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File 130094619733.jpg - (53.03KB , 800x490 , 4064800.jpg )
2578 No. 2578 [Edit]
Yes, i know it's not anime, but it does have an anime feel to it and /ot/ doesn't seem right to place it. (several episodes were animated in japan too, if it matters)

Anyone else watch Wakfu? I decided to try it out a few days ago and got pretty hooked.
Hearing French instead of Japanese was pretty weird at first, but the characters, story, and general feel was pretty nice and refreshing.

I've finished season 1 and started on season 2 and though it felt kinda rushed sometimes, it was a fun ride and the wait for more episodes will drive me insane.
If you wanna check it out, season 1 has a full torrent, but season 2 only has megaupload by episode currently (though s2 is only 4 episodes in anyways)
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>> No. 2579 [Edit]
I saw one episode, and while I didn't really care what was going on, it sure was amazing to look at.
>> No. 2580 [Edit]
I watched it.

I kept wondering why they were speaking Japanese though.
>> No. 2581 [Edit]
Been planning to watch it ever since s1 was airing but never got around to it. Well, time to get downloading then.
>> No. 2583 [Edit]
I saw the first episode a while ago and enjoyed it, I need to get around to watching the rest
>> No. 2792 [Edit]
File 130187845943.jpg - (54.52KB , 864x486 , Wakfu - Special - Nox (Watch after Episode 26 + cr.jpg )
>>2581 here.
Finally finished watching s1 and I am just shocked at that ending. I thought for SURE Sadlygrove would be revived, considering the show has time travel. What the fuck. This is nothing like any of my shonen with cheapass killing off characters only to bring them back alive, what the fuck.

But overall, the show's pretty fun and it really grew on me the more I watched (I wasn't all that interested when I first started out). Still, my favourite episode would have to be the Nox special with character designs done by Masaaki Yuasa, not just because I'm a Yuasa fan but Nox is definitely one of the most interesting characters I've seen in a long time. His backstory was great.

Really looking forward to season 2 now.
>> No. 2801 [Edit]
>But overall, the show's pretty fun and it really grew on me the more I watched (I wasn't all that interested when I first started out).
that's how it was for me too, i only decided to check it out because of screens of eva and amalia i've seen.

season 2 is airing right now, i think up to 5 is subbed and 6 has raws out.
prepared to be unsurprised
>> No. 2818 [Edit]
Ah well, I'm just glad he's back..
>> No. 2820 [Edit]
Same, he is the funniest character next to Ruel after all

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