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File 129030285365.png - (638.93KB , 2264x1024 , moe.png )
288 No. 288 [Edit]
Guys, it turns out moe really is a genre after all.
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>> No. 289 [Edit]
actually I think it's a catagory
>> No. 290 [Edit]
wait nevermind you're right
>> No. 291 [Edit]
KO! a seinen???
and the only plausible one, slice of life, wasn't mentioned.
>> No. 292 [Edit]
With the way that most people misuse and misunderstand the term, it might as well be a genre. It's not like it's an official word in the dictionary or anything.
>> No. 294 [Edit]
My that's some serious misinformation there. I get it, its a characteristic of the show and a fact that could interest a potential viewer but this will just worsen all misconceptions and its just sort of sad seeing a site endorse this wrong idea. Not that those sites were reputable serious sources of information but still.
>> No. 296 [Edit]
Moe and shounen are the only two genres of anime.
>> No. 297 [Edit]

I think I'm done here.
>> No. 298 [Edit]
File 129031343466.jpg - (34.32KB , 1000x1000 , 1289912504539.jpg )
Y'all niggas mad.
>> No. 1946 [Edit]
I guess it really is.
>> No. 1948 [Edit]
Why would you bump this awful thread.
>> No. 1964 [Edit]
I've always maintained that moe is just as much a genre as comedy is. I mean even if you don't find an anime funny, you can admit that it was trying to be a comedy, right?
Same thing with the so called moe anime. It tries to be moe, and even if you don't find it moe, you still have to admit that's what they were going for.
>> No. 1965 [Edit]
Moe isn't a genre. Moe is a subjective view of a character or even object, thus anything can be moe. Even my ass.
>> No. 1974 [Edit]
Comedy isn't a genre.
Comedy is a subjective view of a character or even object, thus anything can be comedy. Even my ass.
>> No. 1975 [Edit]
How would one define "moe" as a genre?
>> No. 1981 [Edit]
Moe is not a sub-genre or genre.

Moe is a merely colloquial term which basically refers to a characters peculiar idiosyncrasies which a viewer or reader finds to his or her liking, which is entirely subjective after that.
>> No. 1983 [Edit]
I'd repeat your sentence swapping out a few words to show you how you can say the same thing for comedy, but I think it would get annoying after a while. Don't you realize how it's the same thing?
>> No. 1984 [Edit]
You ass can't be comical but mine can be moe.
>> No. 1985 [Edit]
You can't find an ass funny, no matter what? Maybe you can't, but I'm sure others can.
>> No. 1986 [Edit]
American anime sites are mostly clueless? Who would have thought.

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