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File 130204510385.jpg - (57.52KB , 640x480 , [DATS] Fireball - 01 [DVD][00E3161F]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
2849 No. 2849 [Edit]
Damn it, why didn't I watch Fireball earlier? I knew that there was a Drossel figma of it but it never registered in my head to actually go and check out the show. This show is how you do nonsensical random humour right. Keep the running time short, jokes/puns quick and brief while having the conversation jumping back and forth. Even the very fact that the characters were robots, which move jerkily compared to humans, perfectly fit the feel and comic timing of the show. God, how I wished the creators of this series could do an anime adaptation of Cromartie, which was one of the most painfully unfunny anime I've ever seen, despite laughing my ass off when I first read the manga.

Can't believe the Japanese could pull off something like this in anime, which is one of the least funniest medium I've encountered. Can't believe there was even a hitchhiker's reference in there. Didn't realize they even knew about those books.

I'm absolutely stunned by the execution of this show. It just stands worlds apart from every other comedy anime I've seen until now. The last time I felt like this was when watching Ichigo Mashimaro, which completely veered away from the common overexaggerated reaction (like seen in your average manzai routines) and went with a deadpan approach (though not always).

Now, to look forward to following Fireball Charming this season.
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>> No. 2874 [Edit]
Oh man, you were right, watched the first episode of Fireball Charming, the way they do the jokes is fluid and very nice.
>> No. 2876 [Edit]
this is by the same people who did that show with camels as iraqi insurgents and rabbits as US soldier?
>> No. 2886 [Edit]
No, Fireball and Cat Shit One are done by completely different studios.
>> No. 2901 [Edit]
Watched all of Season One last night after reading your high praise OP and I really enjoyed it, thanks bro.

Although I always find it a shame when shows with interesting premises, characters, plot, are just quick gag comedies. (See Fireball, Haruhi, Zero no Tsukaima, etc)
>> No. 2904 [Edit]

Watched it today for the same reason, first time I see a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, laughed wholeheartedly, also, I loved the episode with the laugh track.

But, I don't really see this working being a bit longer, I can see your point though.
>> No. 2960 [Edit]
Why is this show not dubbed? I know a lot of you folks don't like dubs but it would be nice if America was still airing an anime not named Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh.
>> No. 2974 [Edit]

Westerners view on robots is different, they're always the ones that rebel agaisnt the overlords and not making jokes.

And of course, the comparision with Wall-E, even if Fireball was technically first.
>> No. 3062 [Edit]
File 130254966235.png - (431.05KB , 640x480 , a.png )
Thanks, this is pretty funny. And I love Drossel's poses.

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