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File 130216005150.jpg - (39.59KB , 720x480 , [Kata-Subs]_Morita-san_wa_Makuchi_-_OVA_01_[DVD][x.jpg )
2907 No. 2907 [Edit]
Anyone else watch this? It was quite darling.
>> No. 2921 [Edit]
It was indeed. She's very similar to one girl from The World God Only Knows, but a bit cuter. The comments from the boys throughout the episode had me laughing out loud.
>> No. 3088 [Edit]
My Gagarin googles exploded.
Also, the frozen squid song was brilliant.

I enjoyed it way more than first eps of Nichijou and A-Channel combined.
>> No. 3095 [Edit]
>I enjoyed it way more than first eps of Nichijou and A-Channel combined.

wholeheartedly agreed.
>> No. 3098 [Edit]
I wouldn't have known this had an OVA if not for this thread.
Reading the small bit about the main character of the OVA, I was bit disappointed that she was quiet due to thinking too much, rather than the suggested alternatives of her not having much to say or simply preferring not to talk, since they sound more interesting, but I think it turned out well.

The OVA was adorable and it feels like a very good adaptation from the 4koma. The beginning was a bit slow, and I actually skipped most of the the character introduction bit in the first two minutes of the OVA, but after it picked up, it became very enjoyable.
I have to agree with the other poster in that I enjoyed this a lot more than the first episodes of A Channel and Nichijou.

The animation left a bit to be desired, but it wasn't horrid, and was quite good for low-budget. Also, as an aside, the music in the background, for some reason, remind me eerily of Paper Mario.

I hope it gets a full anime, but I fear that may asking for too much...

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