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File 130229696347.jpg - (95.47KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] A Channel - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [10D37E8.jpg )
2962 No. 2962 [Edit]
Expand all images
>> No. 2967 [Edit]
File 130230412636.jpg - (58.81KB , 1024x576 , MSPN-SUBS-A-Channel-Toru-Intro-PV-1280x720-H_264-A.jpg )
loli, short, flat, quite, wearing black tighs... good.
yuri, possesive, vindictive, armed with metal bate... treat carefully.
>> No. 2968 [Edit]
File 130230796986.jpg - (79.77KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] A Channel - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [10D37E8.jpg )
I've been trying to write a post about this show describing my views on it for the last 5 minutes and I think Surtic's post summarizes it well.

Those fucking tights. This show could be about anything and i'd still be watching it.

Also, Tooru's slightly too big sweater is utterly moe. The scene where she tries to stop the other girls from hugging her was just too much for me. I had to pause the video at that stage for a breather.
>> No. 2969 [Edit]
File 130231005464.jpg - (83.17KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] A Channel - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [10D37E8.jpg )
those fucking tights indeed.
Hard choice between whether i like tooru or nagi more so far.
>> No. 2975 [Edit]
I though it wasn't that great, it has potential but, I dunno, it seems it relied way too much on being cute rather than being funny or having nice characters.
>> No. 2983 [Edit]
The first episode was cute but not particularly funny. If the yuri subtext sticks around so will I.
>> No. 2986 [Edit]
Reminds me of Manabi Straight.
>> No. 2988 [Edit]
File 130233410664.png - (328.82KB , 637x978 , ffac6bfddcaead911ed7592b40ec8df4bb8628f4.png )
I found this show really.. warm and inviting.. it gave off a familiar feel, and not in the "same shit" kind of way, but more like, a second season that never was to a nice anime from days past..

I see I wasn't the only one, I was reminded of mei by Yuuko most of all.
>> No. 2993 [Edit]
Where does it place on the K-On - Minami-ke scale? As in, is it heavily relying on 'cute girls doing cute things' or is it more slice-of-life-ish? I'm sort of interested but I feel like it's gonna be another case of 'in your face' cuteness.
>> No. 2998 [Edit]
It's basically K-ON 2.0.
>> No. 3000 [Edit]

Damn. I was sorta interested but this kills it for me. Well, gotta wait for Working S2 I guess.
>> No. 3001 [Edit]
File 130234746588.jpg - (125.37KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20110409130522.jpg )
I love how they were shocked when they thought Run likes to eat parakeets but immeadiately calmed down when Tooru explained she just likes poultry. Then Yuuko began to talk about BBQ as if she never mentioned how much she adores animals.

One of the funniest scenes I've seen in anime in a long while, even though it was obviously completely unintended.
>> No. 3002 [Edit]
It's kyoani's style taken to the logical conclusion by another studio, is what it feels like it. Still not as highly budgeted and as well animated though.

I like it.
>> No. 3004 [Edit]
I'm not seeing how this is K-ON 2.0. I hated K-ON but found the first episode of A Channel enjoyable enough. I guess people these days do think any slice of life is a ripoff of K-ON, just like a few years ago they used to think any slice of life was a ripoff of Lucky Star.
>> No. 3005 [Edit]
Because it's more about little girls being cute than it is about their daily lives.
>> No. 3006 [Edit]
File 130236557478.jpg - (121.00KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] A Channel - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [10D37E8.jpg )
You can't judge that on the first episode though.

I liked how they were imagining the sizzle of meat being cooked and it turned out to be Run's ringtone.

also, Tooru = Nagi > Mugi cosplaying Mio > Run cause Run just doesn't seem interesting so far
>> No. 3007 [Edit]
I'm not sure I would agree with that but either way K-ON didn't invent anime about cute girls being cute. Also like Surtic said we've only seen the first episode, which was focused on introducing and establishing the characters.
>> No. 3010 [Edit]
File 130237491545.jpg - (114.56KB , 881x779 , run.jpg )
Like others have said it was very cute but boring. I'll give it another 2 episodes to "grab" me
>> No. 3164 [Edit]
Hate you guys so much. Manabi Straight is up there with my favorite slice of life shows, and this was nothing like it.
>> No. 3205 [Edit]
File 130285599252.jpg - (85.60KB , 1280x720 , [EveTaku] A-Channel - 02 (1280x720 x264 AAC)_mkv_s.jpg )
My penis wasn't ready for this.
Besides that scene, this episode was so damn adorable, because it was literally just them doing cute things during a rainstorm.
>> No. 3207 [Edit]
File 13028564734.jpg - (62.20KB , 1280x720 , mpc-hc 2011-04-15 09-32-24-56.jpg )
This is exactly my fetish, girls wearing unzipped hoodies with nothing underneath. I died.
>> No. 3208 [Edit]
File 130285940072.jpg - (125.85KB , 589x319 , xxxxdd.jpg )
So this is gonna the next radical slice of life; those jewells specially developed for us sickfucks who love to see cute (little) girls going trough the most ordinary daylife, while nothing ever, ever, ever happens...

It could be just me, but this one isn't still very convincing, is it? I mean, it is extremely early to judge alright, but with Lucky Star and K-ON I was badly hooked from the very first minutes of the first episode (Azumanga took me a little bit more to get accustomed to). I guess Ichigo Mashimaro's excellence on showing pure, pristine and meaningless nothingness is still hard to match.
>> No. 3213 [Edit]
I found it good for slice of life. It's got a pleasant atmosphere and nice characters, with decent enough humor. The first two episodes have kept me hooked the whole time, whereas a lot of slice of life will have at least some moments that feel a little boring.
>> No. 3216 [Edit]
This show is just so cute. I can't stand how cute it is!
>> No. 3217 [Edit]
File 130289220724.jpg - (171.01KB , 1391x783 , run senses.jpg )
>> No. 3218 [Edit]
I'm so fucked up that when the missing panties thing happened all I could think about is the doujins that could result. Also the guy staring at Run after she was in the rain
>> No. 3220 [Edit]
File 130289945373.jpg - (78.46KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20110415220831.jpg )

>The first two episodes have kept me hooked the whole time, whereas a lot of slice of life will have at least some moments that feel a little boring.

If it's not a little bit boring it fails at being slice-of-life!

Second episode was good. First episode was terrible. (That's just my opinion of course.) It's hard to express the tremendous gap in how much I liked the second ep compared to the first. I probably would've dropped it after first one but I have a habbit of watching everything all the way through. If all eps will be like the 2nd one I will be damn glad I didn't drop this.

Whenever I look at Yuuko I get a mighty deja vu feeling (screencap related). I feel like I've seen a character with almost same looking, narrow irises fairly recently but I can't figure out who it was. I think it might've been someone from Shiki but then again characters in Shiki had rather narrow irises in general. Also, her hair looks totally like Masao's hair which adds to the deja vu feeling.

Also, I feel the need to point out how half assed some of Kotobuki Minako's lines sounded. I like Yuuko and I think Minako did a well job overall at nailing the right voice for her but I hate sloppy voice acting. Minako, I am disappoint.
>> No. 3222 [Edit]
I honestly can't look at Yuuko without seeing Mio.
i mean, she's literally Mio with Mugi's voice.

Doujin would obviously be Tooru dragging Run into an alley and hot yuri rape
>> No. 3225 [Edit]
>Yuuko... literally Mio
Yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious for most of us; it had like moe kyuns everywhere.
>> No. 3227 [Edit]
I thought up my own little story about this last night in bed, with Tooru and Run. You know the rest.
>> No. 3230 [Edit]
Not really. They are certainly similar characters but they're still fairly different. For example Yuuko is a lot less meek and therefore a lot less annoying.
>> No. 3253 [Edit]
The sizzling ringtone caught me off guard this week, that was funny.
>> No. 3256 [Edit]
Episode 2 was way too cute.
>> No. 3278 [Edit]
This show is going to spawn so many lewd doujins. Tooru with her sweater and nothing underneath!
>> No. 3284 [Edit]
More like a massive amount of Tooru and Run yuri doujins.
>> No. 3285 [Edit]
Some of the first of which will involve Tooru raping run on the street after noting she's not wearing pansu.
>> No. 3286 [Edit]
With a baseball bat
>> No. 3287 [Edit]

>massive amount
>yuri doujins

Pick one. Even for series like K-On 'straight' doujins outnumber yuri and it's not even close. Yuri doujins are usually few and far between.
>> No. 3299 [Edit]
You make a very good point, even with source material like k-on with no guys to be found, they stick random no name faceless men in, or in the case of touhou, they make the girls grow dicks.

This saddens me deeply.
>> No. 3446 [Edit]
File 130367639676.jpg - (169.20KB , 1392x780 , tooru cave.jpg )
>> No. 3453 [Edit]
yandere stalkers stalking yandere stalkers stalking yandere stalkers the anime.
And Nagi.

also, nurse is one creepy bastard.
>> No. 3464 [Edit]
File 130376469436.jpg - (91.58KB , 1280x720 , not wearing.jpg )
This show makes me depressed because I will never be a cute Japanese girl hanging out at school with her friends ;_;
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
File 130422042957.jpg - (92.77KB , 1280x720 , tooru scheme.jpg )
Getting a beach episode next week
>> No. 3676 [Edit]
I love Run's derpy eyes and Tooru's sleeves. So moe~
>> No. 3678 [Edit]
that girl's such a troll...
>> No. 3740 [Edit]
I looked in the mirror this morning and noticed I have tooru's exact hairstyle, down to the weird spiky bit on the back
>> No. 3759 [Edit]
File 130473272795.jpg - (200.72KB , 1392x782 , tooru underdeveloped.jpg )
Poor Tooru
>> No. 3760 [Edit]
File 130473278284.jpg - (102.87KB , 755x779 , yuuko.jpg )
Yuuko's so cute that even the characters can't stop talking about it
>> No. 3761 [Edit]
I like how Tooru's character has evolved a bit. Now she actually acts like Nagi and Yuuko are her friends, and not just 2 people out to take her delicious Run-chan away
>> No. 3762 [Edit]
Yuuko took everything that was good about Mio and none of the bad
>> No. 3763 [Edit]
I don't know about that, but I do know that for some reason looking at her makes me feel happy inside. I don't normally go for tall big boobed girls, either.
>> No. 3764 [Edit]
File 130473720815.jpg - (91.24KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] A Channel - 05 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [943B702.jpg )

>> No. 3765 [Edit]
File 130473805223.png - (34.32KB , 125x125 , cryin at computer.png )
I'll never be a cute, underdeveloped japanese schoolgirl going to the beach with her friends
>> No. 3766 [Edit]
>> No. 3767 [Edit]
File 13047431491.jpg - (333.34KB , 1238x1800 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
what was bad?
her fate?
>> No. 3774 [Edit]
I thought this show was pretty boring at first but now it's become one of my favorites of the season next to Nichijou
>> No. 3841 [Edit]
I really can't believe it took me 5 episodes to realize Yuuko speaks in Kansaiben.
>> No. 3856 [Edit]
File 130543764323.jpg - (195.56KB , 1390x782 , run molestors.jpg )
>> No. 3857 [Edit]
Trespassing is the new moe!
>> No. 3868 [Edit]
I was so expecting some kind of alarm, or security guard, or the police to show up or something. Though what was the nurse doing there that late at night?
>> No. 3882 [Edit]
You could be a cute, underdeveloped japanese schoolgirl going to the beach with her friends, while still feeling empty.
>> No. 3968 [Edit]
File 130601583174.jpg - (119.91KB , 1280x720 , tooru sing.jpg )
this show always makes me smile
>> No. 3970 [Edit]
You guys never get tired of slice-of-life series about Japanese school girls doing everything Japanese school girls do in slice-of-life series about Japanese schoolgirls, and nothing else? How many per season are there?

Please, do not take me for an average hater (I'm a super hater), but my alarm starts sounding when there's a beach episode, or a public bath episode, or a karaoke episode, or.. well, those episodes may very well be of the criteria of what makes a slice-of-life show about Japanese school girls indeed a slice-of-life show about Japanese schoolgirls; personally I had enough after Azumanga, and could only digest one per every second year maximum since then. My point, my point is, um, I'm a hater, uh, deal with it okay? Okay.

I'll probably watch it when nobody is looking.
>> No. 3971 [Edit]
>You guys never get tired of slice-of-life series about Japanese school girls doing everything Japanese school girls do in slice-of-life series about Japanese schoolgirls, and nothing else?
>> No. 3972 [Edit]

>You will never overcome your social anxieties and sing a song in front of your friends like Tooru.
>> No. 3973 [Edit]
Watching cute girls do cute and/or cool things is the entire reason I watch anime in the first place.
>> No. 3974 [Edit]
This show always puts me in a good mood... which slowly fades as the reminders of the real world the seem bent on making me depressed, return to crush my hops and dreams once again.
I wish shows like this aired every day.. or at least lasted longer then a season or two.
>> No. 3983 [Edit]
File 130604487754.jpg - (130.49KB , 704x396 , vlcsnap31082zf8.jpg )
You know what is worst? to imagine (or find well-done doujins about) how those characters' life will become after higschool...

This shows relay purely on elements from an over-stylized picture of mundane daily life. But as life passing by corrupts and breaks down everything and everyone, the shows going on further in the same (careless) path would become less and less credible each chapter, hence starting to fail at offering us escape and comfort. That's why I think it's prefferable to have many -effective- stories about pretty much the same, than a long but failled one.

I'm also (finally) enjoying this one show a lot, btw.

Post edited on 21st May 2011, 11:18pm
>> No. 3984 [Edit]
>You know what is worst? to imagine (or find well-done doujins about) how those characters' life will become after higschool...
I love those
>> No. 3985 [Edit]
I was so expecting Tooru to be completely unable to sing and cause awkwardness, that was a pleasant surprise.
>> No. 3991 [Edit]
The replies in this thread are confusing.
Randomly watched ep.1 (before reading this) and thought this was absolutely terrible. Couldn't find characters either cute or funny but only retarded, and I'm saying this as a Hirasawa Yui supporter.

I don't think I'm accustomed to the genre so that may be the issue here. Finally dropped Lucky Star around 15 eps when boredom overcame the jokes, loved K-On! for everything from moe to rhythm to heart-warming stuff, fairly enjoyed Ika Musume overall, and that's about all I know about cute slice of life shows.

Will try to continue watching this since you say it gets better (was thinking of fastforwarding the next eps to see if it did), but honestly the only thing I could like by the end of ep.1 was the outdoors scenery.
The underage looking thing doesn't work as well as it did in Lucky Star because it's taken way too far (I'll pretend they're actually in middle school then but still), and the rhythm is nonexistent. All characters are slowpokes, and the 4koma cutting adapts very poorly with horrible breaks between each story (then again that might be a common feature of these shows so pardon my limited knowledge).
I want to think all of this intends to make the atmosphere soothing and endearing, but I'm unable to concur.

I understand how someone who dislikes moeblobs will naturally dislike K-On!, but I'm honestly confused at how you could find A Channel better in any situation, since to me it's basically a much weaker version of the same thing.

I hope my question is taken seriously.
>> No. 3995 [Edit]
There was a question in your post?
>> No. 3996 [Edit]
his question seems to be "why are you watching this when you could watch k-on"
>> No. 4000 [Edit]
"what could make you like this better than k-on?"
>> No. 4005 [Edit]
I personally don't like it more than K-on, but that's only because K-on is probably my second favorite anime of all time.

I like A-channel because it makes me feel better. That's really all there is to it. It's not particularly animated well, but it's animated cutely. There's no over arching story, but who says there needs to be one? There's very little character development as every character except tooru seems to be exactly the same as when it started.

All that said though, it still makes me feel good when I watch it. I don't expect a great painting to have good sound effects and an amazing special effect budget, and I don't expect A-channel to get my adrenaline going or engage me intellectually, or leave me awestruck by its beauty. I expect it to fulfill that odd hunger in the back of my brain for incredibly cute charters presented in a way that's appealing to men instead of just women, Something the western market completely lacks and I had to find in anime in the first place.

If you don't like A-channel it simply isn't for you in the same way as Burger King isn't for people who dislike fast food burgers. It's crappy food and will kill you if its all you eat, and no one will defend that, but some people get genuine enjoyment out of it.
>> No. 4012 [Edit]
becuase I already saw k-on?
>> No. 4013 [Edit]
I don't think I've seen many people call this better then k-on, I loved k-on, but I also really enjoy this.
I wouldn't say it's better, but I guess I'll toss in my 2 cents and say the character art style, for one.
this show doesn't have the fetus hands and overly messed up body proportions the k-on did.
this show also doesn't have the over saturated in your face marketing (yet anyway)
the girls of K-on have their faced on everything from underpants to leg pillow things.. and of course a billion figures.
also, k-on got really depressing in the last half of season 2...
>> No. 4014 [Edit]
>this show doesn't have the overly messed up body proportions the k-on did.
Bobbleheads aren't anatomically correct.
>> No. 4015 [Edit]
But they are cute, fetus hands, not so much.
>> No. 4016 [Edit]
File 130626412496.jpg - (107.31KB , 1280x720 , [EveTaku] A-Channel - 07 (1280x720 x264 AAC)[60b3d.jpg )
I've replayed this scene at least two dozen times already.

I also imagine it's Noël from Sora no Woto singing. I find that it's more cute that way.
>> No. 4020 [Edit]
So moe, my brain is stop
>> No. 4021 [Edit]
I find A Channel much better than K-ON and find it sad that every slice of life show is now compared to K-ON as though it created the genre.
>> No. 4022 [Edit]
People have been doing that forever with azumanga.
>> No. 4023 [Edit]
I watched K-ON only for Yui. I only liked it quite a bit when Yui was derpy moe~

I watched A-Channel for Run-chan derpy eyes and Tooru's sleeves. It was like watching K-ON except with less wobbly derpy moe~ and more moe~ in some other places.

I wouldn't say which one is better than the other.
>> No. 4047 [Edit]
i love this anime to death. episode 8 was literally the best part of my week
>> No. 4052 [Edit]
File 130654887567.jpg - (131.04KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] A Channel - 08 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [DB8545B.jpg )
Good morning!
>> No. 4053 [Edit]
File 130655269696.jpg - (70.15KB , 1280x720 , tooru mad.jpg )
you came to the wrong neighborhood punk
>> No. 4055 [Edit]
While I find her design cute, her personality is less than cute. I have to say that the whole possessiveness isn't very endearing.
>> No. 4067 [Edit]
File 130659248539.jpg - (113.47KB , 1280x720 , [EveTaku] A-Channel - 08 (1280x720 x264 AAC)[b1012.jpg )
That 'fight' was over something insanely silly, but it was adorable.
I can't help but be happier after i watch an episode of this.

Also, she became one of my favorite characters
>> No. 4069 [Edit]
I only watch this for Yuuko's accent.
>> No. 4070 [Edit]
That's my favorite part of the show.
>> No. 4071 [Edit]
I like seeing Tooru get flustered about things because we get to see her sleeves flap around
>> No. 4099 [Edit]
File 130673866421.jpg - (675.02KB , 1920x1200 , 1306159701216.jpg )
Sweet sensation
>> No. 4191 [Edit]
File 13070872436.png - (336.18KB , 592x668 , omg.png )
holly monkeys...
>> No. 4195 [Edit]
Did everyone watch the A-Channel specials?
>> No. 4196 [Edit]
>> No. 4197 [Edit]
>> No. 4221 [Edit]
File 130730722584.jpg - (203.88KB , 1389x775 , tooru children.jpg )
( ゚д゚).oO(>>3856)
>> No. 4228 [Edit]
File 130740711716.jpg - (294.83KB , 1280x1693 , RunwayModel.jpg )
Tooru has a very interesting fashion sense...
>> No. 4230 [Edit]
i, for one, think she looks fantastic
>> No. 4231 [Edit]
uniform and movie ones? they were fun.
>> No. 4319 [Edit]
File 130771678797.jpg - (162.41KB , 1119x804 , 465.jpg )
Turning everything into moe, trash included, even if it doesn't resemble trash at all.
>> No. 4349 [Edit]
File 130790956747.jpg - (151.38KB , 1384x780 , tooru and run go shopping.jpg )
>> No. 4443 [Edit]
Anyone else notice how much they pick on yuuko?

She doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all, but I still feel a little bad for her.
>> No. 4445 [Edit]
File 130842344994.jpg - (168.76KB , 1280x720 , happy barth day.jpg )
>> No. 4577 [Edit]
  Did anyone else get a deja-vu-esque feeling when they heard this week's insert song? It sounds like something straight out of SZS but the feeling is stronger when I listen to the song in A-Channel only. After comparing it to SZS songs the resemblance isn't as uncanny as I expected it to be (honestly, I thought we're talking plagiarism levels here).

If I hadn't watched A-Channel and someone would tell me it's a leaked song from the new SZS OVA I would probably believe them.

Omamori (most underrated ED of SZS by the way) related, I think it's the closest you will get to that insert song. Parts of Koiji Romanesque sounds somewhat similar, too.

And it's over now I guess. Was fun while it lasted. I wonder whether we'll get S2 someday.
>> No. 4585 [Edit]
File 130912246272.jpg - (66.42KB , 1280x720 , run alien.jpg )
I have to go now. My planet needs me.

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