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File 130179064071.jpg - (441.44KB , 1000x566 , dd1.jpg )
2745 No. 2745 [Edit]
I hadn't heard of this until title today, but I watched it and it was better than I expected. It's very light hearted and fluffy. I don't think anyone looking for a serious drama would appreciate it.

The main draw for me though is admittedly the princess heroine. Her fluffy tail has installed in me some weird desire to see as much of it as possible. I feel like that guy from potemayo.

Has anyone else watched it yet?
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>> No. 2746 [Edit]
File 130179067275.jpg - (105.59KB , 1280x720 , dogdays2.jpg )
Just some random shots
>> No. 2747 [Edit]
File 130179071174.jpg - (168.64KB , 1280x720 , hngg.jpg )
>> No. 2748 [Edit]
File 130179072892.jpg - (96.32KB , 1280x720 , thattail.jpg )
>> No. 2749 [Edit]
File 130179075724.jpg - (146.74KB , 1280x720 , thattail2.jpg )
Yes, all the shots I took were of the princess.
>> No. 2751 [Edit]
File 130179097671.jpg - (183.85KB , 1280x720 , equallycute.jpg )
>> No. 2753 [Edit]
I may pick this up halfway through the season if it turns out to be nothing more than what you describe. If they try some shitty plot then i'm not going to bother.

I may pick this up before halfway through the season for the sake of how cute that character is though.
>> No. 2766 [Edit]
File 13017970167.jpg - (135.04KB , 1280x720 , [LOLENCODE]_Dog_Days_01_[1280x720][FBD82E44]_mkv_s.jpg )
Englishmen are way too cool to use doors or stairs, they simply jump out windows and go wherever they please.
>> No. 2783 [Edit]
Do not underestimate the awesomeness of Englishmen.
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
Is it just me, or are the body proportions out of wack here?
I don't think her head should be that big, or hands that small.
>> No. 2822 [Edit]
Maybe, but it is pretty cute like that. If the art were like that at all times, then it would get weird though.
>> No. 2823 [Edit]
They're perfect in every way.

A good moe guide, hands must be about the same size as the eye's pupil.
>> No. 2825 [Edit]
This show has me hooked just for the childish aspect of it.
Kinda hoping they don't ruin it with fan service, cause i just want a pure action kinda thing for a change.
>> No. 2827 [Edit]
This show has so much cute in it.
>> No. 2828 [Edit]
Same. I'll give it a few episodes before I try it. It does look very cute though...
>> No. 3109 [Edit]
File 130267736089.jpg - (245.50KB , 1280x720 , [Ayako-Himatsubushi]_Dog_Days_-_02_[720p][6E9A0AE2.jpg )
I was really enjoying this show quite a bit.
Its very cute all around..
and I kind of liked the protaganest, he was a welcomed change from the normal worthless look alike ideots with no personality they stick into the leads in to many shows to count, where other guys would have whined and complaining none stop, this guy goes into the situation happily without really questioning it, he just rolls with it, at least it was nice until the moment in this pic, really now, how do you accidentally grab a girls boob, after she falls onto you? for that matter, why would she be struggling to get up unless she's being held down?
I'll still be watching, but I can't say I like the enchii direction it's taken, wasn't long after this boob grab that they started striping female characters..
>> No. 3110 [Edit]
I was unimpressed by the first episode, but seeing Leonmichelle and tsundere green in the second episode made me keep watching it.
>> No. 3116 [Edit]
He didn't know she was a girl so he squeezed if for confirmation.
>> No. 3301 [Edit]
File 130299942021.jpg - (323.44KB , 1280x720 , [TentacleNoises] Dog Days - 03 (1280x720 x264)_mp4.jpg )

A man of taste.
>> No. 3433 [Edit]
File 130360360868.jpg - (118.95KB , 1280x720 , ryoukai.jpg )
>> No. 3435 [Edit]
File 130360369447.jpg - (194.51KB , 1280x720 , heartattacknow.jpg )
>> No. 3450 [Edit]
File 130370282798.jpg - (412.27KB , 1280x720 , [Ayako-Himatsubushi]_Dog_Days_-_04_[720p][0030DC90.jpg )

These two are my favorites.
>> No. 3515 [Edit]
File 130385378114.jpg - (150.75KB , 1280x720 , [Ayako-Himatsubushi]_Dog_Days_-_03_[720p][83703EF1.jpg )
I'll fuck you for your phone de arimasu.
>> No. 3516 [Edit]
File 130385430148.jpg - (104.19KB , 1280x720 , mpc-hc 2011-04-26 22-43-55-78.jpg )
that tail
>> No. 3517 [Edit]
I kinda want to watch this but I can barely keep up with the anime I'm already watching
>> No. 3518 [Edit]
The first few episodes were good but there seem to be an annoying amount of fighting in episode 4. Lets hope there can be more of the dog princess in the next eps.
>> No. 4059 [Edit]
File 130655426547.jpg - (426.36KB , 800x640 , ce90ddc4bfb27c4e06052bedf9eb5c955d5a5655.jpg )
Her singing was a lot better then I expected, I thought they'd do a quick cut away or something and not really show it.

Also, I hope Ayako-Himatsubushi picks up the pace, they're going on 3 ep behind.

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