose hope.
>> No. 2994 [Edit]
they're trying to be the new gg and sub everything. they've got a few translators now, and every 3rd or so release seems to be a joint with underwater.
>> No. 2996 [Edit]

Again, they aren't really translating jack's shit. They release everything since pretty much everything is simulcasted now (and since they released Maria Holic I'm guessing even SHAFT shows are being simulcasted now, which is a new thing as far as I know). Underwater is another rips-only group so it sort of makes sense.
>> No. 3011 [Edit]
well they must of translated it considering the simulcast isn't even out yet
>> No. 3012 [Edit]

Uh... Um... T-time machines. Yeah, that's right, they've got a time machine!

Seriously though, after doing a bit of reasearch I found out that they're really subbing this. This must be the first show they're subbing since Sengoku Basara S2 (well maybe not, not that I would know). Sorry about that I guess.
>> No. 3013 [Edit]
A tea time machine sounds lovely
>> No. 3028 [Edit]
Since there was a quick recap on Kanako's dykeness, I was surprised that there was no reminder that Mariya is a guy. I suppose that will come next episode. In fact, there was precious little Mariya in general in this ep.
>> No. 3029 [Edit]
If this episode has God in it I don't mind.
>> No. 3280 [Edit]
File 130298175928.jpg - (177.89KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Maria†Holic Alive - 01 [322CBF46]_mkv_s.jpg )
I love the yuri cock-blocking.
>> No. 4495 [Edit]
Waiting for Maria+Holic subs is suffering.
>> No. 4724 [Edit]
File 13098399288.png - (1.27MB , 1154x768 , normalfag.png )

There are subs for all 12 episodes right now if you don't mind the font quality.

I take a lot of screenshots while watching, so here is an example.
>> No. 4726 [Edit]
File 130984414065.jpg - (221.63KB , 1673x945 , ihateyou.jpg )
I hate Kanako.
>> No. 4727 [Edit]
File 130984468993.jpg - (43.05KB , 300x350 , makuro Kanako cry.jpg )
>> No. 4728 [Edit]
Someone say Kanako?!?
>> No. 4751 [Edit]
File 130993717952.gif - (686.42KB , 427x240 , Kanako.gif )
Kanako is adorable.

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