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File 130138479918.jpg - (1.71MB , 1600x1300 , e55ac2f6a377eec59fe325f8f352094068e6db57.jpg )
2663 No. 2663 [Edit]
Which season did you think was the best, 1 or 2?

Think there's any chance in hell we'll get a third season?

(also, general strike witches thread.)
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>> No. 2665 [Edit]
File 130140387145.png - (396.45KB , 700x700 , Charlotte Yeager.png )
I'm still trying to get through season 2, but it seems to be the better one. Kind of sad that Gonzo was beaten at the only thing they have going for them.

Fun fact: I did a whole report on Chuck Yeager in high school just because of Charlotte.
>> No. 2702 [Edit]
File 130160052052.jpg - (89.18KB , 600x583 , erica trude.jpg )
I liked that Perrine got some backstory in S2.
>> No. 2703 [Edit]
I know I liked one season more than the other but I can't remember which. I think it was season 2.

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