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File 130178895686.jpg - (89.90KB , 1280x720 , xmen.jpg )
2739 No. 2739 [Edit]
Everything went better than expected:

[X]No crappy CG
[X]Good animation
[X]Acceptable Character Designs
[X]Detailed artwork
[X]Fitting VAs

I'm surprised considering how turdy the last two marvel adaptations were. I think I'm gonna actually follow this
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>> No. 2740 [Edit]
File 130178915015.jpg - (72.83KB , 1280x720 , StorminASundress.jpg )
Also, storm in a sundress.
>> No. 2741 [Edit]
File 130178933772.jpg - (128.87KB , 1280x720 , wolverine.jpg )
Another example of the detailed artwork.
>> No. 2742 [Edit]
Picking this up, but only for Storm.
>> No. 2743 [Edit]
Valid reason.
>> No. 2796 [Edit]
File 130188679574.jpg - (185.95KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20110402194457.jpg )

>I'm surprised considering how turdy the last two marvel adaptations were.

I actually thought Wolverine was lightyears better than Ironman, judging from the few episodes I saw, and seemed a decent enough action-series.

X-Men is looking to be much better than either, though. Glad Wolverine actually looks like Wolverine in this one. Animation is well detailed with that manly 80's shading that gives guys like Otaking hard-ons.

My only complaint, as someone with a great deal of nostalgia for the X-Men cartoon of the early 90's, is the show's thus far complete lack of Gambit. But eh. As long as it doesn't fall to complete shit, I'll keep watching it.
>> No. 2799 [Edit]
>gives guys like Otaking hard-ons.

This is the one downside of the show, Otaking likes it.
>> No. 2800 [Edit]
Just the art isn't enough for me to like it.
>> No. 3003 [Edit]
Finished Ep2, I thought the plot was decent, and the art remained good. I realize most people dislike /co/ stuff but it's worth a shot!
>> No. 3009 [Edit]
Well, I suppose that's good to hear. I was severely disappointed by WOLVERINE since his origin has moments that are just begging to be recreated in the anime genre.

...but they fucked it up.

I've downloaded the first two episodes of X-Men, although it was probably going to collect dust at the back of my playlist. Might bump it up a few notches now.

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