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No. 2755 [Edit]
  This airs tomorrow, i'm definitely going to watch it. Its a slice of life about a girl who moves to the country to work at a ryokan. Ohana looks adorable, and she's voiced by Ito Kanae.
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>> No. 2757 [Edit]
I'll be watching it, too. Looks nice.
>> No. 2769 [Edit]
High expectations. such beautiful art.
>> No. 2788 [Edit]
This is pretty damn good, though granny is pretty bitchy.
>> No. 2789 [Edit]
Watched the first episode, it was fantastic. Ohana is even cuter than I thought. I must of taken a million screencaps.
>> No. 2908 [Edit]
File 130216136945.jpg - (42.18KB , 853x480 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
First episode completed and WTF: a slice of life with an actual plot and a drop dead gorgeous girl going through hardship with optimism and taking shit from others from the very begining... Fruits Basket without magic pop-up pets...

Not sure if want, at this point, but I'm gonna give this a chance...
It just kept reminding me of Sen to Chihiro (without the magic, again).
>> No. 2909 [Edit]
2ch doesn't like it for some reason, but I thought it was fantastic.
>> No. 2911 [Edit]
Cut girl slice of life deconstruction?
Just kidding.

But is it?
>> No. 2913 [Edit]
It looks good, but I can't watch stuff like this. It reminds me too much of all my wasted years.
>> No. 3041 [Edit]
Second episode was very nice, but will be of Ohana!?
>> No. 3067 [Edit]
I feel the same way. I can really relate to how she is trying her hardest to fit in and pull her weight, yet all her seemingly good ideas (even to the audience, not the derpy THIS WILL BE A GOOD IDEA shit that harem MCs pull off, for example) always turn to shit and she can't seem to think of why she's bothering.

I know it will be an excellent series, but fuck is it hard to watch because she reminds me of me.
>> No. 3068 [Edit]
I personally think its great to watch a young lass finally go though the hell that is actually working towards something.
>> No. 3074 [Edit]
Anyone who watches this is obviously a sick fuck who likes watching young girls get beat up
>> No. 3075 [Edit]
I was thinking about checking this show out.. not anymore..
>> No. 3078 [Edit]
It's a good show. I like it, based on what I've seen. She got smacked by an old woman, but she requested it to be honorable.
>> No. 3091 [Edit]
I like the art design. I'll give it a try even though I don't like slice of life.
>> No. 3092 [Edit]
Sup guy from the Madoka thread.
>> No. 3093 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure he's making fun of that guy.

But let's see if it's still funny after this girl gets killed, and her death get's turned into a meme.
>> No. 3173 [Edit]
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Oh boy.
>> No. 3324 [Edit]
File 130306025265.jpg - (110.37KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hanasaku Iroha - 03 [720p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
Ohana in ep 3 was pure moe overdose. Her innocence, while being absurdly unbelievable, was a successful HNNNG combo combined with those expressions of hers.
Also, I'm satisfied how the drama with her friends was resolving one bit at a time, and the series already provided us with insights, albeit rather obvious from the get-go, into the grandma's strict treatments.
>> No. 3326 [Edit]
Glad to see this show getting 26 episodes, it's getting better and better each episode.

I love all the "reviews" on MAL despite only 3 fucking episodes being out. Why do they do that? Just to have their name there?
>> No. 3328 [Edit]
If only we could understand the mind behind critics perhaps the world would be a nicer place.
>> No. 3335 [Edit]
I just vote them down if it's still airing and it's not a 2000 episode shounen or something.

They're probably just rushing to put the first review out so they get more e-fame.
>> No. 3345 [Edit]
For a show that has been fairly down to earth in all other aspects, I don't think any 16 year old girl wouldn't of screamed like mad in that situation with the novelist. Especially not when they freely confess to have been watching you and have put you in bondage. The 'I think he's a good person really' was a bit cliche in an otherwise not so cliche show.
>> No. 3346 [Edit]


Found your problem.
>> No. 3785 [Edit]
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It does put one to think...
>> No. 3786 [Edit]
A bit of a spoiler, probably not good to read if you aren't at least caught up as of today (Episode 6)
I've not read source material the anime is based off of, but I predict that the show will go into a direction where Tohru will slowly like Hana more and more and eventually confess to her. It has already been happening for the last 2 episodes or so. Minchi will overhear the confession and go bitch mode. Hana will realize her feelings for her childhood friend and turn Tohru down. Minchi at this point might try to kill Hana. I lol'd when Tohru was smiling as he was eating with the head chef
>> No. 3787 [Edit]
Until the nice boat part, I find your thesis very plausible... and saddening, because I preffer Minchi better (tsundere lover here).
>> No. 3792 [Edit]
>source material
Don't worry, besides the promotional manga, this is an original production.
>> No. 3799 [Edit]
I'm just about to pick this up. Which subs do you guys recommend?
>> No. 3806 [Edit]
Yeah, and I'm not looking forward to more romantic focus between Ohana and Tohru because at least as of now he's basically one of those stereotypical shoujo love interests that always annoy me. "He might be an asshole who treats you like dirt but he's actually a nice guy deep down inside so you should put up with all of his shit."
>> No. 3848 [Edit]
Crunchyroll's subs are of a decent quality in this show, so HorribleSubs is an option if you can't wait. Otherwise, Commie.
>> No. 3910 [Edit]
The last episode of this was funny and pretty cute.
>> No. 3952 [Edit]
File 13059106151.png - (869.00KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2011-05-17-03h19m16s2.png )
My thoughts exactly. Pretty much everything in the show is spot on (save for the mom running away with a dude this ugly), but whenever it comes to sexuality her lack of reactions doesn't make any sense.
>> No. 4584 [Edit]
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Ohana-chan, I thought you were pure!
>> No. 4625 [Edit]
File 130932425971.jpg - (111.41KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20110629002137.jpg )
I find Ohana's cuteness to be directly proportional to how much misery she's in.
>> No. 4626 [Edit]
File 130932458545.jpg - (147.74KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20110628192918.jpg )
Tohru thinks its about time society got over its ridiculous anti-bulimia stance.
>> No. 4627 [Edit]
Half expecting TohruxBBW Ohana/Minchi doujins now.
>> No. 4629 [Edit]
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It's just like a real date.
>> No. 5064 [Edit]
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>Ep 16
>Ends with phone ringing off the hook in MM's room
I don't like the looks of that
>> No. 5065 [Edit]
oh god thats so cute
>> No. 5337 [Edit]
File 131213410778.jpg - (99.84KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hanasaku Iroha - 18 [720p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
Anyone still watching this? Recent episodes have been pretty boring but the newest was okay in my opinion.
>> No. 5338 [Edit]
I was wondering if anyone was watching this either. Seems like most people forgot about it or dropped it half way through.
>> No. 5341 [Edit]
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I'm still downloading it.
I'll watch it all once it ends, along with Stein's Gate.
>> No. 5342 [Edit]

I kinda forgot it existed and ended up missing three episodes.
I guess that's the problem when you're watching too many shows at the same time.
>> No. 5343 [Edit]

Same here. I'm gonna marathon that, then Kaiji, then Steins;Gate.
>> No. 5347 [Edit]
Some shows just have to be marathon-ed to fully appreciate the experience. I did the same thing with Shiki when it aired, which was probably the best decision I could have made.
>> No. 5376 [Edit]
File 131223063942.png - (1.82MB , 636x1806 , hanasaku-iroha-16.png )
Nako's episode was ok (damn, she's hot), but the previous ones were pretty good as well.

Ohana's mom used to be quite the beauty: looking her at the pool scene, in her loli days, swimming by herself like a world entirely of her own, actually reminded of a character of one of my favourites novels; it was also fascinating to know about her brother's old crush on her (and how could anyone blame him?)...

Thought I was about to drop the show indeed, before those episodes arrived; but then again: the gorgeousness of the characters design may very well be enough for me to keep an eye on this until the end (those girls goddesses).
>> No. 6034 [Edit]
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>> No. 6037 [Edit]
Can't wait for last episode.
>> No. 6038 [Edit]
The show is alright, it definitely looked that it would be better when it aired, but it's still nice to watch if you don't have anything else to do. /a/ hates the fuck out of it though.
>> No. 6051 [Edit]
/a/ hates everything.
>> No. 6340 [Edit]
>/a/ hates the fuck out of it though.
Why would that matter? I personally have only watched the first 9 episodes, I'm planning on marathoning the rest soon though. So far, it's pretty damn good.
>> No. 6341 [Edit]
It doesn't, their tastes suck monkey balls.
>> No. 6343 [Edit]
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cock version in /ns/
>> No. 6345 [Edit]
Fuck you for getting my hopes up.
>> No. 6357 [Edit]
File 131745540495.jpg - (34.18KB , 704x396 , hanasaku_26_01.jpg )
So that was it.

Overall good (realistic, thus kind of open/ anticlimatic) ending. I wasn't utterly moved or anything, but it did pull some strings alright; the same as usual, I guess, whenever I finish watching -yet another- highschool life series, seeing girls becoming little women and cycles coming to an end, just like that, turning vivid life into mere memories... Haruhi, I'm so fucking old (too old for this, anyway).

It had very pretty art and girls, thought.
>> No. 6358 [Edit]
File 13174554485.jpg - (29.05KB , 704x396 , hanasaku_20_02.jpg )
...BTW: any of you remember True tears? Oh nostalgia, indeed.
>> No. 6361 [Edit]
Yes, and i'm still mad about the ending. But let's not get into that, this is a thread for HanaIro
>> No. 6364 [Edit]
Just wondering, did you follow the show weekly? I suspect that's the reason why people in general were disappointed with the ending.

I marathoned the last 10 episodes, and found the ending to be quite well done. Over those six months, I'd developed a sense attachment to the characters. It's quite sad to see the Kissuiso staff part ways, as well as say goodbye to the show as a viewer. In particular, I was greatly touched by the empty Kissuiso scene, and the part where Grandma saw Ohana off. The ending may seem cliche and not mind-blowing, but considering it's coming of age genre, I say it was an excellent job.
>> No. 6483 [Edit]

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