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File 130117635443.jpg - (48.82KB , 712x480 , eve-no-jikan-6-7352593e-mkv_snapshot_20-15_2010-10.jpg )
2609 No. 2609 [Edit]
The area a lot of animes that focus on robots and convey the message that robots are not just cold programmed machines, but are effectively (due to their AI) living beings which - although not human - deserve the same respect, love and rights which humans are inherently deserving of. The subtext of these shows is that being a human isn't inherently special and that to consider only humans as thinking, feeling beings is selfish and illogical. Of course IRL these robots don't exist, so what do you think that the authors of these shows are really talking about? Thats right, they're real message is on the topic of animal rights. Pretty clever of them, don't you think? Buddhism is a lot more common in Japan and a large fraction of Buddhists are vegetarians, so its not too surprising that Buddhist themes would work their way into anime, but it took me a long time to catch on to all the hidden robots = animals discourse.
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>> No. 2626 [Edit]
robots are just a dramatic device
kind of like how cartoons use talking animals because they exaggerate certain human conditions

>> No. 2633 [Edit]
I thought they were directed towards racism, at least that's what I always thought Tezuka's intentions were in Astro Boy.
>> No. 2635 [Edit]
>Over-analyzing things is fun
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
Close to nobody in Japan is vegetarian, I remember reading an article of some massive douche who had been living in Japan for 5 years and prattled on and on about how there's some kind of meat in every product you can possibly buy.

Japanese fiction does tend to portray robots/androids in a much more positive light than most western fiction, where 95% of them are bent on killing/enslaving all humans (Terminator, Matrix, Galactica), 4% are flaming homosexuals (Bicentennial Man, A.I.) and the rest are Lt.Cmdr. Data.
A guy I spoke with on a Japanese message board said he believes that's mostly because Japan didn't have to go through the roughest phases of industrialization, which imprinted machines as something menacing and evil into western thought.
>> No. 2639 [Edit]
>I remember reading an article of some massive douche who had been living in Japan for 5 years
was it Tim Rogers
>> No. 2640 [Edit]
I always figured the western idea of robots being evil and distended to turn on mankind and kill or enslave us all, was half a joke half them being the simple minded ignorant retards they are.
>> No. 2686 [Edit]
Just did a google search. Yeah, it was him.
>> No. 2706 [Edit]

Nope, The start of the robots=bad idea was started in the 1920s. Depends on you ask ,but a lot of professors and critics think that robots in these stories were a proxy for the gender and class tensions of the periods in which these writers lived.
>> No. 2718 [Edit]
File 130164930419.jpg - (63.90KB , 708x480 , 1275328199_00182192.jpg )
Thread somewhat related.

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