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File 13020273155.jpg - (469.84KB , 1536x1440 , 1302025671466.jpg )
2839 No. 2839 [Edit]
The horror...
Expand all images
>> No. 2840 [Edit]
I always thought kaiji needed more sparkles and bubbles
>> No. 2855 [Edit]
Kaiji is moe
>> No. 2859 [Edit]
File 130206392939.jpg - (149.36KB , 1440x810 , 1302022247216.jpg )
>> No. 2865 [Edit]
It didn't even take him one episode to start crying..
>> No. 2866 [Edit]
I love blubbering heroes.

This why I watched Letter Bee.
>> No. 2867 [Edit]
Well, that's what being forced into slave labour for what's practically for the rest of your life does to you.
>> No. 2868 [Edit]
and having a pointy nose that could gouge anyone's eyes

the same goes for Akagi, also best subs for Kaiji S1? (i still need to catch up with it.)
>> No. 2869 [Edit]
The only subs are Triad.
>> No. 2872 [Edit]

Still better than Rainbow (which should be renamed to Crying: The Anime).
>> No. 2875 [Edit]
I wonder if Fukumoto has some issues with women.
>> No. 2877 [Edit]
I don't get it.

Doesn't he meet Mikoko in 'seasion' 3?
>> No. 2878 [Edit]
Well, she IS intended to look ugly, you know.

No, we technically see a brief glimpse of Kaiji seeing a photo of her in part 2. Other than that, nothing else until part 3 so you're mostly right.
>> No. 2879 [Edit]
Disregard my previous post, you see Mikoko in the ED or something
>> No. 2880 [Edit]
Its a bit rushed in comparison to the manga, missing out the whole shindig with the president's speech and Kaiji vandalising cars to lure Endou out.

I somehow feel that this episode does not capture the same, I dunno, 'psychological shockiness' as the manga. E.g getting trapped in a cycle where the goal you're aiming for is so distant and takes so much effort, that the temptation to waste your money and binge on beer and snacks is almost unbearable. Another example would be the line Ootsuki/Ohtsuki says: that thinking you'll relax today and start working hard tomorrow is flawed logic and that "those that don't work hard today don't HAVE a tomorrow". In the manga, when he said that line, I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and felt extremely guilty about myself, because it was true. It might be because I've heard it a second time, but when the line was uttered in the anime, it didn't have the same impact for me.

The new music takes a little time to get used to, and I noticed it didn't seem to fit the mood of the animation at times. The different 'zawa zawa' sound also doesn't seem as dark as the one before, in fact it appears to be a girl's voice and I hope this is just temporary and that they change it to something more fitting. Also the ED was pretty funny. It depicts a character called Mikoko (who is actually from season three) on a date with Kaiji. No, this isn't how the artist draws hot chicks. Yes, she's supposed to be that ugly. Somehow I can't help but think this ED is a dig at all the bubbly colourful moe shows that seem to be popular lately. It could possibly also be self-deprecating humor, because you know, this whole series always uses gritty dark colouring and such.

>> No. 2881 [Edit]
>> No. 2882 [Edit]
I haven't read the manga but I agree that the first episode didn't have the same psychological punch as the first season. I also agree about Ohtsuki's line. It's a great line but the delivery was weak enough that it didn't have the impact it should've.

But it's only the first episode.
>> No. 2883 [Edit]
It's hard for me to judge, since I only watched the anime adaptation of part 1 and I've read the part 2 manga already. It definitely felt a lot more rushed, though. The manga took the time to show how miserable life really was in the labor camp without drawing it out too much, whereas the anime just wants to get straight to the gambling. Still good, though.

I haven't read part 3 at all, so the ED was a real surprise for me.
>> No. 2884 [Edit]
Mikoko would be voiced by a male or an old woman.
>> No. 2885 [Edit]
I don't like the new Zawa Zawa at all. Other than, it seems okay for now.
>> No. 2897 [Edit]
File 130213134556.gif - (261.28KB , 300x200 , swimming.gif )
You call that swimming, Kaiji!?
>> No. 2898 [Edit]
I'm not complaining, it's the Kaiji we all know and love!
>> No. 3606 [Edit]
File 130396870242.jpg - (86.33KB , 1280x720 , [Zero-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 04 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
Oh god, my nutbladder... They really upped the moe for season 2.
>> No. 3607 [Edit]
File 130396894218.jpg - (116.33KB , 1280x720 , [Zero-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 04 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
>> No. 3634 [Edit]
I love the new ZAAWA ZAWAI~ sounds.

It might be more interesting if they include the old creepier sounds during the more suspenseful moments though.

What volume does Mikiko first appear in?
>> No. 3635 [Edit]
I dislike the new ones
>> No. 3636 [Edit]
I agree, the new ones don't sound imposing enough.
>> No. 3677 [Edit]
Guys, I don't think I'm ready to see the part whereIchijou puts Kaiji through the finger drill thing at the Bog arc animated.
>> No. 3692 [Edit]
>> No. 3722 [Edit]
The Zawa chorus at the end of episode 5 was awesome though.
>> No. 3753 [Edit]
File 130467696397.jpg - (492.90KB , 728x1055 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
They still haven't confirmed how many episodes this will last. They could have fitted it in just 13 episodes theoretically, but then came the fifth episode which was much slower in pacing compared to the rushed beginning.

Judging from the manga, the chinchirorin arc will last for at least two more episodes and with the Bog Arc characters being all over the OP and ad posters, I doubt they will have less screentime compared to this even if they speed up the slow pacing of the manga. Then there's the whole thing with Mikoko in the ending, hinting that they might add stuff from the third series as well, which might be nice if done right. Somehow I doubt the 13 volume long Minefield Mahjong game of the third series will ever get a faithful adaption though.
>> No. 3754 [Edit]
For manga it went:
Vol. 1-4 Chinchirorin
Vol. 5-13 Bog

Unless they change the pacing from the manga completely like in the first episode, it will most likely be 26 episodes long.
>> No. 3756 [Edit]
It's most likely going to be 26 episodes. It's not likely that they'd go for an irregular length like 22 episodes and there's no way they can fit everything in 13 episodes. And yeah, I somehow doubt s3 will ever get an anime adaptation, though I don't care too much since s2 wraps up nicely enough and the Kaiji manga has gone downhill since the bog arc.

If Madhouse does do another Fukumoto anime, I hope to god it's Kurosawa. His cameo in the OP gives me hope.
>> No. 3814 [Edit]
Slightly off-topic, but I've just started reading the manga, and for some reason many of the sites I've browsed through are missing the manga sections from chapter. 7 (where Kaiji gets on the Espoir). Does anyone know where of a site where I can read the full series from the beginning? Thanks
>> No. 3842 [Edit]
File 130519806426.jpg - (141.04KB , 384x480 , 1304442273213.jpg )
It's getting really intense. They made Ootsuki far more creepier than in the manga, I'm really looking towards to how they'll handle Ichijou.
>> No. 3843 [Edit]
That's because the first 13 volumes were adapted into an anime very well so nobody wants to translate that. So go watch the anime season 1, then either follow along for season 2 or just read the manga from v14-26.

Here, have a link: http://www.mediafire.com/zawanons
>> No. 3931 [Edit]
The OST for this is going to be fucking great.
>> No. 3932 [Edit]
File 13057598412.jpg - (136.53KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_07_[D6221284]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Episode 07 was awesome. Dat suspense.
>> No. 3939 [Edit]
Really loving the dragged out tension, though I'm a little worried that with all the episodes they're giving the dice arc, the pachinko arc might not be done as well. But I'm probably worrying too much as it looks like next week's episode should wrap up the dice rolling.
>> No. 3950 [Edit]
That last roll. Fuck.
>> No. 3954 [Edit]
File 13059246632.jpg - (130.31KB , 1280x720 , aaaa.jpg )
>> No. 3981 [Edit]
Kaiji really manages to get me worked up somehow. I usually hate it when a series pulls the suspense card and makes you sit around waiting a week, but kaiji pulls it off.
>> No. 3989 [Edit]
I remember there being some extra action after the foreman, something with all the die landing on 1... I might be mistaken however.

If Madhouse adapts Kurosawa, I will have no idea how I would watch it. I could barely read the manga through the embarrassment and the tears. It hit waaay too close to home.
>> No. 3990 [Edit]
Next episode. Kaiji generously lets the foreman use his custom 4-5-6 dice, but he has some custom dice of his own.
>> No. 4025 [Edit]
File 130638182119.jpg - (51.20KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_08_[28493786]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
The week long wait was so worth it. Also, these scenes are fucking great.
>> No. 4026 [Edit]
this episode was just incredible.
>> No. 4027 [Edit]
Great episode. Holy crap foreman got screwed.
>> No. 4029 [Edit]
He brought it onto himself and completely deserves it.
>> No. 4038 [Edit]
File 130641286149.jpg - (38.60KB , 461x346 , 1967a.jpg )
>> No. 4044 [Edit]
File 130644654530.jpg - (193.87KB , 800x1000 , 16336355.jpg )
>fabulous Ichijou every week throughout the summer

my body is ready
>> No. 4058 [Edit]
Now I'm wondering where he got them dice.
Maybe they'll go into that in the next ep.

Haruhi damn this show is incredible, it's been a long time since I've seen something this awesome.
>> No. 4141 [Edit]
File 13069462657.png - (243.38KB , 711x1024 , Kaiji v18_013.png )
No Mother Theresa comment? I am disappoint Madhouse. Also a little saddened that they shortened the scene with Kurosaki.
>> No. 4172 [Edit]
File 130703286959.jpg - (102.42KB , 538x700 , adf5c89f92a61f359090bf7d8de5e99e.jpg )

18 episodes of Pachinko, oh man
>> No. 4173 [Edit]
File 130703445378.jpg - (55.39KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I haven't read the manga but I think I know how that pachinko machine could be rigged. I could be completely wrong here though and it may be far more complex than this.

Pic related, when you see it.
>> No. 4175 [Edit]
>may be far more complex than this

You have no idea. This arc is absolutely insane.
>> No. 4226 [Edit]
Good grief, you're right.

I finally made my way through the manga, and it just gets more and more convoluted as it goes on. I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of the pachinko arc animated.
>> No. 4241 [Edit]
File 130750949917.jpg - (91.32KB , 1280x720 , [한샛-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 10 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AA.jpg )
Ugh, I still can't get used to Sakazaki's voice. Just not what I expected. And I'm a little disappointed that Madhouse wants to rush through all the "set up stuff" even though it means that the action scenes later on will be that much tense. They really shortened down the Kurosaki scene last episode and this time they just entirely omitted both the house scene and Sakazaki sleeping side by side Kaiji scene. I'd say those scenes are pretty crucial in developing Sakazaki's backstory enough and making him into a character you root for along with Kaiji.
>> No. 4242 [Edit]
does anyone notice that kaiji is eating and drinking the exact same things that he did when he was stuck underground
>> No. 4243 [Edit]
Yeah I agree.

All the random 'old asian man' touches like pissing on the side of the road, sleeping at a ramen shop with a beer in hand, sleeping on a shitty futon.. They really contributed to the atmosphere and painted these characters as real humans living in a gritty world. These were some of my favourite parts.
>> No. 4244 [Edit]
File 130751244562.jpg - (135.57KB , 1280x720 , [Epic-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 09 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
Yeah, but that's just him being happy to be able to have yakitori and have beer for the first time in 2 months or so.
>> No. 4389 [Edit]
File 130820657480.jpg - (163.14KB , 1280x720 , [Zero-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 11 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
Alright, as much as I hate the liveaction Kaiji movie, the 3d bog looks pretty damn cool.
>> No. 4390 [Edit]
File 130820664838.jpg - (102.97KB , 1280x720 , [Zero-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 11 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
Also, out of all the feminine-looking guys that seem to be so popular in Japan, you couldn't find A SINGLE ONE TO CAST AS ICHIJOU!?

Are you kidding me, Japan!? What the fuck.
>> No. 4391 [Edit]
who is that annoying woman who keeps showing up after the show has ended?
>> No. 4392 [Edit]
I honestly still have no idea.
>> No. 4394 [Edit]
Where are all the gates and plats and spinners and shit?
>> No. 4402 [Edit]
Yurika Narahara. You can google the rest for yourself.
>> No. 4403 [Edit]
File 130823601348.jpg - (144.07KB , 1280x720 , [Zero-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 11 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
They're still there.
>> No. 4438 [Edit]
Did anyone catch where Sakazaki says "I'm going to win the 550 million... no, 600 million!"

Is this bitch planning to cheat Kaiji?
>> No. 4439 [Edit]
He was referring to the fact that he's wasting 50 million on the balls while playing.
>> No. 4508 [Edit]
Oh god, that latest episode was awesome. I love this arc already.

Also Ichijou looks and sounds much manlier than I expected he would, but it might just be me.
>> No. 4520 [Edit]
Yeah his voice is a little deeper than I'd have liked but it's fine as the voice manages to fit the refined elite Ichijou thinks of himself as.
>> No. 4522 [Edit]
File 130878749319.jpg - (108.12KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_12_[51DAC074]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
This episode... 10/10. That's the Kaiji I want to see.

Now we're really getting started.
>> No. 4525 [Edit]
Ichijou kept saying Kaiji was going to be going back to the underground, but Kaiji hasin't used much of his money at this point, and he said the collective money he got from the others would be enough to buy his own freedom, in theory, couldn't he buy his freedom, then have unlimited time in the outside in which to work at paying for the freedoms of the others still in the underground?
>> No. 4528 [Edit]
>he said the collective money he got from the others would be enough to buy his own freedom

Pretty sure that's not true. You must be mistaken or nutbladder mistranslated it.
>> No. 4529 [Edit]
You'd probably have to work a heck of a long time. The real fear for the men underground is if he takes the money, buys his freedom then ignores them..
>> No. 4531 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure they made a point of that when the other guys in the group gave kaiji their share of the winnings.
>> No. 4532 [Edit]
Ichijou has a distractingly big and muscular build compared to the manga
>> No. 4535 [Edit]
Kaiji's debt is 86.8 million yen. The total earnings made by the 45ers on the night of the big gamble was 18,252,000 pericas which is equivalent to 1,825,200 yen. Even if Kaiji were to get all of the winnings and he didn't need to spend money on buying day-passes outside, that's barely 1/50th of Kaiji's current debts.
>> No. 4536 [Edit]
I wish I could be an effeminate villain like Ichijou. All with my trimmed eyebrows and cup of tea.
>> No. 4611 [Edit]
I'm just now watching the first season and I'm constantly wavering between hating Kaiji and thinking he's a total badass.
>> No. 4782 [Edit]
Wow, a RECAP EPISODE. Fuck you Madhouse, I am disappoint.
>> No. 4785 [Edit]
Just what we needed, the blazing pace of Kaiji had me forgetting all of the important detai- fuck it, I can't even be sarcastic about this.
>> No. 4892 [Edit]
File 131061541627.jpg - (111.77KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
This week on Kaiji... Free manicures for all!
>> No. 4893 [Edit]
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>> No. 4919 [Edit]
File 131077449046.jpg - (912.73KB , 1456x1051 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Guess who finally appeared in the manga!
>> No. 5046 [Edit]

Anyway, nice episode as always. I wonder how many more episodes are left now. It should be over in like three or four episodes.
>> No. 5048 [Edit]
What, you really think it's going to be 19 or 20 ep long?
>> No. 5049 [Edit]
>It should be over in like three or four episodes.

It's just halfway through the manga, it's definitely gonna be 26 episodes.
>> No. 5054 [Edit]
You're severely underestimating the potential that these series have to stretch the shortest periods of time out indefintely. Remember when Akagi took a whole episode to explain a single deal?
>> No. 5096 [Edit]
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>> No. 5107 [Edit]
File 131147301749.jpg - (64.02KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_16_[E12B0CDD]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Getting some serious Don Quixote vibes here.
>> No. 5114 [Edit]
File 131154999754.gif - (378.84KB , 400x337 , 1311533813094.gif )
The OST is out. So far my favourites are Phoenix, Transparent, Fate, and Law Breaking. All the zawa tracks are pretty damn awesome too, especially Max Zawazawa.
>> No. 5115 [Edit]
More and White Light Moment are my favorite so far, and Fate is really good too. Shaping up to be just as good, if not better, than the first OST.

Post edited on 24th Jul 2011, 4:58pm
>> No. 5129 [Edit]
I can't wait to hear the OST. If someone out there happens to stumble on a DDL of the soundtrack could you please post a link here? I can't use torrents, so it would be much appreciated. Tnx
>> No. 5130 [Edit]
MP3 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D7GHCD2F

FLAC - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BVSGDTCJ
>> No. 5132 [Edit]
Why is Kaiji soundtrack so amazing! I really like transparent & fate. Thanks for the upload!

        ♪ ∧,_∧  ♪
          ( ´・ω・) ))
        (( ( つ ヽ、   ♪dance♪
          〉 とノ )))
         ( ノ^(_)

          ∧_,∧ ♪
         (( (・ω・` )     ♪dance♪
       ♪  / ⊂ ) )) ♪
         ((( ヽつ 〈
          (_)^ヽ )

>> No. 5134 [Edit]
>> No. 5193 [Edit]
Kaiji is something else man...
I knew something was up with those tools, since a few ep back they really focused on em, but after hours of thinking about it, I just couldn't think of any way in which those tools could have helped kaiji.
maybe I'm just stupid..
>> No. 5200 [Edit]
Fate, Hyper and the Phoenix themes are really moving for some reason. I always love Hideki Taniuchi's soundtracks.
>> No. 5205 [Edit]
Kaiji should have really changed the other tools too, so that the bigger ones are even bigger so that the C tool wouldn't stand out so much. I mean the manager DID realize the whole plot yeah, but it was pretty risky making the smallest one bigger than the others and not changing the others at all...
>> No. 5235 [Edit]
Come on, it really took 23 minutes to establish that the people underground are watching Kaiji's gamble?
>> No. 5236 [Edit]
if you've watched all of kaiji this far you should be used to the glacial pacing
>> No. 5261 [Edit]
File 131192271354.jpg - (112.27KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater] Kaiji S2 - 17 (720p) [0FA068F0]_mkv_s.jpg )
What, you mean you didn't enjoy old creepy men doing cute creepy things?

Joking aside, though, the episode's pacing was fine and enough happened. Mind you, this is coming from someone who thinks Fukumoto's most glaring error is pacing and part 4 is horrendous because of it. Scenes like the 45ers toiling away underground and crying desperately at the situation can't be omitted if you want to set up an appropriate mood and atmosphere. It wouldn't have the same effect if they rushed through all that Hyoudou speech, setting up TV, etc in a minute. This is why I was especially upset to see Madhouse rushing through all the Sakazaki's scenes of poverty and hopelessness as I mentioned >>4241. Not only that, it's important to devote an entire episode with Kaiji desperately knocking on the bumper gates to of no avail because, as we'll later see, his plan to cross the bumper barrier is flimsy at best and Endou even harshly criticizes the plan.
>> No. 5269 [Edit]
File 131195465086.jpg - (131.83KB , 1680x1050 , about_praying.jpg )
He's got a point.
>> No. 5270 [Edit]

There are easier ways drink Cherry Kool-Aid™.
Look at him... now his beard will all be dyed in red 7 and blue 5. It's a pain to get out.
>> No. 5275 [Edit]

I'm sure he does, but it's not a very good one.
He just sounds like an edgy pessimist... as if his way is the RIGHT way and everyone else's is WRONG.
>> No. 5281 [Edit]
Well, he is the one with all the money, so.

I think there are a lot of questions raised in Kaiji about the meaning of life. Hyoudou talks about money as if it's the one and only goal and end that exists, and there's no other point to living than to pursue it. But Kaiji often puts his own interests on the line just to save other people from destruction. Even so, Kaiji also seems to consider gaining money the sole goal in life, even if he never says it, and that's really a theme of the whole series. Not an unreasonable position given how much debt he's in, but there's more to life than that, isn't there? Money isn't going to keep Hyoudou warm when he's on his not-too-far-away deathbed.
>> No. 5287 [Edit]
Well, as much as I'd like to say that money can't buy happiness and all sorts of idealistic stuff like that, Hyoudou and Tonegawa do have a point. Money is a powerful means as to accomplish things, and as Tonegawa eloquently put it back in season 1, it's far more valuable than the life of an average human life because all of humanity believes and trusts in the value of money. So although I wouldn't say agree that it's the primary goals of life, it's the primary means to achieve one's goals in life, so it's pretty much just as important.

Speaking of Kaiji's goals, however, I don't think he really cares about making a whole lot of money. Or at the very least, not to the same extent as Hyoudou or Tonegawa. You can see for yourself that this is the case because (minor spoiler about beginning of part 3 ahead) once Kaiji has found a comfortable home to live in, he doesn't aspire to do anything more than that. He's really just a NEET at heart. Too unmotivated to actually do anything, much less go out and make money, unless circumstances force him to, often at the risk of his very life.
>> No. 5316 [Edit]
Whenever I look at how much debt I'm in, I take comfort in knowing that I don't have it as bad as Kaiji.
>> No. 5320 [Edit]
File 131200739261.jpg - (124.32KB , 850x850 , sample-9689ad4b4fdb8e585dca97b7d478eb8f.jpg )

>Not an unreasonable position given how much debt he's in, but there's more to life than that, isn't there?

Since you at least question that, there can be for you. For many others, their lives both revolve and end around money and their baser instincts.

They think they are satisfied with their way of life. Though, deep down inside they aren't. Thus, they debase/bully others into sharing their life views and methods. This is a vain attempt to confirm to themselves that their way is "right... and that they didn't make any mistakes.
>> No. 5325 [Edit]
>Money isn't going to keep Hyoudou warm when he's on his not-too-far-away deathbed.

Actually Hyoudou talks about this and explains his real goals with his money to Ichijou in one flashback in the manga, it should appear in the anime later.
>> No. 5353 [Edit]
Just noticed when watching e17: The block stops working around 21:08
>> No. 5421 [Edit]
Why doesn't kaiji try robbing a bank or valuables from places like museums?
He seems like he could get away with it.
>> No. 5423 [Edit]
Kaiji may be a loser but he's good natured. He would never go down that road.
>> No. 5506 [Edit]
>> No. 5516 [Edit]
Are you saying one of the songs in the soundtrack sounds like this? Sorry, I don't see it.

You're probably right though, the Akagi soundtrack ripped off or was at least "inspired" by Aphex Twin, King Crimson and Radiohead.
>> No. 5537 [Edit]

The connection is the ugly guys with awesome lady bodies.
>> No. 5558 [Edit]
File 131284689521.jpg - (71.49KB , 500x543 , mikoko.jpg )
Ooh. I forget about Mikoko sometimes. She doesn't look so ugly anymore to me, I guess that's what FKMT does to you.
>> No. 5564 [Edit]

Whatever it does to you, your taste in music seems awesome.
>> No. 5745 [Edit]
File 131357770878.jpg - (207.82KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_20_[D8709E2A]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Oh goddamnit, Fukumoto. Now you're going to make me suffer through another 2 hours of 3DPD suffering because of this.
>> No. 5746 [Edit]
I'll I gathered from that preview is that Kaiji is going to fight a Lion.

I'm sold.
>> No. 5752 [Edit]
I wonder how it is pinball machines can have tilt detectors, but not pachinko machines.
>> No. 5816 [Edit]
File 131398579649.jpg - (195.92KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_17_[8AB91F5C]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
So, any word on when/where this game would be available?
>> No. 5894 [Edit]
File 131421807322.jpg - (91.97KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_21_[827919EF]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I don't even like beer but I wish Kaiji would buy me 2 beers a day for me...
>> No. 5917 [Edit]
File 131431851683.jpg - (93.83KB , 1280x720 , 1302358599741.jpg )
I wouldn't mind spending time in the underground if it meant Kaiji would be my bro.
>> No. 6005 [Edit]
The bog should eat more fiber.
>> No. 6057 [Edit]
File 131537129434.jpg - (74.37KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )

Jesus christ, every dragged-out action shonen anime needs to hire the Kaiji narrator. Seriously.
>> No. 6058 [Edit]
File 13153715532.jpg - (111.24KB , 1280x720 , [한샛-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 23 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AA.jpg )
Also, Tonegawa teams up with Kaiji? Is there any part of this movie that's going to even resemble the actual manga? Though to be honest, it's a decent-enough change (unlike Ishida son genderswap) but the role of a former-foe-but-now-ally should have been Endou.

Gee, maybe they should've not have fucked up the first movie so much so they wouldn't need to replace Endou's role in part 2.
>> No. 6059 [Edit]
Do you think Endou really was an enemy of Kaiji? I interpret them as having something special between them. Sure Endou commited him to these really crazy gambles, but when I saw the note he gave Kaiji before the man racetrack arc, "Reach for the stars", I thought that was pretty meaningful.
>> No. 6060 [Edit]
Well not really "enemies" but more like Endou really doesn't give a shit if Kaiji were to die in a hellhole as long as he's fine.
>> No. 6061 [Edit]
If people aren't complaining that a adaptation is to much like the source material and boring to see again.
Fans are bitching and complaining about it not being true enough to the original work.

You just can't win.

Post edited on 6th Sep 2011, 11:13pm
>> No. 6063 [Edit]
Very true, though I personally wouldn't mind as long as the changes didn't harm the story too much. I'm one of those people who found the Planetes manga okay while the anime amazing.
>> No. 6152 [Edit]
File 131602926615.jpg - (93.76KB , 1280x720 , [한샛-Raws] Kaiji 2nd - 24 (NTV 1280x720 x264 AA.jpg )
So many delicious reactionfaces this week.
>> No. 6178 [Edit]
File 131622795933.png - (879.79KB , 1280x720 , kaiji balls.png )
>> No. 6184 [Edit]
Don't tell me it's still not resolved, hhhhh. I can't take much more of this.
>> No. 6251 [Edit]
File 13166298429.jpg - (91.15KB , 1280x720 , Gygas.jpg )
Goddamn, this fucking episode.
>> No. 6252 [Edit]
File 131663267852.png - (1.13MB , 1280x720 , problem ichijou.png )
>> No. 6256 [Edit]
and now I'm guessing with all the borrowed money, money he promised other people and the amounts taken from splitting the winnings 3 ways, he'll be left with next to nothing.
>> No. 6257 [Edit]
Not exactly, I will not spoiler, but at the end *something* happens.

Post edited on 22nd Sep 2011, 6:32am
>> No. 6317 [Edit]
File 13171746128.jpg - (145.33KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
And the final episode's out!


Oh Kaiji, How little you know...
>> No. 6320 [Edit]
Kaiji sure is one hell of a guy.
>> No. 6321 [Edit]

He's my main bro, man
>> No. 6327 [Edit]
File 131722481652.png - (964.47KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.png )
God damn it Kaiji.
>> No. 6328 [Edit]
Kaiji, you lowlife piece of shit!

Could have easily taken that money and start up a new life. Idiot.
>> No. 6380 [Edit]
That was one hell of a ride.

What were all those bits at the end with the woman walking around about?
>> No. 6385 [Edit]
I couldn't believe that shit, after all he's been through, he should have know better.
But I guess that's just the kind of person he is when it's all said and done, he'll never be rich, it's not within his capacity.
A shitty hard poverty filled life of debt is all he'll ever know...

Post edited on 3rd Oct 2011, 12:56am
>> No. 6386 [Edit]
You mean Sakazaki's daughter Mikoko? The ED song art is just an adaptation of one of the first chapters in Kaiji part 3 where Kaiji is more or less "forced" to have a date with her. Madhouse stuck it in there for the fans who've read the manga already, maybe because it'll be a long time, if ever, before we get another season.

Post edited on 3rd Oct 2011, 2:26am
>> No. 6387 [Edit]
He might mean the 3D one that repeated lines from the episode.
>> No. 6388 [Edit]
Yeah I meant the 3D girl. Is she a pop idol or something, and why put it there
>> No. 6398 [Edit]
She voiced a girl from Kaiji season 1. I have no idea why they slapped her in there, though.
>> No. 6399 [Edit]
season 1 had a girl?
>> No. 6401 [Edit]
Didn't he have a female coworker along with Sahara? Did she speak?
>> No. 6413 [Edit]
Yeah, that was the girl she voiced.
>> No. 6818 [Edit]
File 131916578425.png - (156.40KB , 512x288 , IkaMusumeKaiji.png )
So moe!
>> No. 7267 [Edit]
File 132145151416.jpg - (168.67KB , 1366x768 , mathfail.jpg )
I gave up. I promised myself never to watch gg's/nutbladder's subs but after months of wait it doesn't look like anybody will pick it up (I was hoping some group will be willing to do the DVDs but sure enough, no dice). Oh well.

But boy, they sure fail at basic math right off the bat.

Spoiler: By the third roll the chances of getting a hand are still 50%.
>> No. 7270 [Edit]
I don't think nutbladder was half bad.
>> No. 7271 [Edit]
No they didn't. What you're thinking of is the independent probability of getting a hand on the third roll. What they're calculating is the total probability of getting no hands for the first two rolls, then getting a hand on the third roll. So the formula for it is 1 – probability of getting no hands for all 3 rolls = 1- 0.5^3 = 87.5%.
>> No. 7272 [Edit]
>> No. 7274 [Edit]

>What they're calculating is the total probability of getting no hands for the first two rolls, then getting a hand on the third roll.

Unless it's a poor translation this is false. It says 'the probabily goes up even higher' with regards to the third roll. However, the third roll doesn't care about the previous two. The probability is still 50%. 87,5% reffers to rolling a no-hand three times in a row but that's not what they were reffering to here (again, unless it's just a poor translation).
>> No. 7282 [Edit]
File 132147785450.jpg - (118.53KB , 1280x720 , with.jpg )
I think you’re misunderstanding the problem here. The problem is not P(rolling a hand on the 3rd roll). Instead, it is P(rolling a hand by the 3rd roll). Thus, you have to include the possible outcomes of the 2 previous rolls. This on/by difference accounts for why the probability of rolling a hand increases as the number of rolls increases. So in other words:

P(rolling a hand by the 1st roll) = 0.5 = 50%
P(rolling a hand by the 2nd roll) = 1 - 0.5^2 = 75%
P(rolling a hand by the 3rd roll) = 1 – 0.5^3 = 87.5%

Also, I’m not sure which version of Nutbladder you’ve downloaded, but my version says “with three rolls.” But regardless of the translation version, both “with” and “by” are including the possible outcomes of the 2 previous rolls.

Post edited on 16th Nov 2011, 1:14pm
>> No. 7301 [Edit]
File 132153592363.jpg - (323.39KB , 1366x1536 , mathfail2.jpg )

>I think you’re misunderstanding the problem here. The problem is not P(rolling a hand on the 3rd roll). Instead, it is P(rolling a hand by the 3rd roll).

No, neither is the real problem here. The problem is phrasing. The only question is whether it's just poor phrasing of Triad's part(because I downloaded Triad/Underwater/Doremi subs when it was possible) or poor phrasing in the anime.

'Each roll has a 50% chance' followed by 'by the third roll, the chance goes even higher' indicates that the chance of rolling a hand on your third roll (if you rolled 'no hand' twice previously) is 87,5%. This is false. Even if you were to roll 'no hand' 99 times in a row on the next roll chance of rolling a hand are still 50%, even though the chance of rolling 'no hand' 100 times in a row are 0,000000000000000000000000000079%.

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