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File 130179095086.jpg - (45.57KB , 225x350 , 28017.jpg )
2750 No. 2750 [Edit]
The OVA was released not long ago and the series is starting now. The OVA seemed very laid back and cute, I'm hoping the series keeps that same feel. What did you guys think of it?
Expand all images
>> No. 2752 [Edit]
I liked it. The professor and her cat was the highlight for me.
>> No. 2754 [Edit]
I watched the OVA earlier and I liked the loli professor the best.
>> No. 2759 [Edit]
File 130179361895.jpg - (113.21KB , 1280x720 , sakuraisensei.jpg )
>> No. 2760 [Edit]
File 130179416388.jpg - (188.93KB , 1280x720 , thatfro.jpg )
>> No. 2761 [Edit]
File 130179420146.jpg - (158.90KB , 1280x720 , hilarious.jpg )
So far this is probably my favorite show this season, out of all 4 that have aired.
>> No. 2765 [Edit]
Makes me upset that KyoAni did this instead of a Little Busters anime.
>> No. 2768 [Edit]
That's more Key's fault than Kyoani's.
>> No. 2771 [Edit]
I watched the OVA. It didn't seem up to par with previous KyoAni slice of life series', but it's too early to say anything definitive.
>> No. 2772 [Edit]
Ep1 is much better than the OVA.
>> No. 2773 [Edit]
Just watched the first episode. That scene with the sausage was hilarious. Not going to drop this if it keeps up this level of humor.
>> No. 2774 [Edit]
After the first episode, loli professor is still my favorite.
>> No. 2775 [Edit]
I'm glad it's going to be 26 episodes. Getting tired of everything being 11-13.
>> No. 2790 [Edit]
Where did you get info on it being a 26 episode anime? ANN's encyclopedia says that its a 13 episode series.
>> No. 2793 [Edit]
I really dislike pure comedy manga getting anime adaptations as they usually mess up the pacing and timing of jokes in order to pad up the time which ends up making certain gags terribly unfunny. I thought Nichijou had a little bit of this going on which made it a very mixed bag for me. That being said, I don't think I would've found a lot of the jokes funny even if I read the manga. Overall, I'd say it's cute but not funny, which really isn't saying much since pretty much anything ever made in Japan can be either classified as either "cute' or "fucked up."

Will probably watch a couple more episodes, howver.

Yeah, the loli really was the best.
>> No. 2795 [Edit]
I just saw the first ep., didn't see the OVA. Am enjoying it so far. It's funny when it's trying to be funny and cute when it's trying to be cute with a good balance of the two.

All in all, its relatively large cast of characters and semi-skit based humor remind me most of Lucky Star, with all the otaku references and Haruhi-whoring replaced with crack. I found switching the from the laid back, slice-of-lifeish pacing, to the sudden, over-the-top bursts of action animation gave the latter more oomph. I also happen to find the horrible robot-girl with the detachable toe and the giant key coming out of her back to be unbearably cute. Will keep watching.
>> No. 2802 [Edit]
File 130194203054.jpg - (35.36KB , 475x360 , OsakaAzumangaDaioh8.jpg )
>> No. 2846 [Edit]
File 130203556631.gif - (2.52MB , 512x288 , nichijou.gif )
This gif is made me start DLing this. I hope it's all this cute
>> No. 2848 [Edit]
I wish they would make 26-episode shows of anime that have plot. Shorter seasons work fine for slice of life in my opinion.
>> No. 2850 [Edit]
File 130204626244.jpg - (118.57KB , 791x773 , professor.jpg )
It's too cute. I can't take it!
>> No. 2861 [Edit]
Animated on twos? Dammit KyoAni, why are you so good.
>> No. 2864 [Edit]
Kyoani sure does know how to make one hell of an opening.
>> No. 2870 [Edit]
File 130206636255.gif - (1.77MB , 640x360 , jan ken pon.gif )
>> No. 2871 [Edit]
An awesome opening it certainly is.
>> No. 2895 [Edit]
Usually I like to give a series a 3-episode "probation," as such.

This passed on the first episode. It will most probably be my favourite anime in this fantastic season.
>> No. 2900 [Edit]
Usually I don't like this kind of show, but I really liked the first episode. It's got actual jokes in it too, sort of, which is great.
>> No. 3008 [Edit]
File 130236936857.gif - (1.84MB , 320x180 , 1302005615767.gif )
>> No. 3016 [Edit]
Any indication when the subs will be out for episode 2? The raws seem to be out already.
>> No. 3017 [Edit]
I think it's a cute show in a very good way.
>> No. 3018 [Edit]
Episode one fixed any dislike i had over the OVA.
>> No. 3021 [Edit]
Subs should be ready by Sunday morning. Most likely within an hour or two of this post.

>> No. 3024 [Edit]
File 130242751328.jpg - (100.45KB , 600x401 , tsundereheh.jpg )
I'm not familiar with the source material, but I hope this is just a tongue-in-cheek parody of the tsundere appeal and not a silly asspull of a romantic development.
Still, even in the former case, this particular joke has left me with bad taste.
>> No. 3026 [Edit]
I wasn't very impressed with the first episode but I guess I'll give the second one a chance.
>> No. 3032 [Edit]
Chase scene in episode two was crazy.
Kind of makes me wish KyoAni would do an action series every now and again.
>> No. 3038 [Edit]
Couldn't agree more.

I can't speak for you but the 2nd episode was a lot unfunnier than the 1st, which to me, is saying something since I thought the 1st one was unfunny enough as it is already.
>> No. 3059 [Edit]
File 130254451135.jpg - (274.26KB , 1390x780 , mio drawing.jpg )
How lewd
>> No. 3231 [Edit]
File 130292125522.gif - (665.60KB , 512x288 , boomheadshortening.gif )
>> No. 3258 [Edit]
This show is fucking awesome. I like how they take things far, but not too far that is becomes stupid, and not not far enough that it becomes weak. And the animation is pretty good as well, especially considering it's a slice-of-life show.

Also, Mai reminds me of Kurokona.
>> No. 3266 [Edit]
I hope we'll see Principal this week, since he's my favorite after Goat Guy.
>> No. 3315 [Edit]
File 130301758733.jpg - (278.82KB , 1280x720 , class.jpg )
New ep was funny, and had the cutest Nano 'n Professor segment yet
>> No. 3355 [Edit]
File 130316726735.jpg - (68.66KB , 1280x720 , rollcake.jpg )
hahahaha dat rollcake
>> No. 3356 [Edit]

Why do males have a nose but females don't?
>> No. 3357 [Edit]
Noses are unattractive
>> No. 3358 [Edit]
This anime isn't very funny but it's bizarre enough to stay relatively entertaining.
>> No. 3359 [Edit]
This is what I've accepted the show as. If it was any other studio besides KyoAni doing it, I probably would've already dropped it.
>> No. 3364 [Edit]
I only understand about half of the jokes, but for me animation and characters make it interesting enough.
>> No. 3459 [Edit]
File 130376272866.jpg - (90.33KB , 787x729 , sakurai sleep.jpg )
the moe-est teacher
>> No. 3495 [Edit]
Is it just me or was episode 4 a lot funnier than any of the previous ones?
>> No. 3501 [Edit]
It was. Mai is now my favorite character
>> No. 3563 [Edit]
She is my favorite character
>> No. 3572 [Edit]
I pretty much love it. Definitely a little on the LOLXDRANDUM side but still charming.

I've always had a soft spot for the whole moé gag thing if it's done right. The series reminds me a lot of Azumanga Daioh and that's a compliment.
>> No. 3581 [Edit]
File 130395500765.jpg - (106.52KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater-Commie] Nichijou - 04 (720p) [F642F76B.jpg )
Mai is a massive troll, yet still manages to be one of the most moe~ characters in the series.
>> No. 3582 [Edit]
  Also, while I'm at it, this is the first OP I've watched over and over again. Usually I watch an OP once or twice and for the rest of the series I skip it, but I find myself opening up a random ep just to watch this OP.
>> No. 3583 [Edit]
File 130395570040.jpg - (190.84KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Nichijou - 04 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [1686ECED.jpg )
Wouldn't wearing a wig over a bald cap with long hair tucked inside all day be very uncomfortable?
>> No. 3584 [Edit]
File 130395584169.jpg - (105.40KB , 995x779 , mai.jpg )
She's dedicated
>> No. 3585 [Edit]
I would imagine so.
>> No. 3588 [Edit]

I've been doing that for the past 3 days.
>> No. 3589 [Edit]
I thought that whole yuri love thing was really cute and heartwarming, and it sorta pissed me off when she said she was joking about the whole thing.
>> No. 3590 [Edit]

Playing with your enemy's emotions is what trolling is all about.
>> No. 3592 [Edit]
...or was she?
>> No. 3595 [Edit]
File 130396208915.jpg - (134.43KB , 928x712 , nj professor 8.jpg )
Why is the Professor so adorable?
>> No. 3598 [Edit]
Maybe she was watching the girl's reaction, and said she was joking to avoid embarrassment or something.
>> No. 3599 [Edit]
Truly Mai is the deepest character we've seen in quite some time
>> No. 3656 [Edit]
I believe I saw the ova. This show is very cute.
>> No. 3664 [Edit]
File 130424294293.jpg - (110.08KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Nichijou 05 [720p][NTS][F612FC80]_mkv_sn.jpg )
After seeing a "?" line in Horriblesubs, I decided to switch to Ahodomo. I had a tiny bit of hope that they will do a decent job. But, noooo! How could they possibly miss a chance to put some stupid meme in their subs? It's like these people don't even respect their works.
>> No. 3665 [Edit]
Why not stick with Doki?
>> No. 3666 [Edit]
I only watched their first episode. But it had several mistranslations, so I didn't even bother with other ones. Are they any better now?
>> No. 3667 [Edit]
The translations might not always be of the best quality, but sometimes make more sense then the other guys.
all the same, they beat the competition's riped off crunchyroll " ? " subs, and troll subs any day.
>> No. 3668 [Edit]
>After seeing a "?" line in Horriblesubs, I decided to switch
Personally I prefer an honest "I don't understand" over making something up yourself to hide the fact, as many sub groups do.
(The Crunchyroll guys generally seem to fail at a lot of stuff a half-way decent translator should have no problems with, though)
>> No. 3669 [Edit]
As expected from a group which used to steal other people's subs. You'd think after going legit they'd hire a real translator.
>> No. 3671 [Edit]
They do have translators. I've never noticed this "?" stuff until this season with their shows. There's no excuse for the lack of QC, but I imagine they're running on a tight schedule, given the amount of shows they sub every week.

When did they ever steal subs? I'm not saying they didn't, but my understanding is that, before the site went legit, its users uploaded all the content on it.
>> No. 3672 [Edit]
Here's a crazy idea, maybe they shouldn't bite off more then they can chew?
>> No. 3675 [Edit]

Doki is really bad. I personally use Underwater-Commie.

You can use this site to compare.
>> No. 3679 [Edit]
I think the ? in last week's Nichijou was the result of Crunchyroll's "localization" policy, because the line wasn't difficult but since it had to do with the boke/tsukkomi dynamic of Japanese comedy they probably didn't know how to localize it. The part of the line they did translate gave a completely different impression than what Mai actually said. That wasn't even the only line they messed up in that scene, which they basically ruined with their horrible subs.

It was a good scene too. Except for how now I can't stop shipping Yuuko and Mai even though I know nothing will come of the pairing.

Post edited on 2nd May 2011, 7:09am
>> No. 3683 [Edit]
I thought this was a photoshopped pic until I actually saw the episode. It feels like the cute factor increases with each episode.
>> No. 3684 [Edit]
File 130435965294.jpg - (115.51KB , 1269x712 , professor nyan.jpg )
Oh god
>> No. 3685 [Edit]
a few of doki's translations on there are better then the other guys, it goes both ways.
>> No. 3686 [Edit]
I was going to use commie but their slowness earlier in the season + the fact they called Lotte "pedoshit garbage" and insulted it's fans like normalfags made me not want to use them anymore for anything. From now on the only time I'll use their subs is if they are doing a show nobody else is doing
>> No. 3782 [Edit]
File 130487387440.jpg - (101.50KB , 1280x720 , qUZ1k.jpg )
I love this show.
>> No. 3783 [Edit]
File 130491327553.jpg - (302.95KB , 1392x782 , yukko barf.jpg )
Same. It's probably in my top 10 anime ever
>> No. 3808 [Edit]
File 130499969932.jpg - (61.65KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater-Commie] Nichijou - 06 (720p) [96B5F9C8.jpg )
Principal confirmed for badass.
>> No. 3809 [Edit]
Discussing the subbers, and no mention of coal? Is there some stigma I've missed, like with gg et al?
>> No. 3810 [Edit]
Why would anyone want to be reminded of, or even think about coal?
>> No. 3813 [Edit]
And I'm asking why not. I'm the ignorant one here, so I'd appreciate some intel, if it's not too much to ask.

Cool show, by the way. The only new one I'm watching right now/this season.
>> No. 3816 [Edit]
They're troll subs.
They purposely miss-translate, include memes, and reference themselves in the translation.
>> No. 3818 [Edit]
Alright, that's fair. For what it's worth - I haven't observed any of the mentioned issues so far in their run of this show. When actually translating and stuff, they seem to be doing solid work in comparison to the other groups; up there with the best from what I've seen. Though I will of course drop them if I ever spot stupid shit like you mentioned.
>> No. 3833 [Edit]

The thing is, you WON'T notice you're being trolled unless you're fluent enough to understand the show in Japanese. In which case, if you are, why watch subs?

Coal will translate 80% of the show correctly, but then leave the last 20% for subtle trolling.
>> No. 3835 [Edit]
A lot of mistaking Coalgirls for Coalguys here.

Coalguys = gg, shit subs filled with troll bullshit
Coalgirls = Bluray encodes with other groups subs, and the occasional airing show (like now) with Crunchyroll's subs.
>> No. 3836 [Edit]
I don't follow fansubber drama, so I always thought Coalgirls was a spinoff project or something.
>> No. 3837 [Edit]
Coalgirls' releases are fucking bullshit.
Even the most pretentious audiophiles admit that they need really good headphones (as in 300$+) to hear the difference between 320kpbs mp3 and flac on their favorite songs. Why would someone need flac quality for their anime is beyond me.
>> No. 3838 [Edit]
Because it's CoalGirls.
Like CoalGuys, who troll by 'localizing' subs, they 'troll' by making their encodes as fuckhuge as possible.

Bad thing is, they're usually the only group doing blurays on a lot of enjoyable shows...
>> No. 3840 [Edit]
So does Nano eventually start going to school with the girls or something? She's wearing the uniform in a lot of promo images
>> No. 3852 [Edit]
Principle vs deer made me glad i was sticking with this.
>> No. 3853 [Edit]
I've been wondering that myself for a while now.
>> No. 3854 [Edit]
File 130541590267.png - (241.95KB , 988x1400 , Nichijou_v02_c22_031.png )

In the manga she starts off in school already and they later show how she started off.
>> No. 3865 [Edit]
The opening of this weeks episode was pretty strange. I thought I had downloaded the wrong thing somehow at first
>> No. 3887 [Edit]
File 130556531490.jpg - (39.20KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater-Commie] Nichijou - 07 (720p) [C4F499A7.jpg )
Watching these two interact is adorable
>> No. 3893 [Edit]
They're my OTP.

I hope there's love heavy doujin.
>> No. 3975 [Edit]
File 130602574317.jpg - (178.31KB , 1366x768 , 2.jpg )
I want my dreams to be as cute as the ED. This show is too cute!
>> No. 3982 [Edit]
File 130604160036.jpg - (47.89KB , 848x480 , [Underwater-Commie] Nichijou - 01 (480p) [055EE49A.jpg )
Moe desu!
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
File 130609979675.jpg - (195.50KB , 1390x782 , mai dead.jpg )
Oh no!
>> No. 3987 [Edit]
Her moe powers have been killing me over and over, seems her moe was to much for even herself.
>> No. 4024 [Edit]
I seriously can't get enough of this show. It's the first one in a long time that may very well break into my top 5 favourites.
>> No. 4048 [Edit]
What is your favourite part of this show?

I like Hakase and Nano, their rock, paper, scissors, and the ED.
>> No. 4056 [Edit]
>> No. 4073 [Edit]

The whole show is great. But, Mai and the OP are good. I also love the rock/paper thing, and usually watch it a couple times in the show because it's so cute.
>> No. 4086 [Edit]
File 130669997264.jpg - (117.82KB , 1280x720 , yukko wins.jpg )
I liked the special guest at the end.

It was the first time I recognized them before it told me.

Post edited on 29th May 2011, 1:14pm
>> No. 4092 [Edit]
File 130671351692.jpg - (63.99KB , 1280x720 , nichijou-eggplant.jpg )
I want this little eggplant statue.
>> No. 4105 [Edit]
File 130678610797.gif - (2.47MB , 280x158 , yukko slap.gif )
>> No. 4108 [Edit]
It's kind of sad that you recognized Aya Hirano but not Wakamoto.
>> No. 4110 [Edit]
Well Aya is the voice of my waifu so...
>> No. 4188 [Edit]
Why are the OP/ED left unsubbed? Is there a group that subs them?
>> No. 4201 [Edit]
File 130724442848.jpg - (92.05KB , 863x743 , 234235.jpg )
>> No. 4202 [Edit]
(´-ロ-`) エェェ。
>> No. 4203 [Edit]
Underwater-Commie has them subbed.
>> No. 4234 [Edit]
File 130747721716.jpg - (137.79KB , 1280x720 , mai clouds.jpg )
I laughed every time
>> No. 4236 [Edit]
Why do Mio and Yukko hang out with Mai when all she ever does is troll them constantly?
>> No. 4237 [Edit]
Why do Mio and Mai hang out with Yukko when she's an annoying unfunny clown?
>> No. 4238 [Edit]
Because mai is a miracle of the universe and the most moe character since the dawn of the very first nut which was brutally busted many centuries ago, ushering in the age of moe and paving the path for moe as we know it today, and the resurrection of our beloved moe lord and savior, mai.

That's just how friendship works man, dealing with people as annoying as they may be, think and thin.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2011, 6:27pm
>> No. 4310 [Edit]
What was the deal with the NASA joke?
>> No. 4322 [Edit]
File 130773178149.jpg - (82.92KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I didn't understand it either.

Although I can see why someone would tap their finger while they were thinking, I didn't understand why she went from simple tapping to banging her hand, to mental-banging on the ground. I rewatched this scene quite a few times and I lol'd a lot.
>> No. 4344 [Edit]
Does Mio and Mai even exist now? They didn't even show up last two episodes.
>> No. 4359 [Edit]
File 130803502883.png - (952.45KB , 1280x720 , shot0001.png )
That happens to be problematic for me, as for the longest time I though Mio was the main character. The reason I believed that was because of the opening scene in episode 1. Mio is on the left, the power position, and she talks more in the opening scene.

Mio's voice is great though.
>> No. 4362 [Edit]
File 130807211492.jpg - (89.71KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater-Commie] Nichijou - 11 (720p) [33AC1210.jpg )
>> No. 4374 [Edit]
Thought the same too.
And Mio's my favorite. ;_;
>> No. 4437 [Edit]
As did I, up till I saw the ED.
She's more likable too I think..
>> No. 4444 [Edit]
Living with Hakase must be tiring. She's cute and all, but she is such a huge brat.
>> No. 4460 [Edit]
File 130846978397.gif - (1.79MB , 250x141 , bubble.gif )
This scene...
>> No. 4462 [Edit]
File 130853280754.jpg - (199.05KB , 1280x720 , yukko face.jpg )
>> No. 4463 [Edit]
How many episodes are left?
>> No. 4464 [Edit]

>> No. 4511 [Edit]
File 13087686986.png - (325.32KB , 1056x792 , b993876df427b938ab849efe962d2462.png )
pew pew pew

I would have liked to see Sakurai's conversation with that cashier drawn out even longer to see who would collapse first from apologizing.
>> No. 4604 [Edit]
File 130920570757.jpg - (108.17KB , 1280x720 , yukko ahegao.jpg )
>> No. 4606 [Edit]
I guess Nano starts school next week
>> No. 4677 [Edit]
File 130965837755.jpg - (148.66KB , 934x710 , 34567235.jpg )
Well, shit.
>> No. 4678 [Edit]
The new OP is awesome
>> No. 4679 [Edit]
Nano's first day reminded me of all my first days at school, only instead of being happy I was always filled with unease and dread
>> No. 4683 [Edit]
I wish I could be that happy about anything.
>> No. 4832 [Edit]
File 131023366397.png - (360.95KB , 744x1052 , nano in the shell.png )
>> No. 4885 [Edit]
File 131052478083.gif - (303.54KB , 985x662 , prof walk.gif )
>> No. 4886 [Edit]
File 131052899945.jpg - (403.66KB , 850x298 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
You won't be able to unsee this picture.
>> No. 4887 [Edit]
File 13105354602.jpg - (2.37MB , 14127x720 , d12db73f41497333368001d718dddfaf.jpg )
>> No. 5082 [Edit]
File 131136132480.jpg - (163.57KB , 1280x720 , waitress.jpg )
Flustered waitress girl is probably how I would act if I ever got a job, only when I teeter on the edge of nervous breakdowns I wouldn't be cute
>> No. 5083 [Edit]
File 131136254176.jpg - (131.54KB , 1280x720 , yukko and prof.jpg )
Oh lord
>> No. 5103 [Edit]
File 131146307920.gif - (1.83MB , 320x184 , 1311462659747.gif )
>> No. 5105 [Edit]
Animation quality dropped like hell in this episode.
>> No. 5110 [Edit]
Somehow I knew that would happen. at least it wasn't as dramatic a drop as in Mitchiko e Hatchin where it went from beutiful to terrible an lazy in the last episodes.
>> No. 5116 [Edit]
File 131155207419.jpg - (120.48KB , 939x720 , Michiko_thumb a.jpg )
>Mitchiko e Hatchin

I thought I was the only one who finished that.
>> No. 5117 [Edit]
I actually still listen to its OST every now and then.
>> No. 5118 [Edit]
I envy that you have so much free time to waste on a bad show.
>> No. 5119 [Edit]
Usually, people who finish watching shows tend to watch it because they enjoy it and not because they have more time than they know what to do with it. But I'm sure you know that already.
>> No. 5120 [Edit]
I actually liked it despite the drop in animation quality. People were just expecting Cowboy Bebop 2 and it wasn't.
>> No. 5121 [Edit]
She tries to hard sometimes...
>> No. 5133 [Edit]
File 131161894699.jpg - (53.74KB , 690x706 , Incoming.jpg )
Brofist incoming
That show was somewhat good. For a short time it filled the hole in my heart left by Bebop, Champloo, and Black Lagoon. Not saying it's as good just saying it was above average.
>> No. 5144 [Edit]
I liked it at the beginning, but then it slowed to a crawl, and by the middle it was just plain boring. I figured I'd pick it back up if people said the ending was worth it, but turns out it wasn't.
>> No. 5148 [Edit]
File 131162604123.jpg - (472.16KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Nichijou 07 [720p][NTS][8A3766F1]_mkv_00.jpg )
C'mon gaiasicle, it was at least average. Had an awesome soundtrack if anything.

I thought the ending was alright. Though, I'm the type that'll accept anything that isn't an "everybody dies" or "everybody gets rez'd" ending.
>> No. 5169 [Edit]
File 131165529641.jpg - (72.09KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs]_Nichijou_-_06_[720p](1)_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
I force-finished it. 'Remember not enjoying it toward the end much back then, but look back at the series and experience in a positive light. My memories always seem to work like that.
>> No. 5173 [Edit]
How do you know these things? O grand animu master teach me your secrets!!

no but seriously
>> No. 5174 [Edit]
The quality of the animation was extremely good it was only a matter of time. Still good though.
>> No. 5209 [Edit]
File 131182327512.jpg - (123.85KB , 1280x720 , crow.jpg )
That crow...
>> No. 5210 [Edit]
i recognized his voice instantly
>> No. 5211 [Edit]

It's Lucky Channel all over again.
>> No. 5212 [Edit]
File 131182450768.jpg - (121.18KB , 1280x720 , mai ok.jpg )
Such a troll, maybe one of the best
>> No. 5335 [Edit]
File 131210515229.jpg - (116.45KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 18 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_0.jpg )
I love this show.
>> No. 5349 [Edit]
File 131215251813.jpg - (368.47KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Nichijou 12 [NTS][720p][ef0213cb]_mkv_00.jpg )
It's too bad Japan doesn't.
Perhaps it isn't moe enough for their refined tastes.
>> No. 5380 [Edit]
File 131223195018.jpg - (45.42KB , 704x396 , nichijouOAD-18.jpg )
I thought this show was awesome at first, but after about 10 ep it started to get kind of stale in my opinion.
It still has a decent amount of funny moments to it, but my interest in it has steadily declining as it goes on.

>my face when watching much of this show
The expression shown in this image is a accurate portrayal of my experience when watching many of the program's segments, such as the Starbucks size joke scene for example, I got the joke, but it got nothing from me.
>> No. 5382 [Edit]
I somewhat agree with you. It saddens my heart to say this since I used to praise Nichijou as the best series from its season, but Im simply not laughing as much as I was before when it began. Somehow, the episodes began to drag from some time to now.
>> No. 5383 [Edit]
Yeah Nichijou would have been better as a 12 episode series
>> No. 5391 [Edit]
I have to disagree. Myself I found Nichijou a bit boring in the begin but let's say after ep 14 it started to be intresting( When Nano started school. Nichijou actually has a plot?). But maybe show is too extended. I find it repeating same jokes, but I still enjoy it very much.
>> No. 5393 [Edit]
You're watching Nichijou for the plot?
>> No. 5394 [Edit]
i like nichijou better with a plot, japanese comedy is almost painful to watch at times, and usually involves 'hilarious' overreactions to something incredibly mundane and ordinary, like being late to school or not having an eraser
>> No. 5397 [Edit]
File 131226052585.jpg - (116.29KB , 704x400 , [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 10 (XviD_AnimeSenshi)_av.jpg )

Yeah, I think I stopped somewhere around ep 12, mainly because I got tired of waiting for them each week.
>> No. 5641 [Edit]
File 131308880124.jpg - (197.26KB , 1277x719 , domestic violence.jpg )
>> No. 5642 [Edit]
File 131309018124.jpg - (112.86KB , 1280x720 , mai dodge.jpg )
Look at those skills
>> No. 5644 [Edit]
It's a good way to kill half an hour during those times where you don't feel like doing anything else.
>> No. 5645 [Edit]
Same can be said about any anime can't it?
>> No. 5646 [Edit]
Good point.
>> No. 5701 [Edit]
I really can't wait for the nichijou figurines.
>> No. 5716 [Edit]
File 131346162679.jpg - (62.71KB , 1280x720 , yukko pen.jpg )
Oh god, I've done that before
>> No. 5730 [Edit]
Is it just me, or have doki subs not been working since ep 16 for anyone else?
>> No. 5732 [Edit]
I just downloaded their latest to test, and they're showing fine for me, using MPC-HC's internal subtitle renderer (i.e not the one that comes with CCCP).

However, upon checking the mkv with mkvmerge, the sub track is not set as default for some mystery reason. The only time this wouldn't be done would be on a dual audio DVDrip or something, where English is set as the default audio and the English subs are forced off. I guess somebody at Doki just forgot to turn them on by default.

In MPC-HC, try this: Right click > Subtitles > Select whatever subtitle track there is, it will probably be named 'English' or 'English, English'. If you still get nothing, make sure the 'Enable' box is checked, there's a key that disables that i'm sure, as i've done it many times and wondered what the fuck happened. If you still get nothing after that, reinstall MPC-HC without any codec packs or whatever.
>> No. 5737 [Edit]
yeah I suspected it was a error on their part, since subs are still there for the op, but I thought it was strange since nobody said anything about it on their site last I checked.
Anyways, Thanks for the help buddy!
>> No. 5741 [Edit]
File 13135601496.jpg - (182.05KB , 800x451 , Untitled-3.jpg )
This whole section was painful to watch. It just made me feel anxious and awkward rather than finding it entertaining at all.

Somewhat related: When I make horrible fuckups like this in a dream, I always try to reload from an earlier save by killing myself.
>> No. 5744 [Edit]
Watching somebody desperately try to mend their fuckups gives me one of the most horrible gut-wrenching feelings I've ever experienced. Fucking sitcoms do it all the time.
>> No. 5827 [Edit]

Yeah things like this get really painful to watch, especially something so blatantly horrible and impossible to cover up. The more she screwed up, the more my heart sunk `~`
>> No. 5880 [Edit]
File 131412668197.jpg - (153.15KB , 1280x720 , sakurai hair.jpg )
The cutest teacher
>> No. 5987 [Edit]
File 131481837331.png - (597.25KB , 1277x709 , wet butt.png )
>> No. 5991 [Edit]
File 131482750590.jpg - (463.83KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Nichijou 22 [720p][NTS][7F17E8F4]_mkv_00.jpg )

That scene was brilliant.
I smiled when she dropped her popsicle.
Now they have an even amount of wealth... er positivity.
>> No. 6030 [Edit]
File 131518453154.jpg - (66.34KB , 1275x717 , mai light.jpg )
>> No. 6041 [Edit]
File 131525681236.jpg - (118.98KB , 1280x720 , sakurai high school.jpg )
>> No. 6136 [Edit]
File 13158535497.jpg - (94.57KB , 1280x720 , yukko bite.jpg )
>> No. 6148 [Edit]
File 131595050918.gif - (2.44MB , 400x320 , 752ddc99e925dd3b4087853d9648ed3b.gif )
>> No. 6205 [Edit]
File 131637321087.jpg - (344.34KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Nichijou - 24 [NTS][720p][C4044EAA]_mkv_.jpg )
>> No. 6206 [Edit]
File 131637325028.jpg - (286.18KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Nichijou - 24 [NTS][720p][C4044EAA]_mkv_.jpg )
>> No. 6207 [Edit]
File 131637329767.jpg - (301.10KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Nichijou - 24 [NTS][720p][C4044EAA]_mkv_.jpg )
>> No. 6209 [Edit]
File 131637902112.jpg - (83.34KB , 1274x719 , nano date.jpg )
This week's episode was awesome. Only one left... ;_;
>> No. 6229 [Edit]
File 131648198319.jpg - (625.74KB , 2560x2160 , 131578142940.jpg )
>> No. 6291 [Edit]
File 131704564716.jpg - (292.68KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater-Commie] Nichijou - 18 (720p) [BECE224E.jpg )
This show was a fun ride from start to finish.

My only regret is that Mai and Mio's sister never met. Two trolls interacting would have been entertaining.
>> No. 6293 [Edit]
File 131706686136.jpg - (105.68KB , 1280x720 , nano ah.jpg )
It may have dragged sometimes, but I'm going to miss this show nonetheless ;_;

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