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File 129015700211.jpg - (42.40KB , 471x591 , imsogonnawatchthis.jpg )
267 No. 267 [Edit]
Why haven't you informed me before, Brohnos? I usually don't bother with doing my own research about what's going to be aired next season as I could always rely on chartfag, so I totally missed the news.

The poster says it all, really. Directed by Shinbou, script by Urobuchi Gen (the main scriptwriter of Nitro+), character design by Aoki Ume (which shows, really) AND music by Kajiura Yuki.

I don't really know why I'm posting this as there's not much to discuss yet (other than the incredible staff) but there you go.
Expand all images
>> No. 268 [Edit]
Kind of looking forward to this as the up coming season doesn't seem to have much going for it.
I gots to ask, why all the secretes with this show?
>> No. 269 [Edit]
I can not for the life of me see how Urobuchi Gen is working on this, but I've been excited since this was announced just for that reason.
>> No. 270 [Edit]
I've talked about it quite often in irc. There really hasn't been any more information to make a post about it though.
>> No. 276 [Edit]
File 129020978031.jpg - (64.80KB , 291x178 , 1268300154457.jpg )
I knew Shinbou was directing it, but I didn't know Ume was doing the designs.

I came, again.
>> No. 285 [Edit]
File 129028722939.jpg - (73.32KB , 581x453 , Riko.jpg )
Protag has the same VA as Riko.

I'm in.
>> No. 651 [Edit]
File 12918768175.jpg - (291.54KB , 1572x618 , 1291875820519.jpg )
Some more characters.
>> No. 652 [Edit]
Pink is so cute!
>> No. 655 [Edit]

That's Madoka, the main heroine (surprise surprise).

Also, Eri Kitamura will be voicing 'the blue one', Miki. I'm usually watching shows with her just to hear her voice so that's definitely awesome.
>> No. 656 [Edit]
I like the yellow one because she has a rifle.
>> No. 657 [Edit]
Same here. And because of dem drills.
>> No. 659 [Edit]

Cowboy boots with vertically striped stockings is my new fetish. Also, purple's boots, GOD DAMN.
>> No. 706 [Edit]
We've got information about this show now.

Voices, character archetypes, tiny bits about the story and more on the staff.

Personally, I'm really hyped for it.
The ending and OP will be previewed soon too.
>> No. 707 [Edit]
Madoka isn't bad, but purple is my preference.
>> No. 719 [Edit]
File 12920514579.jpg - (639.56KB , 1400x962 , 164040 .jpg )
>> No. 720 [Edit]
>> No. 721 [Edit]
gray/purple hair has eloquence. Green/blue looks to be derpy moe though
>> No. 722 [Edit]
File 129205312619.jpg - (119.69KB , 1280x720 , oishii.jpg )
The best kind of moe.
>> No. 729 [Edit]
I think the blue will be some sort of tomboyish genki girl , so sure, she'll be a bit derpy.
Gray I think was supposed to be the smart cool exchange student type.
>> No. 733 [Edit]
File 129214019486.png - (377.39KB , 1920x1080 , Konachan_com - 61525 close sakurano_kurimu seitoka.png )
Why do I get this feeling that red girls have always been the most derpy out of all the main characters in a given series?
>> No. 735 [Edit]
Because pink/red is fuwafuwa.
>> No. 938 [Edit]
Red is a warm and extrovert color, or so they say. If colors had personalities anyway.
Fits with that kind of characters well I guess. Better than say silver or blue.
>> No. 1205 [Edit]
  oh god oh god oh god oh god
>> No. 1206 [Edit]
File 129434498470.jpg - (44.79KB , 669x335 , 1236841731092.jpg )
>> No. 1207 [Edit]
File 129434529361.png - (12.89KB , 124x182 , Untitled.png )
Fuck you so much.

I was gonna avoid this since it looked like typical mahou shoujo
>> No. 1209 [Edit]
File 129434584934.jpg - (280.70KB , 1920x1080 , exploded.jpg )
The exact moment
>> No. 1210 [Edit]
File 129434591447.png - (1.65MB , 1920x1080 , right.png )
my nutbladder
>> No. 1212 [Edit]
File 129434600683.png - (127.90KB , 361x278 , here.png )
>> No. 1213 [Edit]
Hhhhhhhnnnngg, looks like I'm gonna have to watch this now.
>> No. 1219 [Edit]
This kinda broadsided me today when the torrent appeared on the trackers. Mahou Shoujo is one of my favorite genres and nothing of note has appeared yet in the current season. Gonna check it out tonight and report back later for some meta.
>> No. 1243 [Edit]
I think [gg] got it right in their torrent comment when they said "This show is about little girls being attacked by the Zan SZS opening.​" There is SHAFT EVERYWHERE and god damn I loved it.
>> No. 1274 [Edit]
File 129455456297.gif - (43.58KB , 838x734 , 1251691269343.gif )
>my face watching
>> No. 1304 [Edit]
File 129463110172.png - (1.01MB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_-_01_[0557C1C6]_mkv.png )
>> No. 1338 [Edit]
  I found this show rather disappointing.
I was really not digging the new age abstract post modern style whatever style of it, reminded me a bit of manabi straight with its not to distant future setting..
Most of the first half of the first episode felt like I was watching bakemonogatari, that didn't really work for me, not for something that's supposed to be a Mahou Shoujo anime.
and what the hell is up with the dark, edgy, emo, evil random 3D papercraft crap?
This show really felt like it was trying to be a hip and edgy Mahou Shoujo for the average punk generation or some stupid crap like that.
This has gotten to be a real bad joke already, ironic parodies of Mahou Shoujo anime, How can you make a parody of what some people call generic anime, when Mahou Shoujo anime are so damn few and far between now?! there's more retakes/parodies of Mahou Shoujo anime then there are Mahou Shoujo anime in the first place, not to say this show is one, but it really did feel like it.
And we can't forget about the QUALITY that kept popping its head up, this really goes to show why it is Shaft uses so many slide shows in their stuff, often times having half an episode of their stuff looking like it was done in PowerPoint or with flash, because they're trying to hide their non existent budget behind what they try to call style, which I find funny, I wish I could get away with calling my cheap crap my style, my small crappy house? that's my style! my old busted up car?! that's my style man! that's how I roll yo!
>> No. 1343 [Edit]
>this really goes to show why it is Shaft uses so many slide shows in their stuff, often times having half an episode of their stuff looking like it was done in PowerPoint or with flash, because they're trying to hide their non existent budget behind what they try to call style

I make cartoons, and that's what I do; partly to make up for how slow I work, but mainly because it's just something I like to do. People praise me for it, too. I probably came to my style the same way Shinbo did, and I really respect him for turning one of the biggest problems that plague animation into one of his greatest strengths.
>> No. 1344 [Edit]
The first half seemed par for the course for mahou shoujo, with a Shaft touch.
>> No. 1390 [Edit]
File 129499421431.gif - (2.85MB , 160x120 , Unlimited X Works.gif )
It's funny because the very last part of your post sounded exactly like it came from a Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Paperblog.

But I don't know, I like it so far, and I like what they're doing with it. It doesn't seem like a parody to me, just seems more like they're trying to put a different spin on Mahou Shoujo. I'm not quite sure why the first part felt like Bakemonogatari to you though, there wasn't even much talking.

I did feel they started to overused the cutout art style from the SZS opening, but that may be because they got good fan reaction from it and thought it'd fit with the mood of the new project. They wanted to show the characters enter a "completely different world" while in magic scenes, so went for something trippy.

They may not have a huge budget, but they at least try to make what they're doing look nice. You think of it as them trying to pass off their low budget as style, but what do you expect them to do with their low budget then, pop out something generic?

And I have to say, this show actually seems like it has a higher budget than most SHAFT shows. Not just with animation, but the staff involved with it and such.
>> No. 1391 [Edit]
Wanted to point at that the QUALITY animation at some points are obvious, but there are some parts that are animated rather nicely.
>> No. 1394 [Edit]
It left very drab, dreary , empty, lonely and desolate to me, not something I think of when I think Mahou Shoujo.

You do make a good point about quality /budget, it's better to cut a corner then not do anything at all, I guess I'm still bother by seeing Ginax do it with P&S, which they didn't have a budget excuse with, they just did something lazy because they could, but that's no reason to criticize this show for it I suppose.
It felt like Bakemonogatari in style as far as camera angels, how the backgrounds were used and such... okay maybe not that much.
I still feel like it's overly dark for a Mahou Shoujo anime, It really seems like they mixed a bunch of elements together that alone might be good for whatever they came from, but just don't seem to jive together, like tossing pizza and lobster and tacos and some pies into a blender, you just end up with a big mess and people asking what the hell is this? which a lot of people do seem to be asking about this show from my understanding.
I guess you could say, I feel like I really got the shaft on this show.
>> No. 1395 [Edit]
Is it me or people are giving Shinbo too much credit for this show? If people are going to praise and bitch things about this show, they should throw it at Gen. Shinbo's directing style just complements Gen's story. It is to be expected to look like that, but nobody expected a mahou shoujo anime to have a pretty dark atmosphere.

I think this show works as mahou shoujo. The story put some weight into a genre that is dabbled in sugar and rainbows and mindless parody.
>> No. 1397 [Edit]
It's about as dark as Nanoha, which makes sense considering they're mahou shoujo made for adults rather than little girls. So far this show is more or less Nanoha by Shaft so I haven't had to ask what the hell it is.

After just two episodes, which have followed the typical pattern of mahou shoujo intros, it's hard to say how the plot is going to turn out, so I don't see much reason to be praising Urobuchi Gen at this point. On the other hand you can get a good idea of direction, animation and such after one or two episodes.

That said, people do act like Shaft=Shinbo, which I think is even less appropriate when they're bringing in an outside script writer.
>> No. 1398 [Edit]
It's way too early to be saying just how dark it'll be; especially given Gen's involvement.
>> No. 1409 [Edit]

I'm still waiting to see what comes out from this. Nanoha wasn't exactly as dark as this, but it certainly didn't feel too much like that sunshine and lolipops feel that most mahou shoujo have.

Truthfully, I wasn't even expecting this to be all sunshine and lolipops, it has the writer of titles like Saya working on it. I was surprised he'd even pick up a mahou shoujo series, and thought right from the start it was going to be different from most mahou shoujo. It wasn't a surprise to me to see them take a grim spin on the genre, and I want to see where they're going with this all.

And yeah, I know what you mean about Panty and Stocking. They overdid the "styling" a lot in it, but I felt they were experimenting a bit like they did with FLCL. Still, I didn't see many styles in the show that looked like they'd work well with future series. And that "exploding" thing got annoying after the first time.

But SHAFT is more in the case of, rather than having the money for an awesome looking car and buying a cheap one with a fancy paint job and passing it off as style, they only have enough money for a crappy car and a few adjustments, so do something unique with what they have so it's more presentable.

I am curious as to how this show would look like without the extra frills thrown on though.
>> No. 1480 [Edit]
File 129552983268.jpg - (4.69KB , 300x168 , kyuubee2.jpg )
Black is right, this thing needs to be taken out. I'm getting narutaru vibes from it.
>> No. 1482 [Edit]
>> No. 1487 [Edit]
Suddenly, grimdark turn from fucking hell ;_;

I'm still in shock over what happened...
>> No. 1488 [Edit]
I've now pretty much just dropped this show like a brick, this show is was to dark and emo for my tastes.
Nanoha might not have exactly been "all sunshine and lolipops" but it sure as hell wasn't this dark.
With character artwork like that of hidamari sketch and an op like this >>1205, is it really so wrong to expect something a little more bright and cheerful? sure it's shaft, but not everything shaft made was dark and edgy.
Also, the camera angels/effects and over all style/presentation of most scenes still make me think it's a lot like bakemonogatari in that regard.
Anyway, screw this, I'm gonna go watch some precure.
>> No. 1489 [Edit]
wimp, you should feel obligated to watch now and see how madoka deals with it and becomes stronger for it. ;_;
>> No. 1491 [Edit]
File 129564130667.gif - (23.28KB , 850x429 , Kaguya rage quit.gif )
Or I can flip my table over, and rage quit.

Of all the she shows this season, this was the last one I expected to have a problem with, I just hope shaft can see me flipping them the bird, because I'm doing as hard as I can.
>> No. 1493 [Edit]
Magic flintlock girl, why? ;_;
>> No. 1494 [Edit]
Why don't they just magic her back?
>> No. 1495 [Edit]

They probably will. The name of the next episode is magic and wishes are real, or something like that.
>> No. 1496 [Edit]
So you really expect a typical mahou shoujo show written by Gen? Strange. It is expected to be dark because of him. Hang in there.
>> No. 1497 [Edit]
File 129567856851.jpg - (76.55KB , 462x389 , 1295668665808.jpg )
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
That'd be so goddamn cheap.
>> No. 1499 [Edit]
I'm not sure how. They foreshadowed it before they foreshadowed her dying even.
>> No. 1509 [Edit]
Except it'll probably be some bullshit where she comes back, but falls apart or is only reanimated with her head hanging off or something dark like that ;_;
>> No. 1529 [Edit]
I really hate seeing cute girls die so I'm glad I never bothered with this show
>> No. 1530 [Edit]
Me too man, me too..
It makes me regret starting this show in the first place.
But what really bugs me is that people seem to think it's cool and make light of it.
I wish I could just forget everything about it.
>> No. 1531 [Edit]
Picked up!
>> No. 1538 [Edit]
I actually would like to watch a very dark and twisted Magical Girl anime (in the same way that Bokurano was a dark and twisted version of the giant robo anime/manga) but I honestly can't shake the feeling that in the end, Madoka's not going to end up too deep in the macabre side and have a fairly positive ending.

I'll probably decide to pick it up again (only watched episode 1 so far) if I hear it's actually really dark and depressing when the anime is finished.
>> No. 1623 [Edit]
I foresee the poor girl regretting her wish...
>> No. 1653 [Edit]
I think Mami was brilliant, so they pretty much killed off my reason for watching the show in episode 3. That, and the witches' world resembles a bad acid trip. So like >>1488, I've dropped it. I didn't expect to do that either.

However, the NGE-like levels of speculation has left me with many unanswered questions, so I will be reading all the spoilers I can.
>> No. 1733 [Edit]
I want to like this show but the witch world animation is just pretentious and overdone in animation worldwide. I might continue it, I don't know.
>> No. 1734 [Edit]
File 12969662763.jpg - (351.15KB , 1194x706 , Kyouko 1.jpg )

ARGH who am I kidding of course I haven't dropped this!

Currently trying to decide who I like better out of Sayaka and Kyouko. After 4 episodes of not particularly liking Homura, she's grown on me.

Looking forward to episode 6.
>> No. 1735 [Edit]
Whichever one you like the most will probably die. Gotta be edgy and all that
>> No. 1792 [Edit]
File 129712768174.jpg - (45.37KB , 600x338 , Mami smokes everyday.jpg )

They're probably all gonna die. However, after the shock of Mami, I've had time to develop a sense of grim expectancy.
>> No. 1797 [Edit]
I finally watched the first episode of this. It's got a very "wat" feel to it, especially the visual style during the battle sequence. Is Shaft usually this strange?

I'll watch some more when the other torrents finish.
>> No. 1798 [Edit]
>Is Shaft usually this strange?
>> No. 1810 [Edit]
I'd say Madoka's definitely the strangest Shaft show I've seen, and I've seen most of them.
>> No. 1814 [Edit]

All Shaft shows are slightly off kilter and mostly HIGH QUALITY. Besides Gainax, they are my favorite studio.

Mahou Shoujo is my favorite genre.

Madoka is basically the greatest show I have ever seen.
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
File 129744860310.jpg - (63.72KB , 519x324 , madoka_kyuube_cuite.jpg )
I like this guy.
>> No. 1883 [Edit]
You don't really believe that?
SHAFT is a low budget studio, and it shows in their work. They are usually hired to do adaptations for manga people have never even heard of. I've noticed long instances of QUALITY in even the first episode. Though I guess you might not have been referring to the visual quality.

I'd usually assume people who claim Madoka to be the best anime they've ever seen of trolling or not having watched much anime at all but it's even more odd that you claim to be a mahou shoujo fan since the show is basically mahou shoujo for people who don't like mahou shoujo along with Nanoha.
As a mahou shoujo fan you really put this above things like Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, Full Moon, and CCS?
>> No. 1884 [Edit]
If the only SHAFT anime I ever saw was Madoka, SZS and Bakemonogatari, then yeah, I'd also think shaft was all wtf, but I haven't, and as such, I can safely say they've maid perfectly good anime that isn't wtf, that makes sense and isn't just style over substance, that's just their more popular stuff.
Saft has made perfectly good anime that isn't filled with mind fuck and power point presentations, I suggest you look them up before passing augment on the studio, some titles I'd recommend that aren't all "wtf" are Ef-a tale of memories, Hidamari sketch, and natsu no arashi.
>> No. 1885 [Edit]
I have to agree with
I don't see how you can be a real fan of Mahou Shoujo and call thing good, I wouldn't even call this a parody of Mahou Shoujo.
This is like some sort of twisted remake for modern day hipsters.
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica is to Mahou Shoujo, what that newer Alice in wonderland movie was to the original works, or like that remake of willy wonka and the chocolate factory, this show isn't even 50 episodes long, everyone that follows real Mahou Shoujo knows that they're always 50+ episodes.

I'll just say it plain out, anyone who's a fan of this show, and claims to be a fan of real Mahou Shoujo is full of crap and or a poser, or just think they know Mahou Shoujo because they saw Nanoha, a Mahou Shoujo which had more of an older audience in mind, real Mahou Shoujo are made (primarily) for little girls, with little girls in mind.
This anime is a disgrace to real Mahou Shoujo, just like finding a ugly fat 3DPD cosplaying as your waifu, they take something nice and pure that we hold dear, dirty it, and make it something ugly, something trendy and hip for the masses, and let me tell you something, gore on magical girls is not trendy or hip, and will never be, it's purely evil, and I don't care what anyone says, you're completely sick in the head if you enjoy killing little girls and you should be ashamed of yourself, but who am I kidding? I'm sure you sick fucks don't care, you're so damn brainwashed into thinking murder and death is cool by the media, I can't really blame you for thinking such things are cool, the media has warped our minds into thinking killing people is cool, we see it all the time in movies now, and do it all the time in video games, so go ahead, play into the system, wear skulls on all your junk, listen to music about fighting authority, play your gore filled violent video games games, joke about how much more fun it is to corrupt things that are pure.
After all, it's good to be bad right?

God damn I hate our society.
>> No. 1888 [Edit]
So many generalizations in this post I don't even
>> No. 1889 [Edit]
I like the part in your argument where you failed to give any logical reason as to why the show is bad other than that little girls die as if that's some self-evident flaw and generalize that anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is a sadistic maniac.

Mods, don't tell me you're seriously going to condone such garbage trollbait posts as this, are you?
>> No. 1890 [Edit]
In case you didn't notice, I wasn't so much saying the show was bad as much as I was saying what they're doing to the genre is insulting.
you want reasons why the show is bad?
what about the witch segments making up half the series being unwatchable headache inducing ugly messes?
or what about the main character of the magical girl anime taking so long to become a magical girl in the first place, and doing more crying then anything else?
>> No. 1893 [Edit]
I didn't pick this up when it aired, but after reading someone say it was effectively an anime drawn with Hidamari Sketch, with a plot by Fate/Zero, I picked it up faster than utorrent could open.

I really enjoy it. Mahou Shoujo is nice and all, but, to me, they feel rather bland after watching one series, namely because you know how each monster battle will end before the fight even begins.

With Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, however, you are forced with the realization that the characters can, and do, die if they make a mistake. It also portrays the process of becoming a magical girl as little different than a deal with a devil, with Faustian references everywhere in the anime.

Concerning the monsters themselves, I felt, at first, that it was a cheap move by the animators, seeing as the purpose was to look poor and childish, so any mistakes made by them would be overlooked, but now I realize that not only are the animators still forced to animate the actual fighting done by the magical girl, but the witches are done so in order to help perpetrate the overall belief that becoming a magical girl is a bad idea.

Assuming you have watched the show, so far it has been shown that becoming a magical girl in this anime, that taking the deal with Kyuube, means you sell your entire life to fight against these apparitions, to go into their worlds, headache-inducing as they are, so often in your life that they might as well be the world you truly live in. Not only, but if you, at any time, make a mistake, you are very likely to lose your life, and you have no colleagues, companions, or even work associates most of the time because of how the system works to pit magical girls against each other in the very spirit of human greed. Putting yourself in the shoes of Madoka and Sayaka at episode 3 or 4, you can understand that this deal is very serious indeed, and the payment for "one wish" is very heavy.

The character who the anime is named after still has yet to be a magical girl by episode 5 (I've not watched 6 yet), and yet this is not out of the writers trying to put off the moment to get more episodes written, but because the very character herself is struggling to decide whether one wish is worth her entire life. She is struggling to decide if one wish is worth her current happiness with her family and friends, which she will have to throw away, as Homura tells her, to live everyday in the world of Mahou Shoujo, complete with the competitive aggression of other magical girls, and to live her entire life searching eternally for witches, their familiars, and their twisted and ugly worlds that defy common logic and hurt the eyes to look at.

For someone who places more value on how characters and their personalities are portrayed and developed, I really like this anime.
>> No. 1894 [Edit]

Madoka is not interested in the wish though, she wants to be a Mahou Shoujo so she can protect people.
>> No. 1895 [Edit]
Which is why she's interested in the wish.

As her exchange with Mami shows ('Become a magical girl for cake?'), she obviously doesn't want to throw the wish away, and so is still carefully deliberating what that wish might be. She just thinks in reverse to the other girls.
They want a wish, and so become magical girls.
She wants to be a magical girl, and so she gets a wish.
>> No. 1990 [Edit]
File 129764045193.jpg - (85.22KB , 640x480 , img_x20110212a.jpg )
lol'd at the head. The guy couldn't get it to balance correctly due to its weight.

>> No. 1998 [Edit]
Shit like this makes me sick and is why I hate this show and the people that enjoy it.
>> No. 2036 [Edit]
>what they're doing to the genre is insulting.
nice opinion.
>what about the witch segments making up half the series being unwatchable headache inducing ugly messes?
What can I say I like it.
>or what about the main character of the magical girl anime taking so long to become a magical girl in the first place, and doing more crying then anything else?
what's bad about that? Don't like character development?

Perhaps you shouldn't expect it to be a typical mahou shoujo show. It's clearly not made for little girls at all.

Also deviating so much from arguably genre defining elements, so of course I wouldn't suggest people to watch it on the basis that "it's a mahou shoujo anime".
>> No. 2037 [Edit]
File 129767835989.jpg - (97.18KB , 600x479 , 1297662429775.jpg )
We could fix this show.
>> No. 2043 [Edit]
File 129774107597.jpg - (73.14KB , 500x707 , Mami FUCKING KILLS that piece of trash.jpg )

I have never agreed with anything so much in my entire life.
>> No. 2044 [Edit]

Even after she was killed I still don't trust Mami.

What happened to her Soul Gem anyway?
>> No. 2045 [Edit]
So what, that cute letter fucker is the root of all evil in this show or something?
From what I've seen around, it looks like people are blaming him for all the problems in the show.

I dropped this show after episode two, but I do have some slight curiosity as to what goes on in it, mostly just because people keep bringing the show up everywhere I go(I'm guessing this is the hit anime of the season, the "it" show?)and they won't soon let me pretend it doesn't exist, as I've so tried.
>> No. 2046 [Edit]
It was shattered or something.

People have been baselessly blaming him since the very beginning. It turned out to not be completely baseless, since he certainly isn't 100% good, but people were really quick to jump on him and still take it too far. It's probably just that the idea of the animal sidekick being evil is too appealing, though I don't see what would be so great about such an obvious subversion.
>> No. 2091 [Edit]
File 129791649916.jpg - (170.36KB , 800x800 , 1297359633405.jpg )
found this pic on 2ch
>> No. 2092 [Edit]
File 129791785377.jpg - (654.83KB , 1680x2932 , 1297913924744.jpg )
Don't believe the lies, this is what actually happened.
>> No. 2097 [Edit]
  full version of the ending is about now

What the flying hell am i reading in this image?
>> No. 2108 [Edit]
File 129796402096.png - (237.15KB , 593x592 , 1297857708288.png )
>> No. 2148 [Edit]
File 129807990210.jpg - (93.76KB , 1280x720 , whatsthis.jpg )
Guys, Mami is fine. She's right here. Chill out.
>> No. 2149 [Edit]
File 129808050682.jpg - (110.51KB , 1280x720 , safecontainer.jpg )
Homura just likes to collect soul gems.
>> No. 2150 [Edit]
File 129808064656.jpg - (147.09KB , 1280x720 , Walpurgis Night.jpg )
Also that Walpurgis night?
>> No. 2151 [Edit]
File 129808076923.jpg - (67.41KB , 1440x810 , wapurgis night.jpg )
I'm pretty sure that's shown at the beginning of ep1.
>> No. 2152 [Edit]
Am I the only one that doesn't get the big deal over why its so bad that they don't have their souls in their bodies but in their soul gems?
>> No. 2155 [Edit]
File 12981161719.jpg - (91.19KB , 1280x720 , tiltstillorange.jpg )
grief seed, or mami? You decide.
>> No. 2156 [Edit]
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>> No. 2157 [Edit]
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>> No. 2158 [Edit]
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>> No. 2159 [Edit]
File 129811774542.jpg - (113.99KB , 1280x720 , completelydifferent.jpg )
every shot the stones look different. Fucking shaft.
>> No. 2161 [Edit]

No, I'm the same way.
>> No. 2176 [Edit]
Because it's dangerous it seems. You saw what happened when Madoka threw Sayaka's, she lost conciousness until it was returned to her. To me it looks like the danger lies in misplacing it or somebody else unknowingly doing harm to it; as was shown by example through Madoka throwing it off the bridge.
>> No. 2185 [Edit]
They'll bring Mami back somehow, right?

...Right? ;_;
>> No. 2193 [Edit]
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>> No. 2198 [Edit]
I lol'd.
>> No. 2248 [Edit]
This is getting really good.
>> No. 2276 [Edit]
Prepare for the worst but hope for the best.
>> No. 2278 [Edit]
File 129878177544.jpg - (336.87KB , 680x3944 , 835474f0c65.jpg )
>> No. 2280 [Edit]
Just wondering, what's the best sub group for Madoka?
>> No. 2303 [Edit]
Nutbladder seems to be the best choice
>> No. 2314 [Edit]
File 129913151339.jpg - (203.67KB , 448x1345 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Saya no Uta spoilers.
>> No. 2321 [Edit]

Normally I don't think I would care enough to argue with someone about subs but this time I've got to do it for the sake of the person who asked the question: NO, Nutbladder is bad and you should feel bad (just a little, though). Their subs for Hidmari Sketch were fairly decent but since then they just keep getting worse. Arakawa Under the Bridge was terrible and now this. Come on. It's like recommending people to watch gg's releases.

The thing is, the only other mentionworthy group who subs Madoka is yesy. That's where I get my weekly fixes and I can't complain. Yes, there are some things that might bother you but it's not like there is anything better out there.

Also, I heard that he show might get cancelled. I won't believe it until I see it but damn, that would be hilarious AND trolltastic.
>> No. 2324 [Edit]

You mean gg?
Why would it get canceled anyway? There are only 12 episodes and we are already by the 9th.
>> No. 2325 [Edit]

>Why would it get canceled anyway? There are only 12 episodes and we are already by the 9th.

No idea, really, I just saw an article posted on /a/, didn't really bother me enough to read it and like I said, I can't see it happening.
>> No. 2326 [Edit]
>Come on. It's like recommending people to watch gg's releases.

That's because it actually is like watching gg subs. Nutbladder's translator is an ex-gg translator (Mandoric). He hated Arakawa but continued to do it, for some reason. He bitched about it every week in the TokyoTosho torrent comments.

gg's policy has always been "fuck around with the subs for the shows we think suck", so he probably just went from there. I mean, he even included a couple commercials in Madoka 8, so I'm guessing he doesn't like the show much.
>> No. 2327 [Edit]
Well the show does suck, so who can blame them?
so a shit show gets shit subs, who cares?
>> No. 2328 [Edit]

The show doesn't suck... it's the only one this season that actually makes me look forward to the next episode. It just has that Shaft special touch.
>> No. 2329 [Edit]
It's stylized emo trash for faggot hipsters.
Just as with much other emo shit, they take something nice and pretty, and turn it dark and grim for faggot emos.
>> No. 2330 [Edit]

Wow, you sound just like /v/.
Anyway, just because something is "emo" "hipster" or "dark and grim" doesn't mean it's bad, it means it just doesn't appeal to your tastes.
Nightmare before christmas is my favorite movie since I was a kid. I won't stop loving it now just because emo kids appeared and made it their flag.
>> No. 2331 [Edit]
Why can't you faggots leave the few nice things in this world alone?
can't you fags just go back to cutting yourself and writing poems or something and leave nice things like mahou shoujo alone? why do you basters have to ruin everything?
>> No. 2332 [Edit]

Easy there, buddy. I'm not telling you what to like or not, but you belong more in 4chan than here with that attitude.
>> No. 2334 [Edit]
I believe he is trolling us.
>> No. 2335 [Edit]

Probably, but that would be another reason to send him to 4chan.
>> No. 2336 [Edit]
So what, you wright off any post you don't agree with as trolling?
my my, aren't we the arrogant ones~
>> No. 2337 [Edit]

No, but if you post "this anime sucks" in the mentioned anime thread where the fans obviously reunite, and then you call them emos, fags, and mahou shoujo killers, THEN you're trolling.
>> No. 2338 [Edit]
Even if it's true?
>> No. 2339 [Edit]

Not saying that's case here (because you sound like a big crybaby to me), but yeah, even if it's true.
>> No. 2340 [Edit]
In other news, episode 9 was pretty boring--especially after the brickshittingly amazing episode 8.

At least Sayaka's witch form was pretty cool.
>> No. 2343 [Edit]
[00:45]<Meeps>good subs out yet?
[00:46]<un_freed>Only if you don't mind people confusing the laws of entropy and energy loss versus usable energy lost.
>> No. 2344 [Edit]
File 129923078818.png - (37.48KB , 642x1830 , 1252503827127.png )

>That's because it actually is like watching gg subs. Nutbladder's translator is an ex-gg translator (Mandoric).

That explains EVERYTHING. Thanks for the info, I don't follow the fansubbing drama but it's good to know stuff like that.


If you really hate this show so much you might as well tell as why. So far it seem like it's a combination of two:

1) I hate it which means it's shit.
2) Not enough rainbows and cute girls doing cute things scenes to call it mahou shoujo. ('can't you fags just go back to cutting yourself and writing poems or something and leave nice things like mahou shoujo alone?')

Neither really explains why the show is 'shit'. And it's not like SHAFT would do a typical mahou shoujo anime in the first place so I don't see why we're 'ruining' it. I would understand if SHAFT would make a sequel to Shugo Chara with Madoka-like plot and atmosphere but the way things are now I don't see how it affects you at all.

Also, using words like 'pretentious', 'hipstershit' or 'grimdark' won't really get you anywhere, as everybody who browsed /a/ for more than a month developed an immunity to it.
>> No. 2345 [Edit]
>just because something is "emo" "hipster" or "dark and grim" doesn't mean it's bad
Sure it does.
>> No. 2346 [Edit]
File 129923535454.jpg - (177.17KB , 700x700 , 1044f18685e049465c0c094f89e1dd37.jpg )
For one they portray it as being cool to kill little girls (emo shit), that alone should send a clear message to any person with the smallest remnants of a conscious that this animated program is horrible.
It disgusts me how fans of this program make fun of such matters, it's sick.
It's bad enough having rule 34 on every single show out there, but here we have people poking fun with gore?
What the hell is wrong with you people? have you no shame?
I for one would say you're bellow pedophiles, they just jerk off to little girls, they don't enjoy hurting and killing them.
and don't pretend this isn't the case, you did go and make fun of the idea of people not liking things that aren't nice, as if "rainbows and cute girls doing cute things" as you put it, is something bad to be made fun? I bet you're one of the people that boast like the fifth you are "the more pure it is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt" as if it was the single best line ever written, you people are just disgusting, but you don't even care do you? you just go masturbate to gore and rape and don't give a single crap how screwed up in the head you are.
This is the kind of crap I'd expect /b/ to be all over, have you no shame at all?
People like you are what makes this world a shitty place to live in, not even in a place like this can I get away from sick freaks such as yourself, Thanks a lot!
>> No. 2347 [Edit]

I can't tell if this is a troll or not...
>> No. 2348 [Edit]
File 129925377565.jpg - (259.69KB , 1440x1722 , 1261248187358.jpg )

Oh man, thanks for that picture. All that blood and it looks so painful, it's amazing. The way her feet are pointing outwards like she's convulsing gets me so hard. I'd just about gotten tired of my Ichigo Mashimaro rape doujins, but I'll be fapping to this for weeks! You're an awesome guy for posting that for us.

Just kidding. I like this show because it's interesting to watch and develops the story in ways that couldn't be predicted from the beginning, has good voice actors, likable characters and a somewhat unique art style. If people wanted gore they'd be watching something that actually shows it and doesn't just give brief flashes or suggestions of it, like Shigurui or Gantz. You're judging an entire show based on a 4 second shot suggesting that something violent is happening off-screen.
>> No. 2349 [Edit]

Have you actually seen the show or are you just making fun of us?
No one ever said that killing little girls is "cool", it's supposed to hurt you. You get in touch with the characters, and then they take them away from you, just so you can get the feeling of losing someone. That's what a tragedy is, and this genre exist for god knows how long.
>> No. 2350 [Edit]
Anyone else utterly disapointed with the alien scheme presented in ep9? I just hope it was a lie to clad himself in heroism.
>> No. 2356 [Edit]
File 12992965928.jpg - (111.46KB , 960x1619 , 1298601194082.jpg )
Yeah, I liked it better when I though QB was some sort of scheming eldritch horror disguising itself as a cute mascot-like character. The whole [spoiler]alien thing[/yourejustgonnareadthisanyway] pretty much came out of nowhere.
>> No. 2357 [Edit]
File 129929790074.jpg - (101.96KB , 379x500 , 1275084186569.jpg )
His story made me think of the First Ancestral Race in Evangelion. The way Sayaka grabbed Madoka felt familiar as well.
>> No. 2359 [Edit]
I don't think it was a lie, but I was a bit disappointed too. I mean... I think I would have actually enjoyed it a lot if it weren't for all the mephistoteles speculah.

I kinda enjoyed Uroboshi throwing us off like that again though, and being a fan of science fiction, it's always cool to see SCIENCE in my anime.
>> No. 2363 [Edit]
I don't care if he's an alien. Does it really fit with the themes up until now? No, but it doesn't really bother me either. And I'm all for suspension of disbelief and SCIENCE is pretty silly but THERMODYNAMICS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY
>> No. 2426 [Edit]
I love time travel.
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
Me too. Today's episode was fantasic, in my opinion.
>> No. 2428 [Edit]
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>> No. 2430 [Edit]
Madoka? More like Higurashi: Magic girl edition.
>> No. 2432 [Edit]
I like how everyone came over the writer before it aired. Now that it's been going on for a while, I think the story has been the weakest part. Hasn't lived up to the hype so far.
>> No. 2433 [Edit]
File 129982702978.jpg - (519.81KB , 1400x800 , no way out.jpg )
I know I'm pretty damn late in saying this, but this show gets more and more depressing with each episode.
>> No. 2434 [Edit]
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>> No. 2435 [Edit]

I think the story is the most interesting part.
>> No. 2468 [Edit]
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>> No. 2469 [Edit]
Most of those people had only read Saya no Uta, and had no other exposure to Urobuchi's writing.
>> No. 2472 [Edit]
I actually liked it
it gave a believable basis for being such a amoral entity.
>> No. 2473 [Edit]
I don't see any problems with the plot in comparison to other anime. It has poblems, but it's better than most.

Most people are even calling the writing its strong point.
>> No. 2474 [Edit]
I expected a unique story given the twisted premise, but I got childish, pointless, rehashed bullshit.

I'm really disappointed.
>> No. 2475 [Edit]
Hyperbole is dumb.
>> No. 2520 [Edit]
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>> No. 2523 [Edit]

Now I'm just seriously confused. It's probably just going to be a grim take on the deconstruction of the slice-of-life genre.
>> No. 2524 [Edit]
oh shinbo, what won't you deconstruct
>> No. 2525 [Edit]
I don't know, it really might just be a generic slice-of-life, but with characters formerly from a grim magical girl show.
>> No. 2526 [Edit]
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>> No. 2527 [Edit]

I'd watch it, if only to see Ume-sensei's character designs put to proper use.
>> No. 2528 [Edit]
I'm not trusting Shinbo with anything. I'm still keeping my guard up. But even then, I'd be trolled either way.
>> No. 2530 [Edit]
When is ep 11 coming out? I can't find it in the usual sites.
>> No. 2531 [Edit]
Japan is kind of going through some stuff right now...
>> No. 2533 [Edit]
Delayed. Normal airings/re-airings of shows that didn't air this week will probably start up again next week.

>> No. 2543 [Edit]
Finally got around to watching episode 10 and I'm blown away again. Very cool.
>> No. 2621 [Edit]
File 130119012079.jpg - (323.56KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_-_10_[1A588994]_mkv.jpg )
So far this and Fractale seem to be the best this season. I don't know why everyone is so mad.


I lol'd.
>> No. 2623 [Edit]

You know how they said it'll be delayed until sometime in April?

You know what happens on April 30th(and/or May 1st, depending on your nation of choice)?

Walpurgisnacht, IRL.

You don't think they would air the last two episodes, the battle with Walpurgisnacht, on the proper date... would they?

>> No. 2644 [Edit]
Finally caught up with this and I am pleasantly surprised, although I would have liked them to further develop some side aspects of the story (like every girl's background) but that might not possible with 12 episodes.

In the end, this show has little to do with Mahou Shoujo, so I can understand when people got angry because it wasn't that and because perhaps these character designs would have made for a good Mahou Shoujo. But hey, there's lots of those already, so I think this is an interesting twist.

After episode 6 the show really picked my interest so that I watched the remaining episodes in one sitting. So if you droped the show, I would still advise you to picked it back up again. It might have a good ending. I don't think anyone here felt it was "cool&edgy" to kill a little girl, and quite frankly it came as a surprise to me when it happened. QB was an asshole the entire time.
>> No. 2645 [Edit]
>there's lots of those already
I dare you to name five with subs that aren't just parodies.

and Yes the character designs are one of the main things that piss me off about this, if they were gonna make this something dark and edgy, they should have made it look so.
>> No. 2646 [Edit]
>if they were gonna make this something dark and edgy, they should have made it look so.
That's kind of the point
>> No. 2647 [Edit]
I'm disappointed because it's Higurashi all over again. Oh well, it's still a good show.
>> No. 2649 [Edit]
The point of the show is to piss off people that like Mahou Shoujo anime, and cute things?
>> No. 2652 [Edit]
Yes, an entire production team and several sponsors got together just to troll you.
>> No. 2653 [Edit]
I knew it!
>> No. 2661 [Edit]
>I dare you to name five with subs that aren't just parodies.
Sailor Moon
Card Captor Sakura
Shugo Chara
Pretty Cure
Princess Tutu
That was incredibly easy. I could keep going.

Also I think they should be able to use whatever the fuck character designs they want. There was plenty of indication beforehand that it was going to be grimdark.
>> No. 2662 [Edit]
If it was so easy, why did you have to dig up shows that are ten years old?
>> No. 2667 [Edit]
File 13014053471.jpg - (211.21KB , 388x534 , Sasami_Mahou_Shoujo_Club.jpg )
>I dare you to name five with subs that aren't just parodies.
Dunno about subs, but I just checked http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/魔法少女アニメの一覧 and in the last decade there have been about 2 or 3 magical girl shows every year. Not sure if you'd consider some of them parodies, although the only shows that sort of parody MS that I'm familiar with are Kannagi and Panty&Stocking, and none of those are listed there.
Granted, a third of those shows seem to be PrettyCure spin-offs...
>> No. 2675 [Edit]
Ratings for the show dropped by 30% after episode 3 aired.
>> No. 2676 [Edit]
That's pretty funny if true
>> No. 2679 [Edit]
I started with the four biggest ones because otherwise you would've said "if it was so easy why would you have to dig up all these lesser-known shows?"
>> No. 2687 [Edit]
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>> No. 2688 [Edit]
He should have stopped after the first one.
>> No. 2689 [Edit]
2&3 didn't make me laugh either, but I liked the last one.
>> No. 2690 [Edit]
File 130150876254.jpg - (97.38KB , 399x1171 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I laughed far more than I should have.
>> No. 2692 [Edit]
I refer you to this
>> No. 2693 [Edit]
Ignoring the fact that's two people out of who-knows-how-many, note they never actually said, "This is funny because the character that died is a little girl." What, you think people laughing at death is a new concept?
>> No. 2695 [Edit]
no, not on 4chan, but I expect people here to be better then that.
>> No. 2696 [Edit]
>God damn I hate our society.
my my, you're such a unique, edgy rebel.
Yeah, I'm sure you would've loved living in an earlier age before our corrupting media existed, back when instead of crying over TV shows with implied off-screen violence, people went to actual live executions with the whole family.
>> No. 2697 [Edit]
"Better" how? Why is it wrong to laugh at a joke about one instance of an abstract concept?

And what does it have to do with 4chan? People are not making these jokes to troll you or get under your skin.
>> No. 2698 [Edit]
You just aren't as sophisticated as us it seems. Maybe if you were more mature, you'd see that we don't need that sort of people around here.
>> No. 2699 [Edit]
Ever heard of "Candide"? How about "The Canterbury Tales"?
>> No. 2701 [Edit]
I still can't tell whether this guy is dead serious or plain trolling. I'm leaning towards the former but it's a terrifying thought.
>> No. 2705 [Edit]
File 130160839970.jpg - (1.23MB , 3671x1600 , 000.jpg )
The manga is even darker than the anime, yet there's absolutely no indication of its grim nature anywhere on the cover, not even in the text on the back.
Good thing your average 8yo girl who gets this as a present from her mommy won't be able to read much of it, due to lack of furigana.
>> No. 2710 [Edit]
Do you have any idea how annoying it is to see people call anyone that disagrees with them a "troll" or how stupid it makes that person look for that matter?
It's like saying to everyone that your a think headed douche bag who's completely incapable and unwilling of seeing the points of views or opinions of others, so you attack their credibility and insinuate they are full of crap, and are disagreeing with your one sided point of view with the soul intention of pissing you off, it's truly amazing how arrogant this is.
It's like calling someone a cheater just becuase you're losing the game, which is something only little kids do, so try to act like a grown up, okay?
>> No. 2711 [Edit]
People don't call you a troll because you disagree, they call you a troll because you disagree in an inflammatory way without expressing any substance behind it.

Calling yourself sophisticated in place of attempting to explain the message you're trying to convey, for example, could easily be interpreted as trolling, because all that's there is an insult and a claim to being superior without a demonstration or explanation as to why.

Think about it, what if I just said "Well, maybe if you had a sense of humor you'd understand why it's okay."
>> No. 2714 [Edit]
>all that's there is an insult and a claim to being superior without a demonstration or explanation as to why

Remind me how that's different then calling people trolls?
>> No. 2719 [Edit]

>anyone who's a fan of this show, and claims to be a fan of real Mahou Shoujo is full of crap and or a poser
>I don't care what anyone says, you're completely sick in the head
>you should be ashamed of yourself, but who am I kidding? I'm sure you sick fucks don't care
>It's stylized emo trash for faggot hipsters.
>Just as with much other emo shit, they take something nice and pretty, and turn it dark and grim for faggot emos.
>can't you fags just go back to cutting yourself and writing poems or something
>I for one would say you're bellow pedophiles
>you people are just disgusting, but you don't even care do you? you just go masturbate to gore and rape and don't give a single crap how screwed up in the head you are.
>This is the kind of crap I'd expect /b/ to be all over, have you no shame at all?
>People like you are what makes this world a shitty place to live in, not even in a place like this can I get away from sick freaks such as yourself,

Sorry but after reading all of those insults I'd rather label you as a troll who's making fun of us than a retard. Also, I understand that you don't like the show. You're entiteled to your opinion. But you don't have to keep reminding us how much you hate it (and us) on regular basis. We gathered as much after your first post.

That's all there is to it, really.
>> No. 2720 [Edit]
File 130167888180.png - (121.80KB , 339x1000 , 1301647789745.png )
The show re-told without people dying and with a QB who isn't evil/uncaring:

http://www.mediafire.com/?tijtpm4avv6m4su (eng)
http://3-me.net/manga (日本語)
>> No. 2722 [Edit]
This is the creepiest image of him i've ever seen.
>> No. 2732 [Edit]
File 130174199160.png - (289.24KB , 426x905 , Каннибализм.png )
April Fool's on 410chan.ru
>> No. 2733 [Edit]
File 130174219065.png - (87.28KB , 356x317 , 130160855198.png )
'nother one
>> No. 2770 [Edit]
File 130179903284.jpg - (107.04KB , 600x400 , 9l4T4.jpg )
Oh wow, even the writer himself got trolled by how deceptively happy the OP is:

Urobuchi Gen - When the storyboard of the OP was done, everyone just burst out laughing, saying "Is it for real ~~~?" (lol)
I admit that that was a deceiving video, but somehow only I got the blame which I just can't accept (lol)
That was made by SHAFT!! I didn't know a thing! I .... the completed storyboard (chopped off at the end so not sure what he wanted to say here)
>> No. 2902 [Edit]
Looks like it's going to be delayed for at least another two weeks.

>> No. 2912 [Edit]
I want my Homu Homu fix, they're taking too long. I can only rewatch ep 10 so many times before I feel like I'm stuck in a loop.
>> No. 2914 [Edit]
good riddance to bad rubbish.
>> No. 2915 [Edit]
I don't like it either but there's no reason to be like that about it
>> No. 2916 [Edit]

lets not turn this into /a/
>> No. 2917 [Edit]

Yes, please, let's not, for the love of everything.
>> No. 2919 [Edit]
little late for that
>> No. 2920 [Edit]
Nope. At least here they don't delete anime related threads and let doubles threads go for hundreds of posts like on /a/
>> No. 2925 [Edit]
File 130221701943.jpg - (174.83KB , 1200x1254 , eoe.jpg )
There's a good chance we'll only see the end by the time the BDs come out in September or so, if at all. After waiting that long, I'm pretty sure any kind of ending will be a disappointment to some degree.
>> No. 2926 [Edit]
How badly was Shaft affected by the situation in Japan ?
I know it's not uncommon for them to have to delay something but this one's taken a long time and so far it wasn't having any apparent problems until the earthquake.
Now they've had a lot of time to come up with something cool and satisfying under normal conditions but if their situation got that bad then I doubt they can make the ending as great as they had originally planned.
It's also a shame the sales have been affected so much.

Something else to think about.
We might have to wait some time for the ending. But in Japan many fans will never be able to watch it in this life.
>> No. 2928 [Edit]
I'm guessing Shaft is delaying it more than necessary because they want the extra time to work on making it better. No other anime was delayed nearly this long so if they wanted something of the same quality as the rest of the series (poor animation etc.) I'm sure they could have put it out by now.
>> No. 2957 [Edit]
This is gonna take longer than Bakemonogatari, calling it ow.

Damn you Shaft, you lazy bastards.
>> No. 2966 [Edit]
Don't make fun of mai studio
>> No. 3025 [Edit]
Fuck yes! Madoka is finally coming back!

>> No. 3027 [Edit]
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>> No. 3369 [Edit]
So is anyone eagerly anticipating the finale tomorrow? I myself will be waiting at my computer all day for the subbed release.
>> No. 3370 [Edit]
I'm going to go ahead and abandon the internet for a day or two.
>> No. 3371 [Edit]
File 130336159214.jpg - (71.11KB , 320x240 , 281069541.jpg )
Full page ad for the ending in Yomiuri Shinbun.
>> No. 3372 [Edit]
I'm waiting with my anus prelubed to take a terrible ending.

If my internet dies tonight I am going to flip shit.
>> No. 3373 [Edit]
The reason why this is a big deal:
>> No. 3376 [Edit]
and now the world explodes.
>> No. 3377 [Edit]
I have no idea what just happened, other than Madoka being erased from Homura's world and becoming God or something.
>> No. 3395 [Edit]
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>> No. 3396 [Edit]
I have no words, but i don't want to do anything right now after watching it...
>> No. 3400 [Edit]
Strictly speaking she wasn't erased. it was her wish to destroy all the witches before they could even manifest herself in place of the magical girls so they wouldn't have had to fought them and become witches themselves in the process. Basically, Madoka's wish was a chicken/egg paradox, because witches were simply the products of magical girls going awry, thus she was sent flying away into different timelines and an infinite loop as a whole, hence Kyoubey's talk about how Madoka's existence is merely a concept
In the end, magical girls, incubators still exist. The only difference is that instead of witches we have demons, who come out of nowhere, and the girls don't get turned to witches or demons by fighting them
Overall for me this was a satisfying end. I would have been immensely disappointed if they had opted for a everyone dies end.
>> No. 3401 [Edit]
The demons were sort of necessary though, if they weren't there then there'd be no point in magical girls and the incubators would never have come to Earth, and we were told what that implied. It makes me wonder whether Madoka as god created the demons in order to change history as little as possible and just remove the loss of hope / being forced to fight your friends aspect of the witch system.

I agree though, I liked the ending a lot. It felt like the writers had a lot of fun playing with the Evangelion parallels as well. But if you're going to post using that name, please at least use a capital K!
>> No. 3402 [Edit]
File 130345368268.jpg - (26.14KB , 400x400 , meh.jpg )
I'm a bit disappointed because I had high hopes, but looking back it concludes the story in a nice way. I just wanted them to make me suffer and cry like a bitch but that didn't happen.

She died for their sins, never forget etc. Mami, Kyoko and Homura are alive in the end but not Sayaka? I don't understand why she has to die. In the end, QB still wins because he still uses humanity as a source of power and granting Madoka's wish, even though it makes the collection of energy harder, has absolutely no impact on the grand scheme of things. How is it that QB can talk to them the whole time while the universe gets restructured? He must be above all of that.
>> No. 3403 [Edit]
This is merely a speculation of my own: Mami and Kyoko were revived because they were killed by witches, while Sayaka was not because she was turned into one, whose kind's existences Madoka wished against. It's possible that she lived in other universes where she may either be a normal girl or a mahou shoujo

As for QB, I don't think this is a matter of win and lose. He came across as an evil that the girls needed to defeat in the previous episodes only because of the cruel cycle where a mahou shoujo's fate as a witch is sealed no matter what action she takes. However, in this route, they get to make a wish, and their lives depend on their battle abilities, so I'll say that it's a fair trade.
>> No. 3409 [Edit]
I dislike these kind of endings.

If it involves flying through space as an eternal incorporeal being it feels like a letdown to me.
>> No. 3413 [Edit]
I hated the black haired chick in the beginning but she turned out to be my favorite character in the end.

I thought Madoka was a bad heroine but turned out she's JUST a normal girl overwhelmed by a huge burden that was suddenly place over her for no reason, and she always felt guilty somehow for what happened to her friends. All in all pretty in-character for a 15 year old.

Loved this show, people can stop comparing it to EVA now, this is something else entirely.
>> No. 3416 [Edit]
Evangelion is to mecha anime what Madoka is to Mahou Shoujo.
>> No. 3419 [Edit]
I wasn't into this as much as some while it was airing, but now that it's over I feel really empty. I guess it drew me in more than I thought.
>> No. 3420 [Edit]
I agree, eva is not something I'd call a mecha anime, and eva fans who think the show is deep are annoying.
>> No. 3423 [Edit]
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I didn't like it that much (I'm more of the traditional pre-Pretty Cure era mahou shoujo fan) and only watched it for the visuals, but it's still nice to see a mahou shoujo series this popular for once.
>> No. 3424 [Edit]
>for once
What was nanoha then?
>> No. 3425 [Edit]
Nanoha was big and will be remembered most likely much longer than this due to steadier fanbase it had, but it was never "anime of the decade 10/10!" overpraised.
>> No. 3426 [Edit]
>"anime of the decade 10/10!"
haha, what are you on?
>> No. 3443 [Edit]
File 130362763170.jpg - (639.17KB , 850x566 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>best show of the decade
Not hard when the decade isn't exactly very old yet and the past few seasons were unusually bad.

I watched the finale with low expectations, but liked both episodes a lot. First anime in some time to make me cry.
>> No. 3445 [Edit]
Apparently the two last episodes were handed to a different studio. Can anyone confirm/deny?
>> No. 3456 [Edit]
Rated higher than TTGL now.
>> No. 3457 [Edit]
>gintama is first
im sorry, this has no credibilty
>> No. 3458 [Edit]
Mal's opinion is worth as much as the people who comment on youtube videos.
In case you have not noticed, they give every anime ever made a 7+
>> No. 3469 [Edit]
File 130376924145.jpg - (0.96MB , 1112x4844 , Meduka_5_cleaned.jpg )
>> No. 3481 [Edit]
Not everyone, of course. I have a 5.9 score average and I'm pretty proud of it.
>> No. 3542 [Edit]
File 130390770981.jpg - (534.56KB , 896x1920 , TVvsBD.jpg )
first BD is out
>> No. 3544 [Edit]
File 130391096312.jpg - (590.99KB , 894x2400 , TVvsBD1.jpg )
I thought Mami's room being so empty had to do with her personality (especially after her parents died), but it was actually just Shaft being Shaft.
>> No. 3545 [Edit]

Knew it. Shaft are lazy bastards but at least they fix their QUALITY for their BD releases. Of course, the re-designs are a different thing entirely and I usually dislike them (I honestly think that the last two panels in >>3542 look way better on the left side).
>> No. 3546 [Edit]

I think the TV ones look way better. More stuff in the background just makes it look cluttered, in my opinion. Something like this might actually put me off buying them.
>> No. 3547 [Edit]

As I already said, SHAFT sucks at re-designing. It was the same with Bakemonogatari. Even though the BD version was more detailed I liked the TV version better. Then again, in Bakemono's case it was mostly the palette change that bothered me, as I liked TV version's blue-purplish one and on the BDs it was changed to boring, orange-reddish palette..
>> No. 3548 [Edit]
So which do you think I should watch? The TV version with SHAFT quality, or the questionable director's cut?
>> No. 3551 [Edit]
This is what SHAFT does, They leave a lot of things just undone because they're lazy and then fans fill in the blanks and think it's deeper than it really is. It's the same reason I dislike post modern art.

That's not to say what they do make is bad, I'm just tired of people reading too far into SHAFT. I do it too sometimes so I'm not saying it's the person's fault either. It's definitely SHAFT's fault.
>> No. 3552 [Edit]
File 130392707555.jpg - (347.04KB , 1920x1080 , QUALITY_in_HD.jpg )
>at least they fix their QUALITY for their BD releases
if only.

well it's not like interior design is necessarily something incredibly deep, it's something pretty basic that is connected directly to the characters and that I expect the studio to keep in mind while creating the show. Even the producers of the shittiest low-budget soap operas put a little bit of thought into how the rooms of their characters are decorated.
>> No. 3553 [Edit]
File 130392755611.jpg - (89.28KB , 633x564 , medukaAndSeyikuInBlurayDefenishon.jpg )
Only the first two episodes are out on BD/DVD, so unless you want to wait till September, you don't have much of a choice.
I wouldn't wait until the last BDs are out though, especially given that the show has a decent re-watch value and how both versions are of questionable quality.
>> No. 3555 [Edit]

>if only.

I wanted to go with 'tend to' and it turns out that's what I should've done. The always did it and usually it's hard to find any QUALITY on their BD releases. Makes me wonder why they didn't even bother this time around, especially considering the major re-designs.

And I agree that Mami's room rooks weird in the BD release. It doesn't fit her personality, especially the modernistic hipster decorations. On the other hand the candle on a candlestick suits her in my opinion. You'd think a girl who uses a freaking flintlock would prefer traditional looking furniture.
>> No. 3556 [Edit]
that's not that bad. Then again this is a show made in 2011, not 1981....
>> No. 3610 [Edit]
There's already an Eva of mahou shoujo. It's called Utena. And it's better than Madoka.
>> No. 3611 [Edit]
I agree, somehow those unnecessary details take away the bleakness, which the 4th, 6th and 7th caps in >>3542 were trying too hard (imo) to convey.
>> No. 3616 [Edit]
I got fed up with waiting for yesy's release yesterday. I posted ITT and said that since I already downloaded [gg] yesy is bound to upload their release within next 24h (I deleted that post later, though). Found this on their page today: “Regarding the status of the last two episodes, the initial TL has been completed, the thing holding us back is a decent enough raw to work with. I apologize for the delay, but please bear with us.”

OTL Honestly, fuck you Murphy.
In the end, [gg] wasn't THAT bad, other than annoying name flipping it was mostly alright from what I could tell.

As for the episodes themselves I don't know if they were good or plain disappointing. Overall, I feel that the whole show was somewhat diappointing.


Decades do not exactly work that way. Decade is simply a 10 years long timeframe. It's not the same as centuries. You can say something is 'the best anime of 2003-2013 decade' and it's perfectly acceptable. The only exception is when you say 'first/second/seventh decade of the xxth century'. Otherwise, you can freely decide when the decade you're talking about starts.

inb4 it turns out it doesn't work that way in the States.
>> No. 3618 [Edit]
Yeah I was waiting for yesy until I saw that and also remembered that I didn't even like Madoka that much so I didn't know why I was waiting for quality subs in the first place. I went with Chihiro's and they were okay.

I thought the last episodes looked pretty but storywise weren't that good. In the end Madoka was just grimdark mahou shoujo without solid plot (despite the pseudoscience thrown in) or memorable characters. The only thing I'll remember it for is that scene in episode 3.
>> No. 3620 [Edit]

Also, the writing was pretty bad in some places (we could argue it was bad overall but that's not my point for the time being). The failed Homura stunt will be what I'll remember the most from the show.

I felt that they tried to antagonize her early on; make her look like Madoka's (and other girls') hostile enemy. The thing is pretty much everybody saw through that and after ep 1 it was pretty obvious that MadokaxHomura is going to be OTP. One could argue that they subtly hinted at it from the beginning but to me it felt like they tried to pull off 'HOLY SHIT HOMURA WAS THE GOOD GUY* ALL ALONG' and it failed miserably. Same thing with Kyouko but to much lesser effect as it didn't even take two episodes (but seriously, I'm tired of change of heart antagonists who suddenly decide to join the good guys).
>> No. 3624 [Edit]
They never tried to show Homura as an antagonist. Her very first conversation with Madoka from the very first episode makes it obvious that her goal is to help Madoka. She's only hostile to other girls, -threatening Sayaka is what comes to my mind first- due to her experiences with them in other timelines as it was explained in episode 10. So saying they tried to pull some "HOLY SHIT HOMURA WAS THE GOOD GUY ALL ALONG" is simply wrong.

But I agree on you about Kyouko. It didn't bother me while watching weekly, but when I rewatched it, her development seemed a little out of place.
>> No. 3628 [Edit]

Well, it happened a long ass time ago so I might be confused about it but that's how I remembered it. I'm too lazy to go and rewatch it, though.
>> No. 3633 [Edit]

In episode 10 it is revealed that Homura is from the future and has redone the current time line 15,439 times.

Wat. Is this accurate or am I being trolled? I don't remember them saying anything like that in episode 10. I thought she did it maybe like 10 times not this much. Fucking MAL.
>> No. 3648 [Edit]
I just listened to the 30 minute audio drama that came with the bluray. It's an extended retelling of Homu's and Madoka's very first meeting. No stunning revelations apart maybe from Meduka's first wish being to save a cat, but a more complete picture of why Homura feels the way she does for Madoka.
>> No. 7072 [Edit]
Madoka's getting a movie!
>> No. 7073 [Edit]
All my moneys!
>> No. 7074 [Edit]


えることに加担した事は事実です。誠に申し訳ありませんでした。 - やらおん

spoke too soon

Post edited on 8th Nov 2011, 1:26am
>> No. 7080 [Edit]
>> No. 7083 [Edit]

Don't celebrate just yet. They're almost certainly going to make a follow up or three after how popular it's been.
>> No. 7112 [Edit]


Maybe if I hear these recap movies are decent enough, I'll just watch them instead of the series.

>or three after how popular it's been.

Good guess.
>> No. 7117 [Edit]

Poor Tohno

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