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File 130198253585.jpg - (288.68KB , 715x966 , loda_jp.jpg )
2829 No. 2829 [Edit]
Intriguing. Full of irony, edgy low-life glances and an apparently chaotic/absurd structure to grasp... Overall promising.

I'm not familiar with the VN, thought. Maybe we'll get arcs, again (who knows).
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>> No. 2830 [Edit]
I seriously can't believe they're only doing 12 episodes. The visual novel is incredibly long. It's just not possible.
>> No. 2831 [Edit]
File 130198508245.jpg - (91.61KB , 799x597 , 1246352040984.jpg )
Oh wow.

This scene better be adapted.
>> No. 2837 [Edit]
File 130202611355.jpg - (122.54KB , 1280x720 , typical black people.jpg )
What is up with this black guy? He's like a rapist or something.
>> No. 2838 [Edit]
Is there a better sub group yet besides a bunch of v2, redo, and shin?
>> No. 2841 [Edit]
The japanese guys pulled up the 'ghetto nigga' stereotype up to 11. Remember how Japanese tend to be relatively ignorantand xenophobic, same as how the average US citizen doesnt know of the different ethnic groups in China.

also I wonder what pissed him off - given hes in fucking Japan and shouldnt be pissed. The japanese basically drew him as angry all the time when we are not like that.
>> No. 2843 [Edit]
>same as how the average US citizen doesnt know of the different ethnic groups in China.

Who cares? They're Chinese. The only group that matters in Han. The rest just get slaughtered or abused.
>> No. 2844 [Edit]
>Drew him angry all the time

I'm guessing the only black people they've seen would be famous ones like Mr. T?
Maybe if they had a Jamaican black guy, he'd be smiling all the time.

As far as I know, the only black people in Japan are not American, but African immigrants. I have not read this VN, so I am not familiar with his character, or if it has been specified that he is indeed American. If he is indeed american, I already addressed that up top. I'm not too sure how much of American culture affects Japan.
>> No. 2845 [Edit]
>I'm not too sure how much of American culture affects Japan.
They have christmas, valentines day, and Halloween to an extent.
I think it's safe to say it has had a big affect on them.
>> No. 2860 [Edit]
Or given affirmative action or concessions to keep from seceding from China (e.g. the southern hill peoples' and their mutually unintelligable languages)

>>I'm guessing the only black people they've seen would be famous ones like Mr. T?

They released the Boondocks in Japan with Japanese dubbing I think. So I'm doubting it. I am guessing they just upped the stereotypes like how US does that at times with other countries in the past.

>>As far as I know, the only black people in Japan are not American, but African immigrants.

Incorrect, there are black military personnel from the US military and business people as well as people who teach english there (black americans). The person who wrote the "I am a Japanese School Teacher" blog is black.

>>I'm not too sure how much of American culture affects Japan.

It affects it a lot. Its been reported a lot in the media, and personally a japanese person flat out told me "Japan borrows a lot from America".

Of course he's really polite on things like the Senkaku Islands dispute and Korean relations, when I flat out asked him that (I did it tactfully....). He phrased the Korean - Japanese chauvinism as "cultural difference" but he did reference how Koreans believe the Japanese abused them in the past.

I showed him the Siuchan gundam articles and he said "Chinese like to imitate Japanese a lot" instead of "they like ripping Japanese stuff off". And when I said "don't you mean they rip it off" with a grin. He pulled the "Japanese people do not complain so blatantly in public, but grumble in private" even when I said "be perfectly honest, you're in America now" or something like that....he smiled when I mentioned "Japanese are pretty honest on 2ch"
>> No. 2863 [Edit]

I forgot

>>I'm guessing the only black people they've seen would be famous ones like Mr. T?

>>They released the Boondocks in Japan with Japanese dubbing I think. So I'm doubting it.

Of course, they could be just ignorant. The same way a doujin artist in the US probably isnt going to go into details on chinese ethnic groups, again to use that as an analogy.

>> No. 2896 [Edit]
File 13021309436.jpg - (194.24KB , 720x400 , [SHiN-Remux][MSPN-SUBS] Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa Na.jpg )
Just finished the first ep.

So far (I haven't read the VN), I really like the way they are handling this. I'm honestly not very into slice-of-life but I found this to be pretty interesting. I wasn't all that into the beginning (generic harem setup) but the second and third character intros kept me watching. I guess because I can relate more to the latter two as opposed to the first. It kinda feels like I'm there with them while they're talking.

It will be interesting to see where this goes.
It earned it's spot on my external hard drive.
>> No. 4329 [Edit]
File 130777778017.png - (204.64KB , 643x357 , ore tachi 2.png )
Personalities, diferent lives and their respective girls are starting to overlap now...
sexy and cynical, black-humored and intrincate, this series didn't dissapoint me at all (so far).

I just wonder if I shall start the VN, at this point.

Post edited on 11th Jun 2011, 12:37am
>> No. 4330 [Edit]
File 130777829368.jpg - (110.89KB , 500x500 , questionable_russian_girl.jpg )
None of those originate from America though...
>> No. 4331 [Edit]
Nothing originates from America, America just copies everything from the rest of the world and calls it it's own.
>> No. 4332 [Edit]

I thought that it's Japanese strategy.
>> No. 4333 [Edit]
It's true. America comes up with it and Japan makes it smaller and better.
>> No. 4334 [Edit]
That's only electronics.

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