I can't believe someone actually took the time to invest and produce this into an actual animated series.
It will probably be one of the better shows this season.
Nipps need baby's, more then ever now.
It might be the anime that saves Japan.
I watched the raw and it's so god damn censored. I mean literally everything is blocked out. It's so excessive it literally kills the purpose of its creation. Excuse the horrible aggregated blog format and wrong AR screenshots: http://www.strawberrydeathkiss.com/?p=5826
>>2932 Time to wait for the dvd.
It's actually pretty good
>>2930 >>2931 I don't understand how education otaku on how to have proper sex is helpful at all, considering that the main problem is that majority of hardcore otaku can't find or don't want women to have sex with in the first place.
>>2937 >educating otaku fixed
So....They market sex with 3DPD....by using 2D? I can't be the only person kind of confused by this.
>>2942 I got interested in rock a little bit more thanks to K-On! and Strike Witches interested me in WW2 planes. Though I was already interested in war aircrafts and other genres of music anime did influence me a bit. Maybe they're expecting something like that. I don't know, I'm just interpreting their actions trying to figure it out as much as you.
>>2937 I thought this was what the anime was about, who cares how they have sex, it should be about lonely middle aged virgins that can't get a date to save their life, who want to meet someone, and maybe make a kid or two right?
Let's not wander into that topic.
It's still 2D. Nothing 2D can do is wrong. If it were about real 30something 3DPD, then we'd have a problem.
I've gotten the impression that Japanese otaku aren't as rabidly anti-3D as /a/-level weeaboos are. I think a lot of them admit that it's more that they can't get a 3D;PD than that they don't want one.
>>2953 3D hate has appeared in several anime, and I think otaku have gotten married to their waifus IRL
>>2952 Nothing, you say?
I watched it and it defeats any purpose of watching it. Wait for DVDs.
>>2954 SanCon wrote an article over arguing over that http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/02/27/most-otaku-want-3d-women-not-2d/
so is this a futari ecchi remake?